• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

WTF ??


Gold Member
Always the victim... Plays for free kicks... Goes in knees first takes cheap shots ..and since he hurt his knee he avoids physical contest at all cost
That pretty much explains it... Nothing racial...

Punk Zebra

Gold Member
Will someone please tell me why Adam Goodes is Boo Boo ed at all AFL stadiums ?????
because he is a protected species & like a certain no.15, not Ryan Crowley, they self reported on their non prescription drug taking & therefore get protected by the AFL


Legend Member
What got me was when the 14 year old girl was named and shamed by the media after he pointed her out Yes her comments were wrong
But if she had physically and verbally abused him her name etc would have been protected as she is a minor

Maybe I'm wrong for disliking Goodes And maybe if the Australia council waited til after his career, to name him Australian of the year it wouldn't have gotten so bad either Looked bad to me Australian of the year dobbing in a child
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Another World Member
Legend Member
Mayb he's being boo-ed cause on the opposition team ...i mean to say u dont xpect an eagles/dockers supporter to cheer /applaud a sydney player do u ..
but we all know why .....u cant boo me ...i was an Australian of the year ..u cant boo me my skin colour diff.SUK IT UP PRINCESS its cause of who/ what u r D.Head

Tania Admin

Booing has been a part of sport forever. He gets booed because he is a sooky lala dibber dobbing soft cock. IMO

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
No one got booed more than Nathan Buckley in his playing days
Sometimes maybe you have to accept your not popular


Did not like his treatment on game day .



Legend Member
After seeing the footage of the Eagles supporters booing Goodes I will put on my other hat
This atrocious behavior would never have occurred with a Dockers crowd
what ya reckon FB2 ?


Silver Member
Will someone please tell me why Adam Goodes is Boo Boo ed at all AFL stadiums ?????

In my opinion a major contributor is the mob mentality and the relative anonymity of football spectating that tolerates and encourages moronic behaviour. I daresay most of the intelectuals who engage in this behaviour at the football, whether they are west coast, hawthorn or any other club supporters, have spent less time thinking about their reasons for booing than those who have contributed to this thread.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
After seeing the footage of the Eagles supporters booing Goodes I will put on my other hat
This atrocious behavior would never have occurred with a Dockers crowd
what ya reckon FB2 ?

That's caus we still waiting to Boo this Guy


Gold Member
Someone’s got to ask the question: why are they booing Adam Goodes and not the other 70 Indigenous AFL players? Adam Goodes...when it comes to controversy ...everywhere you go there you are


Another World Member
Legend Member
He cant accept the fact he's on the opposition side
Wasnt that a tear jerker interview with his old lady ..good grief he's old enough to speak for himself isn't he?
The only person who's making this a racial issue is ADAM GOODES
Resigning will b the best decision he ever made now u 'll b able to settle down in REDFERN where ya belong;)Build a bridge and get over it
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Gold Member
He cant accept the fact he's on the opposition side
Wasnt that a tear jerker interview with his old lady ..good grief he's old enough to speak for himself isn't he?
The only person who's making this a racial issue is ADAM GOODES
Resigning will b the best decision he ever made now u 'll b able to settle down in REDFERN where ya belong;)Build a bridge and get over it

And drive his government funded HSV for 2 years and then trade it for another brand new HSV.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ok Goodes is a champion footballer I will say that, however Raheem Sterling played in front of 99,000 at the MCG and everytime he went near the ball he was booed ONLY because of what he did to liverpool FC no other reason and he knew why he was booed did he come of the MCG and cry racism and Man City lost like the Swans did, no Sterling knew what the boos where for and he knows that when he goes to Liverpool and plays with City he will get booed there too, no other reason not because of his skin color, Adam Goodes should let his feet do the talking like all the other Aboriginal players of the AFL.

Kevin Sheedy once said "He would travel anywhere in Australia if he knew of an Aboriginal player whom could become a champion of the game to sign them to Essendon"

Morgan Sapphire

Diamond Member
He is a player who continually dobs in other players for the things he does himself. However, instead of taking the penalties for his own bad playing, he pulls out the racist card and expects penalties for the opposition and not himself. Plenty of players have been booed on and off the field since the beginning of this sport, so maybe he should just SUCK IT UP and get on with it and stop whinging . BOO HOO !


Another World Member
Legend Member
I hope on the day of the 2015 grand final when the players who retire this year,and as has been quoted he may retire , i hope bcause of his actions , NOT the colour of his skin, 100.000 people stand as one during the motorcade, n give him a tremendous BOO!!!!!!!


Gold Member
Racism is interlectual laziness you don't have to think you apply a set of prescribed attributes based solely on appearance. On several occasions indigenous individuals have assumed i was racist because i was white. They were shocked when i told rhem to stop being racist. Their response was virtually i can't be racist I'm black. I pointed out they were assuming things about me based on my colour and that was racist. Adam Goodes assumes that any non indigenous booing him are racist. Need I say any more. As Shakespeare said I think he protestith to much.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
He is a player who continually dobs in other players for the things he does himself. However, instead of taking the penalties for his own bad playing, he pulls out the racist card and expects penalties for the opposition and not himself. Plenty of players have been booed on and off the field since the beginning of this sport, so maybe he should just SUCK IT UP and get on with it and stop whinging . BOO HOO !

+1 Hear hear, well said.


Gold Member
Yeh, f&$kin' toughen right up Goodes you girl, or Chopper will come and chop yer f%"kin ears off.


Foundation Member
Well, black, white or brindle all players have to get used to the fact that the people in the crowds mainly do not come from the upper levels of intelligence or refinement and it would be a mistake to believe that too much deep thought goes into their actions.

The protests, if anything, would only reinforce this behaviour - I mean anyone who ever copped teasing or bullying at school (ie most of us) knows that reacting to the taunts only rewards the bullies and encourages them to greater efforts and don't even think about taking it to the teacher.

The best thing Adam could do is forget about war dances and media comments, put his head down, play the brilliant football he is capable of and let his boots do the talking.


Legend Member
Well, black, white or brindle all players have to get used to the fact that the people in the crowds mainly do not come from the upper levels of intelligence or refinement and it would be a mistake to believe that too much deep thought goes into their actions.

The protests, if anything, would only reinforce this behaviour - I mean anyone who ever copped teasing or bullying at school (ie most of us) knows that reacting to the taunts only rewards the bullies and encourages them to greater efforts and don't even think about taking it to the teacher.

The best thing Adam could do is forget about war dances and media comments, put his head down, play the brilliant football he is capable of and let his boots do the talking.
I go to the footy Svengali
Oh I get it :sorry:


Gold Member
Well, black, white or brindle all players have to get used to the fact that the people in the crowds mainly do not come from the upper levels of intelligence or refinement and it would be a mistake to believe that too much deep thought goes into their actions.

The protests, if anything, would only reinforce this behaviour - I mean anyone who ever copped teasing or bullying at school (ie most of us) knows that reacting to the taunts only rewards the bullies and encourages them to greater efforts and don't even think about taking it to the teacher.

The best thing Adam could do is forget about war dances and media comments, put his head down, play the brilliant football he is capable of and let his boots do the talking.

Quite the contrary Svengali. I've witnessed normally considerate, rational and intelligent people become one eyed ferals at the footy. Willful ignorance is part of pledging ones allegiance to a chosen team. Even the smartest footy fan will abuse an opposition player if he gets granted a free kick, whether the penalty is appropriate or not. It is a game that turns men into boys, the gracious, righteous and true into dishonest denialists and liars frothing at the mouth in false indignation..


Foundation Member
Nope, you have exactly stated my point. Those feral fans may well be decent likeable people in normal day - to - day life but put them ion a footy crowd and the collective intelligence plummets to prehistoric levels.