• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

To get them or not to get them


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ahoy Col my Bro;- I do have to agree with Rochelle remark, she is really on the money.
Arrrrrrr to answer your question;- there is;-------legs, arse, personality, height, weight, hair color, skin, smell, hair length and finally my favorite;- what she is wearing.
Ohhhhh myyyyyyy;------why do i always go for the one that is holding a Rum bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL.......thanks HP to spell it out for public understanding............by the way love the second outfit........bet it looks good even without big boobs ;)



Gold Member
I'm sure this one has been asked before but whats the general consensus? Do people prefer real tits or fake tits?

I have to be honest ... my strong preference is for real. I guess I fall into the B-C camp, liking them real but relatively small. Nothing wrong with a good honest D or DD for sure, but there are relatively few smaller sized ladies with true D's and petite ladies will trump larger noms every time for me.

Having said that, a good boob job is still lovely, but I think the girls should consider proportion before going under the knife. I've met a few petite girls who were probably A's naturally, but have opted to go large C or even D, and things are just a bit too 'firm' for my personal preference.

[edit: To be honest, I like ladies in their natural state overall. I like girls a lot, all of them, hair, personality, toes, elbows, hehe, but I like em natural ... not too much makeup (preferably none), not too much shaving, etc, etc, au naturale. Nothing better than waking up next to your lady with messed up hair, pillow crease marks on her face and that natural glow that women have when they've just woken up]


I had a slender framed girlfriend at one time. She was born and with adolescence, developed humongous breast. At the age of 16 her parents, as advised by the doctor, sent her for a breast reduction surgical procedure. This friend of mine, now 53, has said it was the best thing that ever happened to her. Gone were her backaches, the constant snide remarks from men and most importantly - her importantly to enjoy life physically particularly in sport like everyone else. (*) (*) or (( @ )) (( @ ))?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Rochelle;- you do not need the boobs with Pirate Girl fashion/outfits, the clothing is really sexy for big ladies or very trim ladies. Just throw one on and head out into the public and go have a lot of fun, everyone Luv`s a Pirate Girl.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

LOL.......thanks HP to spell it out for public understanding............by the way love the second outfit........bet it looks good even without big boobs ;)



I'm considering getting breast augmentation, but want to get advice from other ladies who've had their breasts done.

Ladies- Is going to Thailand for surgery a bad option? Any recommended doctors? How do you feel about yourself since getting them done?

Men- What are your thoughts on fake boobs ;)


I'm actually looking at getting mine done too, in September in Thailand.

I've had lots of girlfriends travel to Bangkok or Phuket and had very successful operations and never had problems once they've returned to Australia. It seems, to me, that you only hear the bad stories on the news as bad news pulls more readers/watchers than good news!

I'm booking for an Australian company called Global Health Travel, and they organise everything from accommodation with other people who are having surgery, your transport to and from the hospital and anything else you need - all in a package price! Google them, I highly recommend them! I'm heading to Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok, as its one of the top ten hospitals in the world, better than our own hospitals here (which isn't exactly hard...)


Legend Member
A former LT lady that I saw up until recently had it done in Thailand and both she and I were totally impressed. They were the most natural enlargements that I'd ever felt, in fact I had no idea at first until she told me and they really blended in with the overall feel of her body. There wasn't even a noticeable scar or any kind of mark or feel that would suggest enlargements. Quite remarkable I thought. She also said the cost was a fraction of what she would have paid here in Australia. I often don't like breast enlargements but these were perfect.


Perth Escorts
Bronze Member
Easy easy!! Thailand is the best ALL of my girlfriends have had their's done there, and I gotta say that the only difference is the price! All of the work I have seen has been very good if not excellent and I am en route to Thailand in 5 months!!!!!!
tick tock tick tock!!!
Best big birthday present EVER :)


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
I believe a lot of ladies doing breast enlargements because:

1 Some ladies got so much $$$ so they start to spend it irresponsibly, liposuctions ( instead of regular exercise and healthy food) boob jobs ( instead of buying nice push-up bra) nose jobs, lips enlargements etc..
2 Peer pressure. Every night you see all this huge tits into your face at work, and suddenly you start to think..Oh, i can afford to spend $ 3 000, my tits could be bigger, and why not? I work hard, i can do it.
One lady i know, did boob job for her boyfriend. When she came back he hated it so much "rubber balls" so he ask her to take it out.
3. My opinion if you A cup, yes, do it. If you nice B or C cup get yourself nice push-up bra.
I know, now some ladies will say, Oh Anastasia because you have got boobs thats why you talk like that..No! I don't go under the knife of doctor UNLESS I HAVE TO. I know some ladies, after 3 kids, they need to have a boob job ..I dont even call it boob job ITS A BOOB RECONSTRUCTION.-) And its understandable...By the way.. Ladies, you think you would think you would make more $$$ after boob job? Usually, income would be still the same. I ask quite a few ladies if they financial situation improves after surgery. The answer was, Well NO. So, why should someone go through excruciating pain and large sum payments for surgery???
4 And if you still want to do it, please choose the size according to your body frame and find ladies who done it, and could give you names of good doctors. I have seen some bad results.....And choose size not just by millilitres...It look sick when i see tiny body and giant tits on it, that you could see from the back....-))) I have a NUMBER of clients who said they prefer natural look, smaller but NATURAL.
WE ALL WANT TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL. Beauty comes from inside. REMEMBER CAN'T MAKE BMW OUT OF HOLDEN.-)))) Eat well, sleep well, meditate, exercise, study, travel, make yourself better person. Boob job will not fix your insecurities.
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Legend Member
I have a NUMBER of clients who said they prefer natural look, smaller but NATURAL.

Great comments! Yes I'm one guy that really likes the smaller natural firm athletic look which seems to be rare these days. I never met Courtney but her avatar is just the look and size I'm attracted to although ultimately personality is the main quality that attracts.


Foundation Member
I agree completely with Armada's comments.

Unless your breasts are so small as to be abnormal, uneven or otherwise deformed please

Nothing looks better than a nicely formed pair of natural breasts and nothing looks worse than artificially inflated bolt-ons. The problem is that you only get one shot and if that doesn't get the right results further corrective efforts are going to leave you looking like a shark attack victim.

Final point: Yes, it is minor surgery but it still involves a general anaesthetic which is not to be taken lightly as anaesthetists actually kill more people than surgeons.

Mary Anne PA

I just don't like the artificial look and feel you get. Many on this forum speak of the lovely Sha Sha, a slim lovely princess, oh what a treat to behold and caress, then she had her breasts enlarged and ruined it for me. Others were more impressed. Courtney's avatar does it for me too.

I might be treading on thin ice here but often it appears to me that girls dress and look more to conform with peer pressure than appeal to men.

Farm Boy

I might be treading on thin ice here but often it appears to me that girls dress and look more to conform with peer pressure than appeal to men.

Your not out on a limb Wagin its a well known fact ( reference Woman's Weekly a old one found under the seat in a Medical Center Rockingham )


Courtney, Jennifer - this lady has a great smile and I'm sure you have one too! And that's all you need. Come on - look at her smile, isn't it eye catching? I mean her breasts are a bit on the tiny side but her smile makes up for it!


Miss Holly

I think the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery shouldn't be based on other people's perceptions of your body, rather how you feel about yourself. When a woman decides to have surgical enhancements because it'll make her feel more confident and comfortable in her skin, then she should be free to do that without judgement.

For the record, you look gorgeous as you are, and I'm sure you'll still look gorgeous regardless of what you choose. :)


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
omg your crazy dont risk it you have great boobs and is it worth risking what you have? i used to work in a strip club and no one talks enough about the botched jobs, there are some wacky looking boobs out there


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member

ok so theres not much of a chance they'll look like this but i cant stop these are hilarious


View attachment 13298

ok so theres not much of a chance they'll look like this but i cant stop these are hilarious

Oh dear haha these are terrible!!

A few girlfriends of mine have had their boobs done both here in Perth and overseas and it seems the one big difference is the price. I think there is a lot of concern about travelling abroad to get any surgical procedures done, with good reason as there are some hideous happenings and dodgy work that goes on but I think as long as you research and take care it is a good option.

My friend went to Bangkok to have hers done, through one of those overseas cosmetic agencies and she raved about how clean and 5 star like the hospital was, how her apartment was also amazing and how easy it was with everything taken care of. She said she would never have anything cosmetic done in Australia, she would only ever go back to Bangkok - even to get Porcelain Veneers in the future. She recovered quickly and her boobs look and feel amazing ..... naturally I wanted to have a feel :p

Your body is yours to love and enjoy and if you think an enhancement will improve how you feel then go for it!

Rough Ryder

Ryder XX
Silver Member
Best investment I ever made was my boobs ;)

Do your research on potential surgeons in Thailand before choosing one not based on how one girls turned out. I have seen some great and awful jobs from Thailand! Also they wont come with the life warranty that covers ruptures etc as you would get from undergoing the procedure here.

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
Wow some good comments. I was 29 when I had my implants done in NZ. I had an amazing surgeon who constantly talked about the importance of after care. I followed his every recommendation and my boobs are perfect and in proportion to my small frame.
I had had 3 children and feed them all. If I had had another child I am sure they would have become dents in my chest. The decision to have implants was for my own vanity and I have never regretted it. My implants are now 24 yrs old.
I have also had the opportunity to visit Thailand for dental surgery.
I found the hospitals far exceeded NZ on many levels. The level of customer service, cleanliness and surgical procedures certainly was outstanding.
Babe if you want breast implants for yourself then go for it. Ask lots of questions and make an informed decision


Legend Member
I don't prefer fake ones nor do I dislike them.

If you are prepared mentally and physically to go through with it, then it's A ok. Personally, I hate unnecessary pain.


Thanks Dallas and Wagin! I love my avatar photo too, it's one of my favourite photos I've had taken!

I know I'm certainly not getting a boob job for work or for men. I'm quite little up top, but still got my curves down bottom, so I'm only wanting a small adjustment so I feel in proportion. Only person these babies are for, is myself! I'm only looking to move up to a C cup, if they were any bigger I would topple over when I stand up!


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Thanks Dallas and Wagin! I love my avatar photo too, it's one of my favourite photos I've had taken!

I know I'm certainly not getting a boob job for work or for men. I'm quite little up top, but still got my curves down bottom, so I'm only wanting a small adjustment so I feel in proportion. Only person these babies are for, is myself! I'm only looking to move up to a C cup, if they were any bigger I would topple over when I stand up!

I'm available to catch you every time you lose your balance :) :)


Legend Member
Thanks Dallas and Wagin! I love my avatar photo too, it's one of my favourite photos I've had taken!

I know I'm certainly not getting a boob job for work or for men. I'm quite little up top, but still got my curves down bottom, so I'm only wanting a small adjustment so I feel in proportion. Only person these babies are for, is myself! I'm only looking to move up to a C cup, if they were any bigger I would topple over when I stand up!

Well it sure makes sense to me! I'd love to make a 'before' and 'after' booking - just in the interests of quality control of course :)


Legend Member

I agree with everything said above !

How can that be ?

Well, I hate breast implants, but have come across some really well done jobs.
I believe that enlarging your breasts should only be done for YOU, not for anybody else.
I have never booked a lady because her breasts are bigger - I go for a nice smile and a great personality.
I suspect that having breast implants will probably not make any difference to your income - blokes will book you for your smile and friendly manner - if you were not getting bookings before the implants, you will probably not get many more after !
Some boob jobs clearly are a failure - see pics above !
Some are awesome !
There is always a risk whenever they cut into perfectly healthy skin (see pics above ! I bet they did not ask for those boobs !).
At the end of the day, it is YOUR body, and you get to decide - just do your research carefully, and be very sure WHY you want the job done - then, GO FOR IT !



Well it sure makes sense to me! I'd love to make a 'before' and 'after' booking - just in the interests of quality control of course :)

Oh but of course! ;) well it's not until September so plenty of time to make that booking!

Al Swearengen

I really dont have a problem one way or the other with boob jobs. For me its more about the girl in the package. If I liked a girl I wouldnt stop seeing her simply because she had a boob job. But then I do go for the more top heavy girls :)


The mere reason I asked men what their thoughts were was to open this forum up to more people. I'm considering to get a boob job for my own self, not for men (at work). I was just curious to see men's opinion of them.

Everyone within this thread has brought forward some really good points for me to consider before proceeding with plastic surgery.

Also do any girls know how often you need to get your breast done again? I've heard it's every 10 years because they begin to sag and/or risk of rapture, etc


It's certainly a titillating subject but on a forum such as this, it pays to keep abreast.