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Want to go hairless


thats good

Im a guy i want to know how to shave all the hair off my cock, eg i want to know how to do it and what to watch out for

can anyone help
thanks O0


Burswod Swingers Club
Foundation Member
Use a brand new blade. Don't use a disposable razor - they just aren't shape enough. Use only the weight of the blade & razor don't add any pressure at all and wash the blade every stroke (I usually sit in the shower or bath & use a hand held shower head left running next to me). Don't scrape away a couple of times like you do on your face or you'll end up sore and sorry & probably bleed like crazy. Just let the weight of the blade do the job - its slow but safe - you won't cut yourself and you won't be too sore afterwards. When alls done slap some of your wifes moisturizer on such as oil of ulan or similiar. Good luck.
PS you might won't to do it a day before you are "going out" just in case. (LOL)


I’ve been shaving for years it feels better more hygienic and cooler but be careful don’t do it when your been drinking ever time I’ve did I cut my self but I never bleed mush any way


chrissie said:
There's a really good article on my website about shaving - go to http://lilsub.lkgweb.com/articles.html and scroll down the page till you get to 'Shaving Seminar'


Ty Chrissie, this is something I think I will take on...you have covered every aspect in regard to the question it seems, apart from the Shaving article as I am cruising around I see an extremely informative site....again thanx, I have alot more reading to do now & nice to know it comes from someone "In The Know" :)

Hugh Jorn

An electric razzor is very friendly, or you can use the pop up trimmer just to tidy up.


My Man shaves this way....

When we met my man had a virtual forrest and I was totally hairless, except for my head. He just loves shaven women and says that he has reached the point where he just could not have sex with any woman that was not shaven. Recently he has taken to shaving himself and to be honest I much prefer him that way. I have watched him shave and he now has it down to a fine art and makes it look so easy. originally he used a blade razor and it was just a 'bloody' mess. So he purchased a 'trimmer' and took the initial cut with that. he followed by several passes with his electric shaver. Doing his front upper parts appeared easy, then he tugged on his cock and all the skin around the base became taught, which enbaled him to easily glide over with his shaver (Much easier than for we ladies I might add). Then to get to the difficult bits he lay on the bed, legs in air and just ran his shaver here, there and everywhere, until there was not a hair to be seen. Finally he got the little pocket, battry operated SEIKO shaver, that he had bought for me from Sexpo and that got rid of any little bits of stubble. Then into the shower, and on with the moisturiser.... The result Win, Win, Win!!! he says he no longer perspires in his groin region andno longer suffers 'Jock-Itch'. From my perspective I can now get his manhood deep into my throat without his hairs getting up my nostrils and in my eyes... So we are both winners, I would not now want my man any other way and can now understand why he prefers his women 'Bald and Beautiful'. Ladies, if your Man 'aint shaven go give him the thril of his life and shave him close then bonk him hard, he will love you for it! bye for now, love to all..... Bianca xxx

thats good

I did it i shaved it , 1st used the razor and cream to get all the thick stuff then used the electric clippers tidy up, looks awsome thanks guys :D


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Manscaping for guys


Nick the Bartender

Langtrees VIP Canberra
Silver Member
Phillips Bodygroom Razors are the way to go. Very gentle razors for all over body shaving.

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Phillips Bodygroom Razors are the way to go. Very gentle razors for all over body shaving.

This should be a link to the razor babe with a small pic a pic says 1000 words you should be able to edit your own post for the next 5 hours so do it quickly babe