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Time is a challenge !!!



time is a challenge im one of those people that usually last mary ann said when she was younger she was also late or everything. She once kept Madam Leigh waiting for 4 hours for her first interview.
It wasn't until she hit 40 that she became time conscious and is now nearly always early.
Last night I was 10 minutes early for work, I did forget the petrol cap on my car, but as I have a few years to go to 40 hopefully by then I will have improved as it makes me feel much better in myself.


Punctuality is a virtue! LOL

Where time is of the essence punctuality is critical, after all "time is money"



Sheldon Thervasa

You are always worth the wait, Miss Louise. Love, Sheldon Thervasa. x


Your funny chicky, being late is why I lost my licence in the first place speeding tickets, so Ive had 2yrs of learning to organise myself I cant be late for buses they dont wait for you.


Gold Member
I have a strong distaste for those that are late to things. I had a friend he was late to everything purely because he was so selfish that he felt being punctual didn't apply to him. I have met several others like that that believe there needs/wants are more important then others time.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I am one of those annoying people who are always on time or slightly early. Even when I try not to be on time it kind of happens that I am. (extemely over organised??? or just a control freak????? or a bit of both?????:icon_scra)
LOL.....$75 later for a speeding ticket.


Gold Member
No you are not I can`t seem to be late. I have a overwhelming need to be on time it is odd but I prefer it that way over being late.


Full Member
Foundation Member
I am one of those annoying people who are always on time or slightly early. Even when I try not to be on time it kind of happens that I am. (extemely over organised??? or just a control freak????? or a bit of both?????:icon_scra)

...I dont agree Rochelle as I'm the same way and I'm neither a control freak or organised (slack & a slob spring to mind...lol).....as per Viper's response, I also find it annoying when people aren't punctual but only when the same person/place does it to me over and over again.

Fudd :)

ps: welcome back....hope u had an enjoyable break.

Farm Boy

If you are part of a team you have to be on time, anything else is unacceptable


Legend Member
For me there is nothing worse than someone who turns up miles to early. Especially if they do it regularly.
Anyway whatever happened to being "Fashionably late" ?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
"Fashionable late".......I love it. Back in time when I joined the rangs of countless university students up to 15 min was considered as "fashionable late" for dates.....hot dates......lectures......other obligations. Not sure what it is nowadays......as I said it has been a while. But I think I got used to the 15 min rule......no problem with 15 min late. Everything pass the 15 min is considered rude without a call of the sort of "hi sorry I am anther 20 min away".
Hi Fudd,
yes, thanks I had a great break only too short.
But good to be back as well.:eek:ccasion14

Alecia the Foxx

There is no such thing as "on time." You are either early, or you are late.

I didn't get that when I first heard it, but I do now.