• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.

Wife's Fantasies


Bronze Member
As much as I try my wife wont let go or tell me her fantasies ! Fark I'd love to know what she's thinking ! maybe she thinks I'd get angry if she's thinking of some one else, I don't think I would probably more disappointed if the person didn't suit my own fantasy of her fantasying. Anyone else in the same situation ?


Sometimes all it takes is being a little more observant.
When you're both out and about shopping or having dinner, see where her eyes wander to. If they wander to a certain type of man or woman even it may give you some kind of clue with regards to a type of person she fantasizes about.
Alternatively; maybe with valentines day coming up have a sneek peek at what her lingerie sizes are and head out to buy something a little more racey. Tee that up with maybe a night at a hotel just for a different setting and lavish all your attention on your lovely lady