• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Gold Member
I expect because they think they will have better sex.
A lot of people think Viagra is some kind of aphrodisiac, but it's not.

I blame the ease of access to internet porn.

I call BS on these excuses.
I've seen tons of porn as well as trying to download it all to my PC.
Watching sex and having sex are two different activities, like watching a sport and playing it, you have a different focus.
Why do people drink bottled water when the tap water is fine?
A huge percentage of people take multi vitamins they don't need.
Drugs for lifestyles have just become consumer lifestyles like many other things in our lives, and people who know no better will but them.
I've seen the Gummy multi vitamins for children FFS.


Bronze Member
I expect because they think they will have better sex.
A lot of people think Viagra is some kind of aphrodisiac, but it's not.

I call BS on these excuses.
I've seen tons of porn as well as trying to download it all to my PC.
Watching sex and having sex are two different activities, like watching a sport and playing it, you have a different focus.
Why do people drink bottled water when the tap water is fine?
A huge percentage of people take multi vitamins they don't need.
Drugs for lifestyles have just become consumer lifestyles like many other things in our lives, and people who know no better will but them.
I've seen the Gummy multi vitamins for children FFS.
Tap water isn't fine


Silver Member
The answer is simple: women are hard to please, both in the bedroom and out.
I used to think the same for many years Jm, until I learned to ask most WLs, 'what gave them the most pleasure'? Bingo, my interactions with most of them since has been nothing short of amazing. Incredibley close and personal sex, and is that not what we hope for when we pay for it?
Happy punter indeed.:excited:


Silver Member
I've used it occasionally when I'm going to a sex party or going to have a threesome. I don't need it to get hard one time but if I know I'm going to nut several times in an evening it can really help so I can get it up reliably for the second, third, or fourth time. If I use viagra too frequently then I start getting headaches from it so it's naturally limiting.

As for younger guys, I don't think viagra overuse is the cause of their problems. I think that it's a symptom of increased stress and social pressure. I feel sorry for young dudes these days who have so many pressures put on them to behave perfectly at all times. I can't imagine what it'd be like trying to navigate the unholy stew of online dating, overstimulation from ubiquitous porn, and political correctness all at the same time. It'd absolutely do my head in and I'd probably have trouble getting it up too if all that BS was swirling around in my head.


Langtrees Perth Graveyard Madam
Silver Member
I've used it occasionally when I'm going to a sex party or going to have a threesome. I don't need it to get hard one time but if I know I'm going to nut several times in an evening it can really help so I can get it up reliably for the second, third, or fourth time. If I use viagra too frequently then I start getting headaches from it so it's naturally limiting.

As for younger guys, I don't think viagra overuse is the cause of their problems. I think that it's a symptom of increased stress and social pressure. I feel sorry for young dudes these days who have so many pressures put on them to behave perfectly at all times. I can't imagine what it'd be like trying to navigate the unholy stew of online dating, overstimulation from ubiquitous porn, and political correctness all at the same time. It'd absolutely do my head in and I'd probably have trouble getting it up too if all that BS was swirling around in my head.
Well said. There are certainly a whole heap of issues they are dealing with these days. :(