• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Support of Internet filter

infavour of or not infavour of the Government's internet filter

  • infavour of

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not infavour of

    Votes: 10 100.0%

  • Total voters


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Actually, I support Fed Govt's proposed Internet filter

hi lboy68 if u do support the Fed Govts' net filter , then y r u here , if it is just to stir trouble then i suggest have anther think about it


Farm Boy

Well I don't, However I do respect your right to hold and express a opinion,


Legend Member
They claim the filter is for the protection of children etc. I believe that to be the
duty of the parent not the government.


I definantly do not support the filter. It's not going to do anything well apart from slowing down internet access... There's just to many different ways to bypass internet filters so it's just a waste of money...

Elise Emerald Kitten

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Silver Member

Nice presentation. I think I should copy your words and put it in some leading news paper.

Remember: There is always a Plan B

Farm Boy

Elise Australia has an Oppressive Government come-on. Compared to who?


Foundation Member
Farmboy, I think you will find that Elise is dead right with her comments about "oppressive Government". Yes, we elect the pollies and, on the whole we are free but just think for a minute about all the pesky little unelected clerks in various Government and semi-government bodies who have power over you.

1) The Taxation department can snoop into your finances in a way Stalins Stasi secret Police would envy.

2) Local Government can tell you what you can and cannot do on your own property.

3) Unelected censors can decide what movies you can watch, what books you can read etc.

4) The heritage cranks can make your life hell if you own a building with any remote connection to a historical area or famous person. No appeals, no way out.

5) More recently even Government bodies have been pushed around by Aboriginal heritage bureaucrats.

When Thomas Jefferson said "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" he was referring to external threats to the state. These days the same thought applies equally well to the growing number of snotty-nosed unelected bureaucrats forever seeking more and more control over us.

We really do need to rein them in and preventing them gaining control over internet content is a good place to start digging out heels in.
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Legend Member
I do believe it is excessive to class Oz as a oppressive state.
Yes there can be too much power in the hand of bureacrats
And some departments believe we need a helping hand to
go about our daily lives.
But surely most of that is down to the man in the street(and woman)
who dont want to take responsibility for their own actions. We are
allowing more of a nanny state than an oppressive regime.
Svengali you say we must rein them in. And you are right But
it is the fact that we can do something about it that makes
our country different to so many.
Although Farmboy . Ever asked permission to clear a bit of your own land

So maybe not oppressive so much as over governed

Farm Boy

Svengali there is a element of truth in what you say, however this depends on how you view things, battles with bureaucrats can not be compared with living under a oppressive government. And as for digging our heels in read the Farm Weekly ( web sight ) Re a Mr Szuic , Farmer serving jail time defending Private property rights + the Thormpson's battle with the Dep of Environment and Conservation. And I almost forgot farmer Peter Spencer 52 days up a tree ( steel tower) could have died , now traveling the country promoting property rights.
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Elise Emerald Kitten

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