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W/L Prices for Couples!!

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
As I have been researching and getting ready for the launch of the "new Look" Langtrees.com I have come across over 75% of the industry are charging up to double their hourly rate for couples.
I have never been able to understand this practise, as the ladies that mostly offer couple services are true bi ladies, and enjoy these appointments.
Most couple bookings I have organised over the years involve little play with the gent...usually it is the gent and the W/L together pleasuring the gents partner.
If one enjoys these bookings, why charge double?
Instead would it not be better to have a minimum of two hours, giving the ladies a flirting champagne hour before getting down to the pleasurable hour.
Ladies nas members take the time to post your thoughts.
One Hour is One hour after all, less work is involved for the true bi ladies, so why is the service price doubled.
Two blokes together I can understand, paying double for a couple is the same as buying a pot of tea for two and paying four times the price of two cups.

Miss Macey

Hmmm is this a trend... charging double??

As a TRUE bi W/L, even when working in a M/F couple situation for other cpls... have never charged extra for the lady to be there

If two men then yes... but M/F couples have always paid the same rate as a single in my book!

As you say Maryanne most of the gents involvement is watching (and drooling in my experience).... and often he doesn't wish to have any physical contact with the W/L (or couple) but use it as foreplay for their continued fun once I (or we) have left

Will never charge double as I don't see it as good business practice

My 2 cents anyway xx


hi maryanne,yes totally agree,i have only visited a w/l with my xgirl (rip babee) and have only been charged the normal price,the lady in rivervale who had her own house was very warming at the greeting and did ofer drinks ect.we had a great time and no i didnt go with the w/l but she did want me to.also we were well and truely there for well over the hour more like two and half so i guess she had as good of a time as we did.another time was in Q.L.D. at a inhouse brothel the geisha bathouse,we picked the hottest asian girl(who i had seen by myself) and again had a really hot time,that was a different girl and along time bac,but still she only charged us for a normal hour,i did know her so im not sure if she done it for everyone..another time of recent in perth i booked an escort and the girl came in and said there was another girl in the car so if i wanted them both i could just pay her $100 and have both of them.for the extra money it was well worth it for me and her.so d............... thats one you never knew about.......


I have a half price policy for women... But if accompanied by a gent, I charge $350 for the hour for both of them... And I do go over time, as I find the hour is not enough for everyone to be satisfied. My point of view is that men get a raw deal with having to pay for sex, and the lady not. We all know it is not as easy to get casual sex these days (anyone agree) so it's inevitable that guys visit WL's. Why rub it in their faces by allowing the women to have a piece of the cake for free? But then if they are a cple then the household is saving :) Did anyone enjoy my Pussy Party story? No-one commented (again)... I really shouldn't quit my day job. No fear of that!!! I love it! xxx

Miss Macey

Perhaps I should have clarified that earlier comment. If it is a lady on her own then charge still stands. But couples it's no extra in my book. I have always enjoyed seeing couples enjoying each other and being a part of their fun is always a pleasurable part of my job :)

Miranda Fox

I have also noticed that alot of ladies seem to be charging alot more for Couples ?

With some couples things can be pretty full on. Lots of kissing, oral, and then his choice of who he wants to do business with. Lots of talking, and drinking.
So I agree with the above posts that an Hour is not long enough.
Most Couples I have been with, I have stayed for two or three hours.

A lot of fun Couples have paid $500 or $600 for two hours.
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