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The truth finally revealed


Legend Member

If you find yourself uncharacteristically annoyed and moody when that “time of the month” approaches, scientist are now saying blaming it on your period might not actually be a valid excuse.

Long have feelings like depression, stress and irritation been associated with menstruation – comedians joke about it, products are developed around it, and chocolate sales have banked on it. Yet, according to new research from the University of Toronto, there is no obvious link between women’s negative mood swings and the premenstrual phase of their cycles.

Academics studied 41 research reports that tracked the change in women's moods throughout their periods, both before and during. Their findings showed no evidence that PMS itself even existed.

What’s more, research found that only six (or 13.5 per cent) of the reports showed links between negative moods and the premenstrual phase, which Dr Gillian Einstein, director of the University of Toronto’s collaborative program in Women’s Health, says could be attributed to social perceptions and the fact women knew the real purpose of those studies, therefore influencing their responses.

“Before women even get their first period, they have heard about PMS. The notion is so ingrained in our culture that some of these studies are actually biased because women know the study is about PMS,” says Einstein.

So why do women attribute these moods to their period?

Einstein believes it stems from the fact PMS is a social construct, rooted in negative feelings many cultures have toward menstruation, a natural female function.

“There is so much cultural baggage around women’s menstrual cycles, and entire industries built around the idea that women are moody, irrational — even unstable — in the phase leading up to menstruation,” says Einstein.

Another possibility, she suggested, is that “this is the time of the month when women are given permission to not be sweet, docile and cheerful — expected attributes of women.”

Does it exist? Are all men evil?:laughing4
Me personally - I find that I'm only a psycho for 1-2 days before mine but as soon as it comes I go back to normal! I've always used the implanon for contraception and have just gone to the depro injections. This has always caused my periods to be all over the place and I can sometimes go without them for months at a time. How do I know I'm going to get it? The extreme emotional outbursts for that 1-2 days beforehand....

Unless they do more extensive research I'm going to have to disagree!


Tania Admin

Yet, according to new research from the University of Toronto, there is no obvious link between women’s negative mood swings and the premenstrual phase of their cycles.

What a load of cods wallop. Our bodies and brains all work the way they do due to different chemicals. When there is a chemical imbalance things don't function correctly. When a woman is menstrual it is because of how her natural body chemicals are going through that 28 day stage. All chemicals cause some sort of a reaction, this is true about womens hormonal cycles to. I have no doubt more than one study proves that this is the case.


Diamond Member
I'm sure there is a correlation there between PMS and a girl's moodiness or being more emotional than usual. But shhhhhh, don't be saying when they are moody. ÝOU HAVE PMS DON'T YOU'? LOL :p


Foundation Member
My girl tends to want sex more than anytime of the month, when she's having her period and knows that she won't be getting any.