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Katie Divine

Bronze Member
What vitamins do you take ?
Personal care is so important and with such busy lives we can get run down.

Tania Admin

Garlic, Horseradish and Vitamin C to strengthen my immunity and my respiratory system, St John's Wort for Anxiety and Cranberry capsules for a healthy urinary system


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Diamond Member
Hair skin and nails however I've just had bloods done to see if I'm lacking anything an then will go from there, I realised we always have sexual health screening but I haven't actually just had an overall screening on everything else !


Gold Member
one multivitamin after every meal
15,000 of Vit C a day over 3 doses :) Though I'll up that to almost 30k if the people around me are getting colds and flu's. If people knew what bowel tolerance of Vitamin C meant, and how to get there safely and cleanly, we'd have a lot less people getting sick each year.

Also take, magnesium citrate, coq10, anti-oxidants, niacin, chromium, zinc gluconate, b complex, pro-biotics, vitamin A&D. I also take a teaspoon of Udo's oil, but only every second day.

Had some health issues in the distant past, now i do the above daily. Haven't had a cold/flu in over a decade.

Uncle Bobby

Diamond Member
one multivitamin after every meal
15,000 of Vit C a day over 3 doses :) Though I'll up that to almost 30k if the people around me are getting colds and flu's. If people knew what bowel tolerance of Vitamin C meant, and how to get there safely and cleanly, we'd have a lot less people getting sick each year.

Also take, magnesium citrate, coq10, anti-oxidants, niacin, chromium, zinc gluconate, b complex, pro-biotics, vitamin A&D. I also take a teaspoon of Udo's oil, but only every second day.

Had some health issues in the distant past, now i do the above daily. Haven't had a cold/flu in over a decade.

don’t you eat?

Uncle Bobby

Diamond Member
one multivitamin after every meal
15,000 of Vit C a day over 3 doses :) Though I'll up that to almost 30k if the people around me are getting colds and flu's. If people knew what bowel tolerance of Vitamin C meant, and how to get there safely and cleanly, we'd have a lot less people getting sick each year.

Also take, magnesium citrate, coq10, anti-oxidants, niacin, chromium, zinc gluconate, b complex, pro-biotics, vitamin A&D. I also take a teaspoon of Udo's oil, but only every second day.

Had some health issues in the distant past, now i do the above daily. Haven't had a cold/flu in over a decade.

is your piss Fluro colour? If so your body doesn’t need all these your putting into it


Gold Member
is your piss Fluro colour? If so your body doesn’t need all these your putting into it

No. The only real supplement that interferes with urine colour is vitamin b3. And if your pee turns orange you take less of it.

I'm 195 cm tall and over 100 kilos, so it takes a lot of vitamins to reach saturation.

I'd challenge you to find a high potency multi vitamin and a 1k mg strength vit c tablet and take one of each with every meal for a month and see how you feel after that. If im wrong lambast me as foolish all you like.

Im pretty confident you'll instead be back on this thread singing its praises.


Silver Member
1 bio zinc,1 glucosamine,2 fish oil, every day. 1 carton of coppers sparkling ale, 1 bottle of Jim beam black or scotch whiskey per week. Spray legs with amazing magnesium oil 2 x a week.

Sia Silver

Silver Member
Iron, calcium, vitamin d, fish oil, ashwagandhaa herb for stress, multivitamin, antioxidant tablet from swisse.


Zinc, magnesium, vitamin d spray, ashwagandha and fish oil should be all you need (as a male).