• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

What would you do



hi i am 34 and my wife will only have sex when she wants to .....but i need sex every day or two ...we have talked abought it but she thinks i have just get on with it and stop asking it s fucked.....and now my dick is fucking up my life.....please help me!


Bronze Member
Re: what wood you do

Adult services mate? Might end up costly in the end tho...


Re: what wood you do

thanks for you post ...i have thort about it but i shoud not have to pay for sex ...i cant have the fun i want i an hour..i will just keep on keeping on u just never know whats around the bend


Re: what wood you do

Mate I hear u loud and clear! My wife x 2 have been the same. Best bet is to find a woman to have a long term affair with...and see the odd working girl when you can get the $$$ together


Re: what wood you do

thanks for you post ...we it good to know im not in this boat alone


Re: what wood you do

would she be interrested in 3some ? some time it turn women on to try different things ......



Re: what wood you do

she is deffanlete not up for a 3some ...im not shor about it ether i mean there is alot of fun to be had with one female body ...i need to give her what she need too that s the best bit don't get me wrong it would be awesome ..it would take a weekend ....who knows i meet somome to talk to about it one day ...she just does not get it you can't us it as leverage sex. is important .....your body is a weapon access to it is not ...for me ...thank for your post ...it will be all good i am still looking for a fboddy and when i find her i am going to melt her ...lol ;()

Caroline Kennedy

Re: what wood you do

hi i am 34 and my wife will only have sex when she wants to .....but i need sex every day or two ...we have talked abought it but she thinks i have just get on with it and stop asking it s fucked.....and now my dick is fucking up my life.....please help me!

You people make me sick! Why do you ever get married? I hope you don't have children. Another male who can't control his d&%k and has forgotten the true meaning of the word marriage. So you want help hey? Well, here goes.

"Not being able to control your d&%k equals infidelity. Infidelity is only the first temptation, towards pedophilia."

Perhaps they should start by teaching this at school instead of algebra. Then just maybe, we won't have so many dysfunctional f&%$'d up families, not to mention children running around.

Lets start with the definition of marriage:

a) The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

b) A relationship in which two people have, "WAIT FOR IT".......... "PLEDGED" themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife.

It seems you men do not understand the meaning of the word "PLEDGE".

"PLEDGE", means, a "solemn promise" or agreement. Something delivered as security for the fulfillment of a "promise", and subject to forfeiture on failure to fulfill the promise. That is "DIVORCE", "LEGAL EXPENSES", "ALIMONY", not to mention a time in your life when you will finally grow up and realise the stupid mistakes you have made. Of course by then it will be too late because the damage will already be done. But who cares hey? Why should you? We live in the west, where society has forgotten the meaning of the word "RESPONSIBILITY".

So, getting back to "PLEDGE". That is why we have marriage vows. Maybe you remember, maybe you don't, but those vows go something like this.

"In 'sickness' and in health. For richer and for 'poorer'. For better and for 'worse'.

It seems the modern man only hears the the words health, richer and better.

The vows do not say, "In good sex only"!

And just to drive the point home a little further to all of you infidels, as many Muslims correctly call you, because nothing is sacred, not even your own families...

Marriage is "NOT" about securing a "PUSSY" for good "SEX".

So, if you don't like this cold, harsh, reality, of what marriage is really about, then I suggest you leave your wife so she can find a "REAL HUSBAND", someone who will be loyal and unselfish towards her, and never get married again!

Understood? I hope that helps you!

God I can't wait till the "First wives club" reads this!

Alecia the Foxx

Re: what wood you do

There may be some clue to the answer to your dilemma from your crude statement, "I can't have the fun I want in an hour." Why would your wife want to fuck you for an hour?? The only reason I fuck for that long is that I'm being paid. If she is not into sex, then she certainly won't want to put up with it for an hour. I think you are just being too demanding. Try having much shorter love-making sessions with her, and you may find she is a little more receptive. Most women are prepared to accommodate their men, if they are not required to meet excessive demands.

Caroline Kennedy

Re: what wood you do

You people make me sick! Why do you ever get married? I hope you don't have children. Another male who can't control his d&%k and has forgotten the true meaning of the word marriage. So you want help hey? Well, here goes.

"Not being able to control your d&%k equals infidelity. Infidelity is only the first temptation, towards pedophilia."

Perhaps they should start by teaching this at school instead of algebra. Then just maybe, we won't have so many dysfunctional f&%$'d up families, not to mention children running around.

Lets start with the definition of marriage:

a) The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

b) A relationship in which two people have, "WAIT FOR IT".......... "PLEDGED" themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife.

It seems you men do not understand the meaning of the word "PLEDGE".

"PLEDGE", means, a "solemn promise" or agreement. Something delivered as security for the fulfillment of a "promise", and subject to forfeiture on failure to fulfill the promise. That is "DIVORCE", "LEGAL EXPENSES", "ALIMONY", not to mention a time in your life when you will finally grow up and realise the stupid mistakes you have made. Of course by then it will be too late because the damage will already be done. But who cares hey? Why should you? We live in the west, where society has forgotten the meaning of the word "RESPONSIBILITY".

So, getting back to "PLEDGE". That is why we have marriage vows. Maybe you remember, maybe you don't, but those vows go something like this.

"In 'sickness' and in health. For richer and for 'poorer'. For better and for 'worse'.

It seems the modern man only hears the the words health, richer and better.

The vows do not say, "In good sex only"!

And just to drive the point home a little further to all of you infidels, as many Muslims correctly call you, because nothing is sacred, not even your own families...

Marriage is "NOT" about securing a "PUSSY" for good "SEX".

So, if you don't like this cold, harsh, reality, of what marriage is really about, then I suggest you leave your wife so she can find a "REAL HUSBAND", someone who will be loyal and unselfish towards her, and never get married again!

Understood? I hope that helps you!

God I can't wait till the "First wives club" reads this!

And this is exactly why it should be compulsory to attend a course to learn what marriage is really about, and to have a license to wed and especially have children.

"Consequence", of selfish actions!

I should put this to parliament. Imagine how much money the government could save, and how it could reduce the burden on tax payers, by reducing the demand on social security and services, caused by social dysfunction, mental health, unemployment and so on as a result of broken families.

If only immature dh'ds like this actually thought about what the consequences of their actions meant for other people.

Caroline Kennedy

Re: what wood you do

It's a two-way street lady! The man is not always the one to blame.

Coming from a man who supports the operation of illegal Asian massage parlors, you're remark is hardly surprising.

Regardless, you are right, Mr Antonov! You've raised a very good point!

Perhaps they should stitch up the infidel females pussy in the same way they stitch an infidel males penis "deep", in his throat, and see how they like it.

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Farm Boy

Re: what wood you do

And this is exactly why it should be compulsory to attend a course to learn what marriage is really about, and to have a license to wed and especially have children.

"Consequence", of selfish actions!

I should put this to parliament. Imagine how much money the government could save, and how it could reduce the burden on tax payers, by reducing the demand on social security and services, caused by social dysfunction, mental health, unemployment and so on as a result of broken families.

If only immature dh'ds like this actually thought about what the consequences of their actions meant for other people.

And I thought the Kennedy were center left Democrats

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Re: what wood you do

Caroline I find your post close on offensive. Talkin Sex prides itself on being a open forum, but does not tolerate name calling. It also encourages all people to respect the right of others to having differing views from oneself.
The original posters comments were very common and it is very confusing for blokes when they are dating, as teenagers and young adults females are happy to put out as such. Once they marry and the children come along they can't understand why woman close up and sex becomes the furtheriest thing from the minds.
It is actually a natural birth control method, and most woman themselves do not understand what is happening.
Young men need sex more regularly and start waning in their mid thirties. Woman go off sex until around 35 and usually by the time they are 40 start really getting into it, which is often the time the bloke being sexed starved for so long goes off the whole experience and then both parties lose out.
One other interesting fact is more woman have an affair whilst in a committed relationship than men. Woman have a great ability of forgetting about it whereas blokes who want there relationships to work want to go home and confess. The figures are 54% of woman have an affair and only 42% of men have an affair in a relationship so ladies next time you want to crucify the men of the world have a look at yourself and your sisters first.

Please take the time to be polite whilst putting your side of the argument forward, there are always two sides to a story.
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Caroline Kennedy

Re: what wood you do

Caroline I find your post close on offensive. Talkin Sex prides itself on being a open forum, but does not tolerate name calling. It also encourages all people to respect the right of others to having differing views from oneself.
The original posters comments were very common and it is very confusing for blokes when they are dating, as teenagers and young adults females are happy to put out as such. Once they marry and the children come along they can't understand why woman close up and sex becomes the furtheriest thing from the minds.
It is actually a natural birth control method, and most woman themselves do not understand what is happening.
Young men need sex more regularly and start waning in their mid thirties. Woman go off sex until around 35 and usually by the time they are 40 start really getting into it, which is often the time the bloke being sexed starved for so long goes off the whole experience and then both parties lose out.
One other interesting fact is more woman have an affair whilst in a committed relationship than men. Woman have a great ability of forgetting about it whereas blokes who want there relationships to work want to go home and confess. The figures are 54% of woman have an affair and only 42% of men have an affair in a relationship so ladies next time you want to crucify the men of the world have a look at yourself and your sisters first.

Please take the time to be polite whilst putting your side of the argument forward, there are always two sides to a story.

Whilst I understand the points you have put forward, this does not excuse irresponsible behaviour which destroys lives and places an enormous burden on the broader community.

If these young men, as you put it, have a higher sex drive than their female partners, then perhaps they should consider this before getting married, and most certainly, before bringing "new life" into this planet!

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Re: what wood you do

Satisfaction...Is not a selfish thing, It is a sense of fulfilment in one way or the other. & If you are in an unfulfilling relationship for either party? Or your needs ( not wants NEEDS) aren't being remotely considered then yes I would say you have a problem....to beret another member of the forum for your small minded views or personal failures with social behaviour is not a way for anyone to get answers. The individuals who ask there peers for advice before acting should not be punished. The Forum is called Talkin sex? & we are all merely talking for the moment. So if everyone here could take the time of day for one another & understand you do not know all the facts & nor have you walked a mile in anyone else's shoes. That we are no saints ourselves & every human need INCLUDING sex is valid & can be just as hurtful to go without as the next! & surely if Marriage was so sacred then why is it filled with so many people holding on to a loveless marriage out of complacency & no passion or appetite for anything? That doesn't sound very sacred or happy to me?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Re: what wood you do

If this is the case Caroline how come more woman cheat in a relationship then men?
How is it that females and remember I am one, can happily deny it to ourselves and if our men should ever confess to the same behaviour we literally cut there balls off. I have seen it happen so many times.
Isn't also the female duty to see that her husband gets a reasonable amount of sex in the relationship, and isn't also the females responsibility to understand that once she has children her hormones are likely to change and her own desire patterns will change, therefore if she educates herself she won't think her partner is a sex maniac just a normal bloke that has physically needs as she has mental needs for the same understanding.

Caroline Kennedy

Re: what wood you do

If this is the case Caroline how come more woman cheat in a relationship then men?
How is it that females and remember I am one, can happily deny it to ourselves and if our men should ever confess to the same behaviour we literally cut there balls off. I have seen it happen so many times.
Isn't also the female duty to see that her husband gets a reasonable amount of sex in the relationship, and isn't also the females responsibility to understand that once she has children her hormones are likely to change and her own desire patterns will change, therefore if she educates herself she won't think her partner is a sex maniac just a normal bloke that has physically needs as she has mental needs for the same understanding.

To miss Delight, I mean no disrespect because despite what you may believe, I actually do, understand the challenges and necessity of your profession, however, I wouldn't expect a reply any different coming from a person in your profession.

As for the both of you, you take delight in accusing us of being narrow minded. Well let me say this on behalf of the "First wives club". When you have been on the other side, experienced personally, or witnessed first hand, murder, suicide, misogyny, pedophilia, generational physical, psychological and sexual abuse caused by, or as an affect of infidelity, then perhaps you too will understand why many people feel the way we do about the subject.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Re: what wood you do

To miss Delight, I mean no disrespect because despite what you may believe, I actually do, understand the challenges and necessity of your profession, however, I wouldn't expect a reply any different coming from a person in your profession.

As for the both of you, you take delight in accusing us of being narrow minded. Well let me say this. When you have been on the other side, experienced personally, or witnessed first hand, murder, suicide, misogyny, pedophilia, generational physical, psychological and sexual abuse caused by, or as an affect of infidelity, then perhaps you too will understand why many people feel the way we do about the subject.

Understandable...but why by any means do you believe we haven't? Because we used to be sex workers? I am still by all means a human & a woman before, during & after my profession. My only case was not to judge others on account of your experiences, perhaps try to educate them with out being bias or with a heavy hand. I have experienced many things in my life & learned much more from the industry about sexual behaviour.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Re: what wood you do

" caused by, or as an affect of infidelity" What a load of bull de shit. Infidelity as you call it is only the human need for sex...what do you think the purpose of humans is...we were created by sex and everyone of us has a human need for sex.
Check out the cancer figures for nuns. Nuns are ten times more likely to die of breast and cervical cancer than any other group of woman. Why? because they don't use the equipment and machinery god gave us to have a productive for filling life.
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Gold Member
Re: what wood you do


You seem bitter and twisted beyond the norm.
Did a beautiful and sexy working lady seduce your man and take him away from you by providing what you refused to provide.
Perhaps he is happier now.

If this is the case why do you haunt a site that will add to your pain.
Is it really the so called infidellity or the loss of a luxury life style that pisses you off.

Do you really think that by venting your spleen in such a vitriolic manner and using the name of the One True God in such a blasphemous manner that anyone who participates in this forum will really give a shit.

Farm Boy

Re: what wood you do


You seem bitter and twisted beyond the norm.
Did a beautiful and sexy working lady seduce your man and take him away from you by providing what you refused to provide.
Perhaps he is happier now.

If this is the case why do you haunt a site that will add to your pain.
Is it really the so called infidellity or the loss of a luxury life style that pisses you off.

Do you really think that by venting your spleen in such a vitriolic manner and using the name of the One True God in such a blasphemous manner that anyone who participates in this forum will really give a shit.

Well said Whilon and I also will add that the two idiots using the names of living American political celibetys are not posting in good taste.


Re: what wood you do

Hi all, just a newbie saying hello. Looks like a controversial forum!


Gold Member
Re: what wood you do

Funny thing about the internet.
You can say you are from America or Europe or any other place as much as you like.
The proof of course is in the IP address that you use.
Any smart 15 year old would have access to hacking tools that will reveal your true location.

I would advise you to seriously refrain from blaspheming the name and teachings of the one true god before you arouse the interest of our Muslim brothers.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Re: what wood you do

Funny thing about the internet.
You can say you are from America or Europe or any other place as much as you like.
The proof of course is in the IP address that you use.
Any smart 15 year old would have access to hacking tools that will reveal your true location.

I would advise you to seriously refrain from blaspheming the name and teachings of the one true god before you arouse the interest of our Muslim brothers.

I find it quite funny when people create other profiles just in order to back them selves up? Lol I have banned this person & there split personalities. Maybe if more people had a brain or a friend for that matter we wouldn't have to deal with there issues on our forum.:laughing4

Alecia the Foxx

Re: what wood you do

" caused by, or as an affect of infidelity" What a load of bull de shit. Infidelity as you call it is only the human need for sex...what do you think the purpose of humans is...we were created by sex and everyone of us has a human need for sex.
Check out the cancer figures for nuns. Nuns are ten times more likely to die of breast and cervical cancer than any other group of woman. Why? because they don't use the equipment and machinery god gave us to have a productive for filling life.

I never knew that, Maryanne. Do you also think it might be because they would obviously have hang ups about their bodies? I have done some reading in my time which talks about a lot of cancers having a psychological base. I myself am convinced that my mother got breast cancer (and died of it) because she was hung up about her boobs (she hated them.) I hated my boobs too, so I had implants and now I love them. So hopefully I have averted that particular crisis. :laughing4
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Re: what wood you do

I'd learn to spell too .... you make houses from wood ....

what would you do ?


Re: what wood you do

Shame when people do this. I really love a good debate and maybe even learn from it.