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Legend Member
Kids these days, do they have any idea how to show appreciation or have we just handed the world to them on a silver planet. The last couple days at the resturant when taking orders I`ve heard the kids say they don`t want this and they don`t want that. Some don`t even try to discipline their kids.
When I was a kid I was told to eat whatever I was given and to never show disrespect.
Are we too soft on our kids these days or is it just sign of the times??
If we are being too soft who`s fault is it? Sociality or the parents??

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It has to be parents, kids are learning, its also a sign of the times. I am amazed at what unadventurous eaters most of my grandchildren are, at a Chinese restaurant recently I was feeding jelly fish to my 2yo old grandson, mum and dad thought i was poising him, why i said he likes the texture and two years old doesn't have taste buds, like us they learn to eat with texture first.


I have no doubt that the older generation have been bitching about the youngins since the cavemen days. "you kids have it so good" is something that's simply passed down the line.

No point ordering something the kids won't eat so fair call I think. I for one, refuse to eat anything with onions in it. Hardly disrespectful if you flat out don't like something.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
If you haven't tried them for years and years how do you know if you still don't like them...I ask as I was the same with olives until 45 tried them again and love them now.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
You have got a point there WRXXXR. I guess that when you know that you are entering the "mature" part of your life when you start using the same phrases your parents used to say.....only back then you thought........blablablablaaaaaaa......what eveaaaaaaaaa.
In terms of food I think that my generation and probably every generation is the same. For years I survived on apple sauce and plain pasta (only!!!!!!!!!! nothing else) when ever my parents took us to a restaurant. How boring is that???????


Alecia the Foxx

You sound like a grumpy old fart, BB. When I go to a restaurant I don't bother watching what other people's kids are doing unless it directly affects me. So kids have more choices than we had; what of it??


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
You sound like a grumpy old fart, BB. When I go to a restaurant I don't bother watching what other people's kids are doing unless it directly affects me. So kids have more choices than we had; what of it??

True...........unless you are working in a restaurant and kids run around you while you are carrying 3 hot plates with the main course on it or a tray full of drinks which have to delivered safely to the table on the other end of the restaurant. That's when parents are asked to keep their kids under control and out of the way.


Alecia the Foxx

True...........unless you are working in a restaurant and kids run around you while you are carrying 3 hot plates with the main course on it or a tray full of drinks which have to delivered safely to the table on the other end of the restaurant. That's when parents are asked to keep their kids under control and out of the way.


Yep - that comes under the "directly affects me" category.


It's all about how these kids are brought up..So I have to say its the parents and the community they live in. It will surely give a great impact on the growth of the children. If parents don't know how to discipline there kids they will soon regret it in the future...

Alecia the Foxx

Every generation whinges about the current generation of kids. It's an ongoing thing that never changes. Our parents and grandparents said it about us, and their grandparents and parents said it about them, and so on, and so forth, ad nauseum ...