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'til death do us part...



Rescuers find crash couple holding hands
STAFF REPORTER, The West Australian
June 18, 2013, 9:08 am

Rescuers find crash couple holding hands
A couple married for 52 years were found clinging to each other in the fatal car wreck that claimed both their lives.

London's Daily Mail reports that English grandparents John and Betty Hodgkiss were found by rescuers with their hands entwined.

The former Army corporal, 82, died in the Shropshire crash and his 79-year-old wife was airlifted to hospital in Birmingham where she died the next day.

Their heartbroken family told the Daily Mail they felt comfort knowing the couple had a final loving moment together before they passed away.

Son David Hodgkiss said he believed his parents had used their last minutes together to say goodbye.

"I'm still devastated," he said. "But the most comforting thing for me is that they have gone together.

"We were told that they were found holding hands in the car so they must have had time to say goodbye to each other."

Mr and Mrs Hodgkiss, who have four grandchildren and were married for 52 years, were driving the 20 mile journey from their West Midlands home to The River and Rail Country Inn, near Bridgnorth, in the early afternoon of June 7 when they crashed.

The Mail reports that the couple's black Ford Mondeo collided with an Audi A4 TDI.

Dudley Hodgkiss said his father was a bus driver after leaving the army.

His parents met by chance on a coach more than 50 years ago, after Mr Hodgkiss drove a group including his future wife on a tour from the Midlands to the London Palladium.

They began chatting and dated for 10 months before marrying in 1961.

A decade later, the couple moved to Bilston, West Midlands, where they lived in the same house for 43 years.

Former colleagues described Mr Hodgkiss as "a gentle giant".


Silver Member
52 years how lovely..what a great, but sad story.It's amazing that when people have been married so long and one partner dies the other partner dies shortly after.


Legend Member
As sad as it is I couldn't think of a better way to go than hand in hand with someone I had loved for so long :)


Legend Member
I have a small inkling of this I was lucky enough to be able to be with my wife, and hold her hand in those last moments in the hospice It is a very moving time


Well done Happy2.

I was with my mum when she held my dads hands in his last moments.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I see nothing sad in it, beautiful yes. To me this life is just a journey to the next life. This is a private thought and I respect everybody's else belief. I think these two also feel the same and were leaving a message for their family not to be sad. celebrate their life, they will all meet again someday.
The song "Some Where my Love......." comes to mind.

Tania Admin

Though it came at a sad time, it is still a beautiful moment and sends a loving message to others.:love3:


Gold Member
my brothers wifes nanna had a heart attack they called the ambo ,when they came they couldnt revive her,they told her husband that she passed away and was gone,he had a heart attack and died thats true love couldnt live without her


Walk on hand in hand folks!


Silver Member
my brothers wifes nanna had a heart attack they called the ambo ,when they came they couldnt revive her,they told her husband that she passed away and was gone,he had a heart attack and died thats true love couldnt live without her

I can relate in a way to this, Dad had prostate cancer and had treatment, Mum developed Myeloma, a cancer of the blood, 8 months later. This was unusual because the chances of that are extreme to say the least, though my brother also had to have cancer treatment too. My parents are very much connected on every level as a couple. They are all fine now and in remission.


Reception and Bartender in the ACT
Gold Member
I have to agree with Mary Anne here. I don't see it as sad as such, if you look at it they were together for 52 years, had a large healthy family and died side by side. It's rare to see something like that these days because people are so focused on the "if it's broke get something new" rather than "if it's broke, fix it"


You don't have to be at a soccer final to be moved by this.

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