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Would you pay???


Legend Member
Help manage a resturant here in Perth W.A. Nothing fancy but the food is quite nice. The question I ask is??? Would you pay for bottled water? We sell bottled water such as Mt Franklin cold from our fridge and 1/100 complain we shouldn`t be charging and that we have to serve tapped water if asked?

Are we in the right or wrong for explaining we only serve the bottled??

Mary Anne PA

It is my belief that water must be made available free . So i would say you can sell your bottled water but must have the option of free tap water in jug or caraffe.

Naughty Thoughts

You could put it on the menu that chilled, bottled water is available and the price as well, and that free water is available as well on request - straight from the tap!

Although I have found that many places do offer free water - usually it's just tap water in a re-usable glass bottle that is from the fridge. Reasonably low cost to the establishment and keeps the tight ones happy.

I think its me is right, there was a law passed at some stage that required water to be made freely available. I remember when I was younger we had to pay for a jug of water the same amount as if we'd ordered a jug of juice or soda. But these days most places don't charge and nightclubs have water dispensers near the dance floors.


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
A glass of tap water should be be free, if it's from the tap & unrefridgerated.

I only drink spring water & hate the taste of any tap water, unless I'm in Canberra.


Majority of places I've been will do a jug of water, same kinda jug as used for a jug of beer, for free.

Perhaps do that *and* keep the Mt Franklin in the fridge with price tag visible?


Foundation Member
If you run an establishment with a liquor license then its part of the license requirement you provide water free of charge.


All restaurant I went to offer watter for free and it's chilled.. i think that if the customer wants to leave the restaurant after dining with a bottle of water, then of course he should pay for that..
All the venues I went to have unlimited free chilled water in jugs or fancy glass bottles whcih remain in the restaurant. Any pre-packaged water is not free.


All restaurant I went to offer watter for free and it's chilled.. i think that if the customer wants to leave the restaurant after dining with a bottle of water, then of course he should pay for that..
All the venues I went to have unlimited free chilled water in jugs or fancy glass bottles whcih remain in the restaurant. Any pre-packaged water is not free.


Gold Member
Don't get me started.:laughing4

I am from the bush and I hate the fact that people are buying bottled water. Sure, some of the city water tastes crap, but I have found most to be ok.

Our children will suffer from not developing their immune systems properly if we don't expose them to the "normal" germs that us oldies grew up with.

To answer the question..... If the water is a commercial product, then sure, charge for it, but if it is from the tap.... refrigerated or not, then no way.

SHMBO is allergic to wine, beer etc, so she opts for just a glass of water..... cheap drinks.:love10:


Foundation Member
It was brought to my attention a few months ago that if you reverse the letters in "Evian" the word is "naive". In my opinion that is a fair description for anyone paying money for old-fashioned H2O in a fancy bottle.

Equally silly is the practise of walking around everywhere sucking on a water bottle every five minutes - I gave that up around the time I learned to walk. Sure, hydration is important and when exercising seriously, the water bottle is necessary but not everywhere, every day.

The stuff coming out of your tap is perfectly safe and if the taste is a problem sticking it in the fridge for an hour or so will improve it. You could also buy a filter and fill your own bottles.

As to pubs and clubs, yes, they have to provide free water and most do. In restaurants I believe the cold carafe of water is a nice welcoming touch but not a deal-breaker.


I'm not against selling bottled water but I think all restaurants should offer cold tap water for free. They are making solid margins on food so no need to be greedy.

I eat out several times a week and even some of the best places in Perth (Ie rockpool, clarkes (best food in Perth hands down) etc) are all happy to give you free water.


Legend Member
Ok... I read that most of you are all against the idea of a resturant only serving bottled water but I ask that is it because of the cost or just the principal?? If you can`t afford a simple cost of $1.20 a bottle can you really afford to dine out?
Has anybody ever asked for some water at McDonalds or Hungry Jacks?
I`m not sure but they might not charge for the water but they will charge for the cup.

Could we do the same??


Its the cost for me as i just think $3 for a bottle water is bad value. Maybe in SE Asia its ok cause a 1.25l bottle is 75c and its the only option.

Many times i've asked for water at macca's / HJ's (particularly Freo). Usually late at night when i'm feeling a tad tired. Never been charged for the water or cup.


WRXXR.. $3 covers bottling, handling, delivery, wholesale markup, retail markup.. it does look expensive but having in view that we pay 9% guaranteed superannuation.. it's kindda normal.. in SE Asia.. $1 /day wages.. sort of justifies why the things are so cheap.. anyway.. bottled water.. ok.. should be paid for.. it's a product therefore not free but cup/mug/glass of water even chilled.. free otherwise there will be people in sumer dehydrated with no money in their pockets in really bad shape.. and I don't think we want to go that way.. ;)


I understand all that but i know they make really good margins on the food so give a little, take a little.

Whether i think bottled water is a sting is irrelevant. I just think a restaurant is very scab if they aren't prepared to have free tap water on hand. By all means sell the special stuff in a bottle but just have the option available.
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I would nearly call it a human right to get free water (tap water that is) if required. Especially in a hot climate like in WA. Wandering through a town and asking for a glass of water even without having a meal there shouldn't be a problem.....and so far it never has been (my experience). There are not a lot of things for free in this life but air to breath and water to drink should be.



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Naive, could be right with Evian considering the stupid price they charge.
The bottle doesn't have to be fancy & exotic.
We buy spring water in large 15 litre containers for $8 to $9 each.
And yes, at times, the bulk stuff has tasted a little strange but we take it back and exchange it for another.

I agree about those jokers walking around the block, with sometimes a 1 litre & some wankers I’ve seen with a 2 litre bottle of water.
We pass those jokers all the time when we’re doing our 45 minute, hard fast paced walking exercise in the mornings or hot afternoon but we never bring water. I mean we live in the suburbs and there are taps everywhere & in 6 years, we have never needed a drink mid way.
Unlike gym workouts that do get very heavy & strenuous & we bring our own 500 refill, from the bulk water we buy, because tap water is CRAP..

Quote that I find dubious & I’ve heard before “The stuff coming out of your tap is perfectly safe” is just as believable as “trust me, my friend is a doctor”.

That's too much credit for Tap water, although I would totally agree it is great for toilet flushing, gardens, showering & putting out fires etc.

A filter just won't cut it for taste & boiling it will not remove heavy metals.

PS: Hi Pocket....watch your head doesn't hit the ceiling..LOL


Full Member
Foundation Member
Quote that I find dubious & I’ve heard before “The stuff coming out of your tap is perfectly safe” is just as believable as “trust me, my friend is a doctor”.

.....I accept that some people don't like the taste of Perth's tap water but to question whether it is safe or not is drawing a very long bow. Not liking the taste of tap water is not the same as suggesting that it's unsafe.



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
OK, It's not just the taste, its the “safe” pungent levels of the added fluoride that seems fluctuate & the erratic change of colour that puts me off.

Each to their own & if you suggest I'm being alarmist then drink it and be happy.
But as you are a respected member of this forum/club, I would rather you just consider the possibilities next time you have a nice, cold, drink of tap water, filtered or not.


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Everyone's a genius when they see it on the internet & so much information for everyone to digest & spew back.
(regurgitated), how lovely & Enlightening.
But if someone gives me another glass of disgusting Perth tap water, warm, cold or filtered, to drink (I can taste the difference) I’m going to get Fkn violent.
I don’t give a Fck where I am.

(unless I’m in Canberra, because for some reason, their water tastes great?)
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Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
My tap water at home is awesome! I used to be a bottled water only person, even for the first few months i lived here... then i had no bottles, and needed a drink... and whaddya know, it tasted good! (my last house was totally foul)
I have tried tap water at my mums and at work... both horrible.
guess i am lucky!

But, if im at a restaurant, generally id prefere to pay for a bottle myself, but like everyone else, i think free tap water should be offered - but maybe only if requested specifically!!


Legend Member
Lets say that I talk with my co workers and we agree to offer tap water if asked, Should we charge a small fee? I mean, somebody still has to wash the glass and if their giving to thier kids to drink what should happen if the glass was to get broken?


Foundation Member
I well remember years ago when I lived in a rented room in Rivervale that the water coming from the taps first thing in the morning looked like tea. Apparently the colour was caused by the ancient cast-iron pipes but the water Authority insisted it was safe.

When I was in Bunbury the water there used to stain fences and buildings and tasted absolutely foul due to soluble iron dissolved in it. Guess what? The Water Authority still said it was safe.


Foundation Member
is it because of the cost or just the principal??

It's the principal in my opinion. If i'm at a nice restaurant (and paying for the privilege) then water out of the tap should be complimentry. Most restaurants I frequent offer this. Surely this is just considered a cost of doing business nowadays, with the marginal cost recovered by the profit made on selling other things?

Of course i'm assuming you're restaurant is semi nice and therefore charging accordingly ;)

If you can`t afford a simple cost of $1.20 a bottle can you really afford to dine out?

For me, it's more a case of if i'm paying to dine out already, then why should I pay more for tap water?


Legend Member
It's the principal in my opinion. If i'm at a nice restaurant (and paying for the privilege) then water out of the tap should be complimentry. Most restaurants I frequent offer this. Surely this is just considered a cost of doing business nowadays, with the marginal cost recovered by the profit made on selling other things?

Of course i'm assuming you're restaurant is semi nice and therefore charging accordingly ;)

For me, it's more a case of if i'm paying to dine out already, then why should I pay more for tap water?

So a bit of tongue in cheek... If you went to see a W/L and expected to provide your own or pay for a condom you would never see that person again??


Foundation Member
Unless the lady was clearly a cut above the rest, then I would probably stick with the 99.9% of ladies who are more than happy to provide this for free ;)

Alecia the Foxx

"Everyone's a genius when they see it on the internet & so much information for everyone to regurgitated, how lovely & Enlightening."



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
"Small minds discuss people,
Mediocre minds discuss events,
Great minds discuss ideas."

Elitist Egomaniac!!!


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
I concur & ok, I guess I'm not as smart as you..

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