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Viagra: A Woman's Perspective


Mary Anne PA

Viagra: A Woman's Perspective

Viagra for Him, Viagra for Her
Sounds like a new perfume ad, doesn't it? There are two ways Viagra could affect your sex life: if he takes it and if someday you take it.

If He Takes It
Most people know that Viagra (also called Sildenafil) is the new drug to cure impotency. This can only improve a woman's sex life right? Not always. Many couples in the age group most affected (the 50s or older) grew up with the idea of the missionary position and thrusting as defining sex. As has been mentioned in previous articles (see CAT position and G-spot) this is far from ideal for women's orgasm. Impotency caused some couples to stop physical intimacy all together. They didn't know there are other ways to have sex. But, others discovered what the AIDS/Safe Sex Generation takes for granted. More specifically, many of these couples discovered the clitoris. Some of the women had an orgasm for the first time. Viagra may take women backwards. Whatever communication got you to sexual activity in spite of impotency needs to be used again to express your desire to keep doing what you have been doing. If you are someone who stopped everything and aren't looking forward to going back because it wasn't that good for you anyway, then you need to find the words to talk about this and learn what you want.

If She Take It
Viagra works by increasing blood flow to the genital area. The penis and the clitoris are analogous organs. If the penis can become erect through Viagra, why cant the clitoris? An erect clitoris is necessary for female orgasm, as it is for males. Thus, Viagra could conceivably work for women who are anorgasmic. There have been a few studies done recently on the use of Viagra in women, but most of them have been performed with too few subjects to make any definite conclusions. The most useful study involved treating 33 postmenopausal women, who complained of sexual dysfunction, with Viagra for a time period of three months. These women were then assessed using the self-administered Index of Female Sexual Function (IFSF) and the global efficacy question (GEQ) Did treatment improve your sexual function? Mean scores showed that lubrication improved by 23.2%, orgasm by 7.4%, and clitoral sensation by 31.3%. 21% of the women noted improvement on the GEQ. However, overall only 18.1% of the women had a significant therapeutic response (more than 60% improvement in IFSF score). Negative side effects included clitoral discomfort and hypersensitivity in 21% of the women, headache and dizziness. This study shows that overall sexual function did not improve significantly. However, since there have been relatively few studies done on this subject, at this point no definite conclusions can be made regarding the role of Viagra in women.

Should any normal human being take Viagra to be better than before? Nooooo! This could be like filling up a water balloon that is already full. In men, the term is priapism, which is a very painful prolonged erection. In women, the analogous problem could be pelvic congestion, which is also painful. Viagra is only for people who are already experiencing difficulty with sex.


As this artical says if you dont need viagra stay clear of it. I have a few friends who started using it and now they cant function in the bedroom without it. Save vigra for the day when you realy need it!


i wonder dos it make the sex longer?
i mean before the man spill????
and thank you for your interesting information.


Foundation Member
Oh dear, I feel another soapbox moment coming on.

People, Viagra and other prescription medications are not sold in Coles with the toothpaste for the simple reason that they are strong drugs and, like all strong drugs, legal and illegal, Viagra has some side-effects. These can include fuzzy vision, blinding headaches and priapasm (a stiffy that won't go away)or busting an anneurism and bleeding to death internally.

There are also contra-indications to using it including high blood pressure or a history of stroke and heart disease.

If you find your performance in the bedroom cannot be taken for granted just visit your friendly local G.P. Get him to check you over to eliminate other possible causes for your problems and assess your suitability for the blue pill. All being well you can then carry on carrying on for as long as you want to.

Buying the stuff illegally or borrowing someone else's prescription is about as smart as playing Russian Roulette.


Viagra and any other drugs should be taking only when needs for, and if your doctor prescribed drugtherapy, it shouldn't be taken if you relly dont need:love76:
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