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The duration of COVID -19

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What do you guys think? How long the problem of Corona virus(COVID - 19) will last?? 1 month, 2 month or may be more than that??? 😥😥😥


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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talking Australia only 6 to 12 months
world wide probably until there is a vaccine available


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Until :



Apple was the 1st to close they will be the 1st to re-open.

12 months like this.. South Sudan will look better than most western nations..


Bronze Member
I'd guess 6 months but restrictions starting to taper off after 4. Economic/Social impact could be a lot longer


The news report about ecuardor of piling bodies at 150 a night and they say they have only 175 dead, means its under reporting. This 1 200 000, is possibly 4 000 000, with it going to be like 4 000 million or over half of world population. Could kill then 30% to 35%, so 1200 million. If its gone to 4mill in 140 days, then is possible to get there 4000 in another 140 days. Looks a lot worse than a potential nuclear war of predicted 200 million deaths by google.

Its probably a good idea to order food to door, supermarket can get contaminated air. Social isolating might be less possible in third world. Its spread by contaminated air, i dont think 1.5 meters is anywhere near enough, I think it should be no supermarkets, it can 20 meters this thing, its like the smell of a cigarette smoke. It just stays in the air for 3 hours they reckon, could b 10 hours, as you clean a surface, it gets disrupted and goes back in the air.

Current perspective is years and years for economy to return, with borders shut there is 700 000 less in australia visiting, plus 300 000 less immigrants a year, plus less foreign workers ? 500 000, its 1.5 million less is Australia at one time.

Add financial devastation and people starving of hunger worldwide, mass killing field ! I always thought we might hit by an asteriod, nuclear war,

A vaccine would knock it on the head but the authorities are too gutless to take a risk.

Best to get used to isolation, read books, watch tv, netflix, talk to friends, learn how to cook different foods, garden, walk outside, do up the house, go camping if u can or away. Get used to not working !
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One report said vaccine in 4 months for United States workers, just getting dosage right, I think by xmas looks like full roll out. Because the virus is like a coronavirus type there had been earlier work done from sars outbreak saving 3 months of research. Technology is strong and advanced, I think November looks like Vaccination time world wide to bring relief.


Gold Member
Even if it ceases Australia wide over the next 3 months, we will still need to address what comes in and out of the country with many other countries struggling to flatten the curve. We may be able to congregate in Australia, but we will still be restricted for a longtime after that. If you're looking to go overseas, I would think make your plans for 2021 because I can't see the tourism industry back on its feet for many more months to come and even then we won't have the freedom to move as we once did. Flattening the curve is one thing, eradicating COVID-19 is another. It will still be around so we will still need ways to combat it. That's how I see it, I hope I'm wrong.

Penny S

A Rose by any other name 🌹
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Its not some Ebola or Swine Flu like thing It is a Plague and if people around the world still take it lightly there is a chance that the Virus will kill the Host and maybe Global Extiction. Countries should stop the Blame game and needs to do some actual work

Tania Admin

It won't be over until a vaccine is invented, or a cure.
It will keep coming back like a Mexican wave unless we keep our borders closed once we've had no more spread in Australia.
Lift bans and people will become complacent. This virus is not going to go away. Not for a long time.


Diamond Member
It is going to be scary to see how deep this global economic recession is going to be after the Corona Virus is finished.
Property prices are likely to go down in value due to high unemployment, lack of demand, fall in consumer and business confidence.
Australians will pay for all those unnecessary Health Budget Cuts in pursuit of an ideological Budget Surplus.
Taking money out of the economy, undercutting Health, Education and Aged Care is not good economic management.
I hope we all learn from this Pandemic and ensure we are ready for the next Pandemic.


Silver Member
# WA 3-6 months
# AU over 12 months
# World over 24 months based on we could get vaccine in 18 months
# Or never end if we couldn't get vaccine
Link not working so taken down
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Influenza Fast Facts

  • Influenza (commonly known as "the flu") is a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease that can be spread through coughing and sneezing
  • In Australia, influenza on average causes 1,500 to 3,000 deaths,3 about 18,000 hospitalisations and 300,000 GP consultations1 each year.
  • Influenza is caused by a virus and causes more severe illness than the common cold. It can cause serious and debilitating complications, including pneumonia, especially in people that are vulnerable such as the elderly and other in the "at risk" group.
  • People with a chronic disease have a 40 times increased risk of death from influenza
  • Only 42 per cent of the "at risk" group under 65 years of age are being vaccinated annually.2
  • Less than 50 per cent of healthcare workers, who are at a greater risk of contracting and spreading influenza, are being vaccinat.
  • 10 per cent of all workplace absenteeism associated with illness is due to influenza

So its day number is 108....

2500 deaths approx = 6.5 per day * 108 day number = 739 deaths from an INCURABLE FLU... but COVID19 killing 60 Approx HAS shuttered the whole nation...
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