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The Green machine...


Legend Member
Either you love him or you hate him...

Danny Green, are you a fan of his or should he have stayed retired??


Diamond Member
Either you love him or you hate him...

Danny Green, are you a fan of his or should he have stayed retired??

I just read, he lost via TKO. Although, I find with boxing, its rather silly that since Green lost his last fight to Tarver convincingly, how did he manage to fight for the world title in his next fight? Boxing too many politics involved.


Legend Member
I don`t relly follow boxing either and it amazes me how somebody can be world champion but still not have to fight anybody that may chellenge you...

It seems a lot of the time you can pick and choose who you want to fight.

Give me the old WWF Wrestling anyday... At least we all knew that was fake...

Didn`t we????


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Don't know about politic's, but way to much money involved which does and has played in the outcome of different fights. Like Don King who crucified J.F.
(Marrvick Mawler)


Legend Member
Politics is big in boxing As well as what BB said managers handpicking opponents When did Mundine fight a world class fighter from the US for example Never! Well not since Sept11 and he opened his big yap


Legend Member
Politics is big in boxing As well as what BB said managers handpicking opponents When did Mundine fight a world class fighter from the US for example Never! Well not since Sept11 and he opened his big yap

It is worse than you say. Met Mohammad Ali when he was World Champ. (We shopped at the same supermarket). Great person, destroyed by a bad business (not a sport).


Legend Member
I will always have a view biased against boxing It may be the noble art but
personally I hate "The Sport"
But I would rather see it as a regulated thing rather than go underground


Legend Member
I will always have a view biased against boxing It may be the noble art but
personally I hate "The Sport"
But I would rather see it as a regulated thing rather than go underground

My thoughts as well............ Interestingly research has found that soccer players have more brain damage due to heading the ball than boxers from being hit in the head. Both a really bad, but soccer worse.


Legend Member
My thoughts as well............ Interestingly research has found that soccer players have more brain damage due to heading the ball than boxers from being hit in the head. Both a really bad, but soccer worse.

I am not surprised by your soccer fact either Demon Ever copped a falcon playing footy or rugby It damn hurts and shakes you up a bit if it connects around the temple say


Legend Member
I am not surprised by your soccer fact either Demon Ever copped a falcon playing footy or rugby It damn hurts and shakes you up a bit if it connects around the temple say

For soccer it is the combination of more frequent heading than boxers getting hit, and the ball packs a harder punch.


Legend Member
My thoughts as well............ Interestingly research has found that soccer players have more brain damage due to heading the ball than boxers from being hit in the head. Both a really bad, but soccer worse.

Fortunately the damage is only physical to their brains. For mental capacity 100% loss of NIL is still NIL for boxers and soccer players.

Would be a problem for people with normal mental capacity, though.


Legend Member
And in boxing I believe its the lighter weight division where there is more damage done


Legend Member
Fortunately the damage is only physical to their brains. For mental capacity 100% loss of NIL is still NIL for boxers and soccer players.

Would be a problem for people with normal mental capacity, though.

I always used to think soccer players only injury concerns were knees and chapped lips


Legend Member
Unfortunately Demon they may not notice the injuries at all
Its the people they love and are close to notice it more Probably

You are right.

They don't have much to notice, or much to notice it with.


Gold Member
I think like all champs in any sport stay retired and let the legend grow.

He was winning on points but was visibly tired in the later rounds he kept tying up a sign of a tired fighter. He tried to go toe to toe which is his style and the other guy got the punch through and good on him. I am a green fan but he should of just danced in those final rounds and won on points.

In regards to brain injury having been involved in a variety of combat sports including boxing from experience to many hits in the head is not good no matter what sport your in. Research states after 40 fights there is on average permanent brain damage to the athlete. This was the main factor for me deciding not to take my boxing further even though I was asked to fight golden gloves last year. On the same note I love martial arts and I wont stop. You wont see me in the ring or octagon in a hurry. I think I will compete in Olympic weight lifting and train martial arts for the love.

I know a few people who have fought a lot and you do notice it. They can`t comprehend things as well as they once did. They do have changes in speech. Note this isn't everyone but it happens to some.

Boxing has a soiled reputation which helped give rise to MMA. Boxing only has itself to blame. This tarnished reputation can only be repaired by the people of boxing acting as moral and ethical good people.
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Legend Member
Credibility for titles. How many organisations claim to grant world titles? Years ago it was 4, possibly 14 or 40 or 400 by now.


Gold Member
Definitely time to retire.
I have been watching Green's career since 2000 when he had his fight against the russian lebziak at the Sydney Olympics.
In the early years he appeared to be a nice, genuine and down to earth bloke.
2003 he had his first shot for the light heavyweight crown back in Germany against Markus Beyer. No doubt the end was controversial, but in boxing you need to have a brain as well not only a heavy punch. This was clearly proven when he fought Mundine. Everyone including myself was hoping that he would give the big mouth a nice flogging. However Mundine outclassed him big time, by just being the more intelligent boxer. One of Green's best fights was the bout against Eric Lucas in Montreal which he won by TKO.
Until 2007 I was pretty much a Green supporter. However this changed when Green started to engage himself in more and more trash talk and simply becoming a person who can't handle fame and money.
It's starts with the bullshit that he claims in Australia that he has been a 3 times World Champion. Unfortunately the local press is so non box literate that he gets away with this . Let's recapture. Green won the WBA light heavyweight title beating Croatian boxer Stipe Drews. This was a smart move because Drews was only a very mediocre boxer ( won the title against a 38 year semi retired Italian ( Branco). Later he had a fight for the WBC Super middleweight 'Intercontinental' title which Green won. This is just a ' Interim' title . Basically the number 2 and 3 of the WBC ranking fighting to get the right to challenge the champion. Green became the chance to fight Markus Beyer for a second time . He lost this fight by points and therefore never became WBC Super Middleweight Champion (http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/WBC_Super_Middleweight_Champion).
Now coming to the farce of calling the IBO a reputable organization ( champions for minor titles). Green won the IBO cruiser weight title against...Johnathon Banks. Again a guy who hardly ever had a decent recognition.
In short in the US and in Europe no one would give a rats arse about an IBO belt, but of course back here in good old Perth we were all told a different kind of story.
Since Green gained his title he fought pretty much ' old men' who where either psychical or mentally not fit or simply over their peak time.
The fight against Briggs was a shame, and Green and his management knew exactly in what condition Briggs was. The fight was supposed to take place in Sydney, however in the Eastern states Briggs could not get a clearance for the fight due to his medical condition ( neurological damage).
Green's management re located the bout to Perth and where able to get a clearance for Briggs. The rest is history.
This fight against Jones was another joke. Why fighting old men ? Jones would have destroyed Green 10 years ago.
Since that, Green is calling himself the Killer of the Legends???? Poster with that statement where sold this Wednesday at the challenge stadium. What a fucking joke.
And his fight against Tarver? Once again Green and his management assumed that they have found another easy target to make money with. Tarver had only two fights within 2 years before he went into the ring with Green. Tarver ( and once again a nice man in his 40's) was so overweight and had to loose 17 kg in just a couple of month to be able to fight for the cruiser weight title. Losing that amount of weight in such a short time usually result in less energy. At the end he was still able to knock out Green.
Finally the fight against WBC title holder Włodarczyk. For a minute I thought finally he is fighting for a real belt. But again it appears that Green has chosen wisely . Back in July, Włodarczyk had a suicide attempt by overdosing with antidepressant medication. He was seven days in a coma.
4 month later he is back in the ring? Włodarczyk was clearly not fit this week and was still able to knock Danny out.
It pissed me off that the WA media kept Włodarczyk medical condition such low profile just to push Green's fame.
As he made plenty of dollars,it is now time to retire and he should enjoy his life with his family. Maybe there is a chance that he becomes the down to earth bloke again as he was years again. And yes, please no more trash talk.
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cotto vs margarito this sat

watch real boxing the sweet science


Foundation Member
Hmm!! I used to believe boxing was a legitimate sport and that the medical people should but out and let it continue but after seeing what it did to Ali I had second thoughts. Since then there have been numerous studies which reveal the extent of brain damage in boxers and it is scary.

The trouble with the brain is that brain cells do not repair themselves. We have a huge reserve capacity to cope with the natural death of these cells but if that reserve is depleted by injury or by, say, heavy drinking or drug abuse, then in later life the computer starts running out of r.a.m. The really scary thing is that for every Ali there are probably hundreds, maybe thousands of wannabe boxing champs suffering similar damage who we never hear about.

All athletes pay a high physical price for their lifestyle but getting your brain scrambled is about as bad as it gets and perhaps it is time competetive boxing went the way of the dinosaurs. Continue to teach it with headgear, gloves etc by all means but restrict blows to the head to, say, 20% power and ban all full-contact competitions.


Legend Member
That is why MMA (mixed martial arts) is the fastest growing sport, and will overtake boxing.

And Green is keeping on going. Has no other source of income. Why would anyone pay to see an over the hill fighter. Danny Green and Jimmy Barnes have a lot in common.


Gold Member
I think MMA has already taken over, in the circles I move in, their fighters are bigger names. In the West, UFC is the main game in town, as opposed to boxings big four and the other half a dozen or so side shows.
Hopefully Danny puts the gloves up, hopefully he doesn't pad out the arse end of his career with a succession of no name fighters, some of whom will get lucky and inflict more damage.


Credit Where Credits Due... The Man can fight, and he has a massive following, but at the end of the day its all up to what he feels is right for him.. cannot see him as one of those boxers that keeps getting knocked out for the $$...


Legend Member
Credit Where Credits Due... The Man can fight, and he has a massive following, but at the end of the day its all up to what he feels is right for him.. cannot see him as one of those boxers that keeps getting knocked out for the $$...

Could fight. As in all sports, some people don't know when to retire gracefully.


Legend Member
Could fight. As in all sports, some people don't know when to retire gracefully.

That is why there is only one boxer who I can say I respect And that is Kostya Tzu Held him self with dignity never rubbished his opponents and when beaten never whinged Retired and stayed retired
And even the man who beat him said in his victory I hope I can be a champion like Kostya


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Definitely time to retire.
I have been watching Green's career since 2000 when he had his fight against the russian lebziak at the Sydney Olympics.
In the early years he appeared to be a nice, genuine and down to earth bloke.
2003 he had his first shot for the light heavyweight crown back in Germany against Markus Beyer. No doubt the end was controversial, but in boxing you need to have a brain as well not only a heavy punch. This was clearly proven when he fought Mundine. Everyone including myself was hoping that he would give the big mouth a nice flogging. However Mundine outclassed him big time, by just being the more intelligent boxer. One of Green's best fights was the bout against Eric Lucas in Montreal which he won by TKO.
Until 2007 I was pretty much a Green supporter. However this changed when Green started to engage himself in more and more trash talk and simply becoming a person who can't handle fame and money.
It's starts with the bullshit that he claims in Australia that he has been a 3 times World Champion. Unfortunately the local press is so non box literate that he gets away with this . Let's recapture. Green won the WBA light heavyweight title beating Croatian boxer Stipe Drews. This was a smart move because Drews was only a very mediocre boxer ( won the title against a 38 year semi retired Italian ( Branco). Later he had a fight for the WBC Super middleweight 'Intercontinental' title which Green won. This is just a ' Interim' title . Basically the number 2 and 3 of the WBC ranking fighting to get the right to challenge the champion. Green became the chance to fight Markus Beyer for a second time . He lost this fight by points and therefore never became WBC Super Middleweight Champion (WBC Super Middleweight Champion - Boxrec Boxing Encyclopaedia).
Now coming to the farce of calling the IBO a reputable organization ( champions for minor titles). Green won the IBO cruiser weight title against...Johnathon Banks. Again a guy who hardly ever had a decent recognition.
In short in the US and in Europe no one would give a rats arse about an IBO belt, but of course back here in good old Perth we were all told a different kind of story.
Since Green gained his title he fought pretty much ' old men' who where either psychical or mentally not fit or simply over their peak time.
The fight against Briggs was a shame, and Green and his management knew exactly in what condition Briggs was. The fight was supposed to take place in Sydney, however in the Eastern states Briggs could not get a clearance for the fight due to his medical condition ( neurological damage).
Green's management re located the bout to Perth and where able to get a clearance for Briggs. The rest is history.
This fight against Jones was another joke. Why fighting old men ? Jones would have destroyed Green 10 years ago.
Since that, Green is calling himself the Killer of the Legends???? Poster with that statement where sold this Wednesday at the challenge stadium. What a fucking joke.
And his fight against Tarver? Once again Green and his management assumed that they have found another easy target to make money with. Tarver had only two fights within 2 years before he went into the ring with Green. Tarver ( and once again a nice man in his 40's) was so overweight and had to loose 17 kg in just a couple of month to be able to fight for the cruiser weight title. Losing that amount of weight in such a short usually result in less energy. At the end he was still able to knock out Green.
Finally the fight against WBC title holder Włodarczyk. For a minute I thought finally he is fighting for a real belt. But again it appears that Green has chosen wisely . Back in July, Włodarczyk had a suicide attempt by overdosing with antidepressant medication. He was seven days in a coma.
4 month later he is back in the ring? Włodarczyk was clearly not fit this week and was still able to knock Danny out.
It pissed me off that the WA media kept Włodarczyk medical condition such low profile just to push Green's fame.
As he made plenty of dollars,it is now time to retire and he should enjoy his life with his family. Maybe there is a chance that he becomes the down to earth bloke again as he was years again. And yes, please no more trash talk.
Very well said Manuel, totally agree.