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Who is hornier guys or girls



Its public knowledge that guys are horny all the time, but i feel that girls are too indeed very horny but dont publisise it like we guys do, what do you all think


Picworm, I do believe women are very horny. However, I think women have different priorities. Particularly women with children.
Which is why WL's are great, our number one priority at work is sex. We are thinking about it, many more hours of the day then most women. However, if you were to ask your partner/girlfriend/wife to think about sex every hour on the hour, by the time she arrived home she would be one lusty lady.
The other thing to consider is the stigma associated around a "lusty" woman. Women are to appear sweet and demure, or so society demands. Luckily things are changing and women are beginning to reclaim their sexuality once more.

gadget man

Silver Member
I personally think about sex most of the day, maybe I have a higher sex drive
Than normal. I also no a lady friend who has an amasing sex drive wants
Sex 5 - 6 during the day and then another good session at night time
To help her sleep
Gadget man


Bronze Member
Men of course. Women can go days without thinking of sex (so I was told by a female work colleague!).

Perth boy

You got to ask why we have a lot more working ladys than working men?? That will give you the anwser.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Guess society makes us believe that men are more horny plus I think that being admittedly horny as a woman is even now in our modern age look upon 'strangely' by most of the people (lol pretty much everybody who is not a w/l and a punter or a forum member).
Sexual liberation for women is just about 50 years old. We still have some catching up to do.



Ive been surprised i must say, in my everyday profession i work with majority female staff, and the amount of sex talk that goes on its amazing to the point where i am akmost sure there is a bunch of guys with girls voices that im hearing.

I have noticed though, the detail in which females go into is great, where as us males tend to give one liners about how good or bad it was.

My point is i feel that the females are infact very horny creatures, just at times can hide and discuss where appropiate

but how can we males tap into the side of the females with out sounding like a sleezebag?? Cause as much as we want to be that person the girl loves to talk about how can we just generate the sexy conversation, without the girl feeling like we want to jump in their pants on the spot


As a girl who does massage and sees semi naked mem for 8 hours a day i have to say I am the horniest..lol


Men are of course. Once the blood escapes our head and rushes straight to our ... well other places... there is no doubt that our decision making is greatly affected. =p


i think as a general rule guys are but i have had some girlfriends whose sex drive was insane.