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1000000% Respect To This Gentleman! ❤💋❤


Tania Admin

For days she undressed and stared in the mirror for a few minutes, I pretended that I did not see her, but I noticed that she looked worried, she tightened her belly, raised her breasts, raised her butt, as if everything were out of place.

One day I took the mirror out of the room and hid it. She came home from work, undressed, turned to the wall and freaked out!

-Where is the mirror?

I said -I took it out

She asked -Why did you take it out ...

- because it does not reflect what I see! I see a beautiful woman, who works hard to achieve everything that has been proposed, who studies, who is the mother of my children and still has time to go out with me. And I know that when you look in the mirror you don't see any of that

She filled her eyes with water, hugged me excitedly and said: - What would I be without you? -I don't know what I would do without you my love 😍

Sometimes all it takes is a word of love, letting that person know that you love all their imperfections and that what they feel for each other goes beyond what the mirror can reflect.


Silver Member
Very well written, I liked it. We can always help those close to us to improve and highlight their virtues, as they themselves often don’t see them.

This doesn’t just happen to women; some men also suffer from low self-esteem, they just don’t express it. We live much of our lives highlighting our defects.

Self-love is the first thing we should nourish; it will help us see our qualities and not get stuck looking at vain things.