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Why sex is so important,,my theory....


Tania Admin

I have this theory about sex,,,,,

The way the human body functions, Do you use your hands once a day?
Your heart, liver kidneys once a day?
Your feet, legs, arms, mouth, sense of smell etc once a day?
Every part of the human body is used everyday and as a constant, it helps us function correctly, produces chemicals that help us function normally. Well I think our genitals are the same,,why would they be different?
I am much happier and can function better when I have lots of sex, the endorphins produced are necessary to keep my body and mind running all in tune..
That's my theory anyway, to me it makes a damn lot of sense :)

Will be good to hear others thoughts on this :)
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Sex is apparently better (talking energy consuming) than a work-out in the gym.........and definitely more fun.........but as sweaty and sticky.........and as noisy. Given the choice I go for sex :eek:ccasion14


Steve Bond

I was told gym membership was good for you … but apparently you have to actually visit the gym!!
I'm with Tania and Rochelle … let's enjoy horizontal folk dancing … to hell with the gym!:notworthy
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Tania Admin

Sex is apparently better (talking energy consuming) than a work-out in the gym.........and definitely more fun.........but as sweaty and sticky.........and as noisy. Given the choice I go for sex :eek:ccasion14


Perhaps a little more noisy at times lol


Yes, I totally agree with you that sex is so important. Can't live a day without it. And its better than jogging an hour...lol..

Tania Admin

Yes, I totally agree with you that sex is so important. Can't live a day without it. And its better than jogging an hour...lol..

For sure!!!! But when I don't get sex a jog is my next alternative,,,poor me lol


Legend Member
It is important...it is...well 1st it burns calories, builds up your metabolism, stamina. It sure has great benefits and sometimes some people can be real positive and always be in agreement, and some are quite religious to yelling that long hair dude's name...men who are overweight are not getting enough of it...burn baby burn....lol

Tania Admin

It is important...it is...well 1st it burns calories, builds up your metabolism, stamina. It sure has great benefits and sometimes some people can be real positive and always be in agreement, and some are quite religious to yelling that long hair dude's name...men who are overweight are not getting enough of it...burn baby burn....lol

All extremely good points that also support my theory..Thank you Homer xxx's



Gold Member
sex is a great release for everything!!! its needed on a regular basis... if you go without it for to long you tend to go a little stir crazy... i know i do... and well when ur single and have no one then hands come in handy and help keep in on track and not as stir crazy if your able to release the pent up frustration, anger, horniess, etc... tho i do find self fun to be a chore... and can be boring at times i do know its a good thing when ur tired u sleep better as uve gotten that issue off ur chest so to say... i know i sleep better after a 'chore' :p

Tania Admin

tho i do find self fun to be a chore... and can be boring at times i do know its a good thing when ur tired u sleep better as uve gotten that issue off ur chest so to say... i know i sleep better after a 'chore' :p

I call it the Index Sleeping Pill lol Though sometimes it just takes to long to consume as such and doesn't always satisfy the hunger...

Tania Admin

Hmmm poor Adel, had her op on her knee recently. I wonder if she is using this method as a pain killer and to help her sleep?


I know if I release a load I sleep better particularly if it's been a while.


Hmmm poor Adel, had her op on her knee recently. I wonder if she is using this method as a pain killer and to help her sleep?

I know from when I've had surgery I wanted to have a play after but if your body shakes when you orgasm it can be too painful.

Tania Admin

I know from when I've had surgery I wanted to have a play after but if your body shakes when you orgasm it can be too painful.

Ouch! Poor Adel :( After you put it like that I feel even more sorry for her, in pain and not able to self relieve her ardours,,poor poor, poor Adel.


Us horny blokes are programmed to plant our seed we have to have sex we are cavemen haha

Tania Admin

Us horny blokes are programmed to plant our seed we have to have sex we are cavemen haha

Your missing the picture here. It's not just about men,,us women need the same endorphins to function properly too :)


Legend Member
Your missing the picture here. It's not just about men,,us women need the same endorphins to function properly too :)

it's a drug to the mind and soul...without it your a lost soul trolling along aimlessly...having it on a regular basis you function normally with a clear mind, you can actually think. lol...otherwise headaches aplenty.

Naughty Thoughts

Poor Adel, hope she's doing well and recovering from the operation. I've never needed surgery (knock on wood) but I can imagine it isn't a good situation to be in. :(


Sex is like Oxygen
If you dont have oxygen you're not breathing
If you're not breathing you're dead

it's a drug to the mind and soul...without it your a lost soul trolling along aimlessly...having it on a regular basis you function normally with a clear mind, you can actually think. lol...otherwise headaches aplenty.


Legend Member
Whenever I can't get it when I need it I go for a run, at the moment in running about 80km per week :)