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The negative connotation of the term "prostitution"



I keep hearing for years the term 'prostitution', used in media, i.e. news, TV talk shows etc.. Before I ever got involved with the sex industry at some level, many years ago, I already disliked this term tremendously. There is an ABSOLUTE NEGATIVE CONNOTATION attached to this term. Sex - or intimacy services are frequently used by representatives of the entertainment industry and the juridical system, i.e. tons of lawyers, prosecutors, judges and police officers. It also is used by leading politicians, as it became increasingly publicly known during the past few years, also a a result of scandals.
These services always have been used by powerful, wealthy and influential persons of society mainly. With increasing liberalism toward sexuality, alternative life stiles and so forth, it became increasingly utilised by "the normal man from the street". There are tons of people who suffer from sexual deprivation, due to circumstances, i.e. separation from a partner, illness etc.. Oftentimes our working ladies can feel the 'sexual hunger' someone brings into the session, this so urgently needed release from restrained sexual energy. Blocked sexual energy influences mind AND body, , i.e. work performance, sociability, thought processing and much more. Using sexual services also 'rescues' long term relations ships, which lack passion and sexual vitality. It creates fantasies, which re-occur when being in a sexual situation with a long term partner again. These fantasies serve as an inspiration then, insofar they have a re-vitalising, energizing effect in the bedroom. This is why I am absolutely convinced that sex- or intimacy services DO NOT DESERVE the term 'prostitution' due to its negative connotation.


Full Member
Foundation Member
....or the use of the word "whore"....such a vulgar word.


could not agree more the names we get called is a load of crap this is our job and we deserve a bit of respect for what we do as alot of ppl dont have the guts to provide the services we do cause they are chicken shit.
i have meet some of the nicest guys through this industry all in different walks of life and highly educated at the same time.
i love my job and anyone who wants to call me those names good for you i am proud of who i am and not going to hide xoxoxox


Foundation Member
I agree that "prostitute" and "prostitution" are ugly words but, unfortunately, they are the words the Oxford Dictionary offers to describe those who sell sexual favours and they also seem to be the only ones our newspapers and politicians know.

Maybe in time, with changes in the public perception of the industry the negative connotation will go away and ladies will be able to describe themselves as "prostitutes" the same way they may now say they are librarians or teachers. I probably won't live to see it but my Grandchildren just might.


Gold Member
I see that the Minister is now using the term "illegal prostitutes" for street walkers. I didn't think that they were illegal as such, only that soliciting in specified areas was illegal.

Does this mean that he now agrees that there are "legal "prostitutes""? If so is he also still going to try and make them illegal, or just some of them ???

T1 :violent5:


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Thank you Janet.

Great post.

I might just print out your post & frame it or make up 1000 A1 posters, so as I can glue them up, on walls, all over Perth.

Sheldon Thervasa

Technically, from a perspective of etymology, to "prostitute" something or someone means to "sell out" or to "exploit." For example, if you are an artist who creates work purely for money, perhaps you could say you are "selling out" or "prostituting (exploiting) your talent." In most contemporary cultures the term "sex-worker" is the preferred, "politically-correct" term so if in doubt, use "sex-worker" to refer to someone providing sexual services for money, unless you are an out-and-proud sex-worker who embraces the word "Prostitute" and has turned it around 360 degrees from being a slur to a badge of honour! Just as black people can comfortably call THEMSELVES the "N"-word, sex-workers can call THEMSELVES "Prostitutes" IF they feel comfortable with the term. As far as calling someone ELSE a "prostitute," I would err on the side of caution and use the term "sex-worker" unless they had informed me they would prefer to be called something else (eg "Prostitute," "Hooker," "Whore".) If a woman/man working in the sex-industry feels comfortable with any of those words, that's her/his prerogative. If she/he would rather be called a "sex-worker" then go with that and respect their right to be called the title with which they feel at ease. As far as politician-friends of mine go, I always suggest they refer to sex-workers as just that: "sex-workers" which is a term with no implications of "selling out" or otherwise. So...hookers, sex-workers and prostitues everywhere, be proud, stand up and ask to be referred to by the job-title which sits best with you, and don't go for second-best in anything you do.
Love, Sheldon. xox

Sheldon Thervasa

ps Kendra, go for it - I stand by you on this. Love, Sheldon. x


Foundation Member
I see that the Minister is now using the term "illegal prostitutes" for street walkers. I didn't think that they were illegal as such, only that soliciting in specified areas was illegal.

Does this mean that he now agrees that there are "legal "prostitutes""? If so is he also still going to try and make them illegal, or just some of them ???

T1 :violent5:

Nah!! All it means is that the hon Minister usually puts his mouth into gear before engaging his brain.

I believe he may actually have some good ideas but his lack of clarity and precision of speech makes him an easy target for ridicule.

If I were in his shoes I would join Toastmasters or some similar public speaking group and polish up my speaking skills. This is useful for everyone but absolutely vital for a politician.

Farm Boy

I agree with you Janet there are negative feelings aroused by the terms/words prostitute and prostitution , however it is imposable to avoid using those words . For example "The governments policy on prostitution is about to be revived or changed or whatever".
How else could it be put.

brittney 44EE

Great post Janet keep them coming you always have great topics to discuss.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Grear post Janet and there is no doubt about it that the meaning connected with the term is only negative.
But Svengali and Farmboy do have a point. It is the official word used in the dictionary and unfortunately we can't avoid using this terms. I think over time the negative connection will fade away. Words and their negative/positve connections have always been a mirror of society and I still harbour hopes that society becomes more liberal in regards of our trade and more accepting. (A long and slow process.......)
And unfortunately to stand up for our trade and present it with a positive connection in society we have to use the words if we want to be taken seriously (if you deal with the institutions you have to able to speak their language) or we suffer the same faith like a lot of left wing movements......try to invent your own language and the chances that somebosy listens are even slimmer.
LOL.......I really turn into on of those :evil5:

Sheldon Thervasa

Farmboy hi. It could be referred to as "...the government's policy on the SEX-INDUSTRY." Done. Simple. Love, Sheldon Thervasa. xox

Farm Boy

Farmboy hi. It could be referred to as "...the government's policy on the SEX-INDUSTRY." Done. Simple. Love, Sheldon Thervasa. xox

Yes It could but The Sex Industrial probably includes Harvey Norman (if H, N. does not flog off vibrators he should) and I was only trying to give an example,while working with a handicap.
( one finger typing cant spell )


i strongly agree with this, there is such a stigma to the word "prostitution". Most girls in the industry are well educated and entertain the wealthy and classy. There always is a negative comment made when the 'P' word is brought up, usually its from other people that do not understand the industry. They dont understand men are safer coming to a gentlemans club then picking a lady out of the public, as the girls always have medical checks and use plenty of protection and hygienic practices!

Sheldon Thervasa

I agree with you Tara that's why the term "sex-worker" appears in 90% of the literature produced by the Australia sexual-health/sex-industry institutions as it is considered to be the most politically-correct term. Love, Sheldon Thervasa. x


hi all ,
i agree that there are many words used to describe the girls in the sex industry. sex worker is probley the nicest of them all but is that because it is only the newest term to be applied ?will this term eventually turn out to be used just as offensively? i think the only real gains can be made when the social stigma of the industry is lifted.


Gold Member
Interesting watching Mad Men they called a sex worker as a party girl, kinda a good name.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
The Happy Hooker, that was the first book I ever read all the way through, my English teacher was so proud of me! :)

Well..Rather interesting... I learn every day, i didn't know there is a book like this!-))


Legend Member
Well..Rather interesting... I learn every day, i didn't know there is a book like this!-))

Yes was written by a w/l in the '70's called Xaveria Hollander, she wanted to become the world's most famous working lady. She took the opposite of personal secrecy to the extreme! I thought this book would be in your Langtrees "welcome kit" :)

link not working so taken down .
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Gold Member
Methinks perhaps one day when the wealthy folk get tired of the "scandals" they'll start a campaign to make prostitution and sex-worker services something to high five about openly as well as in the boys' clubs. The stigma attached to the words will dissipate pretty quickly! We can but dream.


Legend Member
Lady with black belt in cunnilingus.
The pole expert.
Lady with a polling booth.
Lady who works for the Department of Corrective Erection.