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The big 40


Tania Admin

Okay so in a couple of months I'm hitting the so called big 40. Big 40? People make it sound old. A couple of people have said aren't you starting to feel old,,,,"ummm nope",,,you should stop riding bikes and doing all that sort of stuff,,,"Ummm why?". And the ooooh 40 slow down time,,,,"ummm not going to happen".
But seriously why should I feel older? I don't feel any different, still bubbly, bouncy, full of energy, always laughing and smiling.
My friends nanna was 3 weeks shy of 100 when she passed away, my nanna is in her 70's and still vibrant and beautiful,,,so I consider myself a spring chicken,,not even middle aged.
I notice when people stop enjoying life they seem to age physically and mentally.
I don't expect nor want to be young forever, I am learning all the time and with age comes more wisdom and at nearly 40 I have had a lot of life lessons, the biggest lesson is that Life is for Living.

I'm curious to know what our Forum members think,,
What is old?
When is old?

I understand my body will eventually age, and I will have more lines in my face. BUT
Is age just a state of mind?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hon, you are still a babe. Age doesn't matter. For me it is only a number.......some days I get up and feel like a teenager and other days I crawl out of bed thinking that's what it feels like when you are 75.
Stay young at heart and keep up with the modern times and you will be fine ;)


PS: have lot's of sex......lol....that helps to stay young!!!!!!!

Tania Admin

Hon, you are still a babe. Age doesn't matter. For me it is only a number.......some days I get up and feel like a teenager and other days I crawl out of bed thinking that's what it feels like when you are 75.
Stay young at heart and keep up with the modern times and you will be fine ;)


PS: have lot's of sex......lol....that helps to stay young!!!!!!!

Thank-you Rochelle. You are an awesome lady and young like myself.

And of course lot's of sex, sex is like air to me, without it I'm not alive!


Legend Member
You're only as old or young as you feel Tania. I'm 50 and are having more fun are fitter and having more sex than I did when I was 40 so it may just be going to get better for you - happy birthday for when it happens by the way :)

Tania Admin

You're only as old or young as you feel Tania. I'm 50 and are having more fun are fitter and having more sex than I did when I was 40 so it may just be going to get better for you - happy birthday for when it happens by the way :)

Thanks Dallas, I'm sure I will be similar to you,,my poor husband! lol

...and this is why I feel old!!!..... :-(

Aaaaaw Fudd, I'm sure Langtrees could fix that lol xo


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, always be young at heart, do not worry about the rest, just look at me;-------
One leg, one eye, one hand, half of an ear on one side, broken nose, grey hair and finally no teeth.
Life is better now for me than ever before.
Cheers and Pass the rum (Rum helps with the Pain)


Legend Member
It is a state of z mind. If e=MC[] correlates to age, good ol Albeert will tell you tis only numbers.

Old is when you stop having fun and laughing, and started walking sideways. And when you can truly sink your teeth into things...and not realising your talkin funny.


I think age is relative.

When I was 18, 40 sounded really old. Now that I'm almost there, it seems irrelevant. I know people that panic about all the things they wont to do before they are 40, to me its just another number.

With the life experiences that I was dealing with when I was 21, I feel younger now then I did than.


Foundation Member
I think age is an attitude of mind. If you start thinking you are old and get in that mindset is can be a very negative thing. Age brings its benefits in terms of greater experience and perhaps greater wealth. Its important to actually do things like travel, go to the movies concerts etc as you never know how long your health will hold up. Had I been born a few years earlier I would not be here now as I was saved by advances in medicine and that reminder of your mortality can really focus the mind.


Silver Member
Tania, 40 is a distant memory for me and now seems really young. Perhaps it is the ideal age between young and old where you can move easily between each. However with increasing age comes greater experience and wisdom these are invaluable tools to deal with life's bumpy road.
There is only one cure for ageing and I'm afraid life is to good to accept that yet. Look forward to each new day.


40 etc is a state of mind. But you can't ignore the state of the body. And therein lies the rub.

I remember once watching an Irish comedian in Singapore and he said that after 40 you hear strange noises around the house. And then you suddenly realized they're coming from you! You grunt when you get up off the chair, you grunt when you bend down to pick something up etc:D

You can stay as fit as you like but only up to a point. You can delay it as much as you can with diet, exercise etc but your bones and muscles have a finite age.

An aside - there's nothing worse than a woman (men don't do it as much) portraying mutton dressed as lamb. When you get to a certain age, you just can't carry "hip" anymore - you can carry fashionable - but fashionable for your age and body and looks.

YOu see them around the shopping centres or in town - women dressed like sexy, tarty 20 years olds and it's embarrasing. Some try to walk around as twins to their daughters but it's REALLY not a good look.


Legend Member
Luck of the gene pool lottery also comes into it
Both my parents are well into their 90's and in rude health
Their exercise regime is highly modified compared to even 5yrs ago But it still embarrasses me
And their diets dad's especially would make a dietician wince And lord knows what a hari krishna would think

Perth boy

40 is the new 50. Hang on wasn't to many years ago and I said 30 was the new 40.

For me life did begin at 40. Since turning 40 a few years back life has been great. I feel great, have more fun, am more in touch with my self and others, have traveled more and if I had to chose a age to be in for the rest of my life it would be 40 ish.

Ok the body finds it harder to keep up to my mind but I accept that.


Legend Member
Perthboy give it a few months and I will tell you if 50 is the new forty or if its just another new age piece of crap I reckon it will be the latter

As for birthdays I was absolutely miserable the months leading up to 40 But now only a few months from 50 And it all seems to be plain sailing


Legend Member
I know Col But that woman you recommended to me in North Perth was 65 if she was a day I still have aches and pains
I will have to feel someone a bit younger next time


It depends who's working but I can feel from anywhere between 22-38 years old.


Legend Member
Every now and then there is A larger 70yr old Who advertises in the local rag some one else on here says she advertises in several
towns So imagine how many aches and pains you would have after an hour of rumpy pumpy with her
Though an 80 year old would come out feeling younger


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Okay so in a couple of months I'm hitting the so called big 40. Big 40? People make it sound old. A couple of people have said aren't you starting to feel old,,,,"ummm nope",,,you should stop riding bikes and doing all that sort of stuff,,,"Ummm why?". And the ooooh 40 slow down time,,,,"ummm not going to happen".
But seriously why should I feel older? I don't feel any different, still bubbly, bouncy, full of energy, always laughing and smiling.
My friends nanna was 3 weeks shy of 100 when she passed away, my nanna is in her 70's and still vibrant and beautiful,,,so I consider myself a spring chicken,,not even middle aged.
I notice when people stop enjoying life they seem to age physically and mentally.
I don't expect nor want to be young forever, I am learning all the time and with age comes more wisdom and at nearly 40 I have had a lot of life lessons, the biggest lesson is that Life is for Living.

I'm curious to know what our Forum members think,,
What is old?
When is old?

I understand my body will eventually age, and I will have more lines in my face. BUT
Is age just a state of mind?

Tania - I can't give you much advice about what is old, however, I can tell you that while the font that you use is very pretty, it is too small to read.

So, if you want us old blokes to be able to read your posts, please increase the size of the font.

Tania Admin

Tania - I can't give you much advice about what is old, however, I can tell you that while the font that you use is very pretty, it is too small to read.

So, if you want us old blokes to be able to read your posts, please increase the size of the font.
Sorry Zeus but that is the font size Mary-Anne recommended I use :) It is possible to increase all font size on your computer or phone :)


Silver Member
Okay so in a couple of months I'm hitting the so called big 40. Big 40? People make it sound old. A couple of people have said aren't you starting to feel old,,,,"ummm nope",,,you should stop riding bikes and doing all that sort of stuff,,,"Ummm why?". And the ooooh 40 slow down time,,,,"ummm not going to happen".
But seriously why should I feel older? I don't feel any different, still bubbly, bouncy, full of energy, always laughing and smiling.
My friends nanna was 3 weeks shy of 100 when she passed away, my nanna is in her 70's and still vibrant and beautiful,,,so I consider myself a spring chicken,,not even middle aged.
I notice when people stop enjoying life they seem to age physically and mentally.
I don't expect nor want to be young forever, I am learning all the time and with age comes more wisdom and at nearly 40 I have had a lot of life lessons, the biggest lesson is that Life is for Living.

I'm curious to know what our Forum members think,,
What is old?
When is old?

I understand my body will eventually age, and I will have more lines in my face. BUT
Is age just a state of mind?
Age doesn't matter. I honestly thought you would be closer to 30!


Foundation Member
I really felt i was leaving my youth behind turning 40,
there's no way you can BS being a youngun once you hit 40. in your 30's you can still pretend to be 20 something.
But Im nearer to 50 now and have my first child a year ago, so im still kidding myself Im a 20 something.
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