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Waiting in the hospital


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
What do you do when waiting for any one in hospital. - suppose to be a day surgery -checked in 11am ......
Waiting waiting waiting . Mom zzzzzzz
Waiting waiting waiting ..... Mom. Up
2:30pm. Mother wheeled away .....
Thank heavens for phones which you can read your forum on!!!!
No points for having such a small screen IPhone 5 !!


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
What do you do while waiting ?
I have raided the vending machine ....


Legend Member
I know how you feel DD I took my old man up the hospital this morning
Even having the forum at hand does not disguise the fact your in a bloody hospital


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
I know how you feel DD I took my old man up the hospital this morning
Even having the forum at hand does not disguise the fact your in a bloody hospital
Pity we not in same hospital
...... We could leave the old folk & go catch a REAL coffee at Carousal Shopping Centre !! ;)


Legend Member
Yes another thing about hospital Whats with there Coffee ?
I think coffee over rated at the best of times Smells far better than it tastes (Forgive me Tea drinker talking)
But hospital coffee is half cold and urrgh Cant think of a proper word for now


Legend Member
1. you can borrow a robe and pretend to be a patient.
2. you can start talking to yourself and laugh out loud suddenly.
3. take selfies
4. telling the nurses you would like chips with that
5. flirt with the nurses
6. tell people you know medicine from watching Doogie Howser MD


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Hospital Coffee, probably made with recycled Urine
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Things to do at Hospital;- "Take selfie with the Nurses" LOL

Yes another thing about hospital Whats with there Coffee ?
I think coffee over rated at the best of times Smells far better than it tastes (Forgive me Tea drinker talking)
But hospital coffee is half cold and urrgh Cant think of a proper word for now

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
Now if you were in Pakistan you could look for working ladies.....really.
Because women have to be accompanied by a man when they are out of the house, a hospital is about the only place where it is acceptable for a woman to be on her own.
It is a place were desperate destitute women can "pick up" with less fear of death.
Sad isn't it!


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Yeah I agree very sad. The injustice to women in some of these countries just makes you
"Bow your Head in Shame". These traditions will end one day
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Now if you were in Pakistan you could look for working ladies.....really.
Because women have to be accompanied by a man when they are out of the house, a hospital is about the only place where it is acceptable for a woman to be on her own.
It is a place were desperate destitute women can "pick up" with less fear of death.
Sad isn't it!


Legend Member
Last time I was waiting in a hospital, I begged some paper from the nurses and started planning my next holiday - possible places to go, things to do, what to do before (check passport, needles, etc.).

You can do a fair bit of organizing in a few spare hours !