• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

SMS rage !!!!!!


Perth boy

Have you ever had SMS rage? I was selling a small item on gum tree last week. I got 29 text messages from this guy. That's not including my responses back to him. If I knew it was that hard for the $90 I sold it for I would have put it in the bin.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
YEP;- SMS rage, email bullying, social site bullying, voicemail rage, blog bullying unfortunately its everywhere, with today’s communications you have as well, social abuse.
Let`s talk about gumtree and the abuse you get from selling items. I have found I can sell most items on gumtree as long as I advertise the item for a $20.00, anything more it becomes just really hard work, constant emails and bartering. One guy I came across decided to try to bully and abuse the hell out of me through email, death threats the whole 9 yards, I realised this guy was a coward, probably a teen and obviously uses these tactics, so I reported him to the web site, but the site really does not help and I suspect the police have continuous reports of abuse, through the web and phones , and so unless the matter becomes, stalker urgent the police are probably useless as well.
A final note, this forum is great currently; there are many funny people, who use this forum and no abuse from anyone??????????? Talk about a surprise, a friendly group of people;- Just WOW

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Would anyone agree if I was to hallucinate that SMS is a great way for exchanging information. But is totally insufficient for conversation. Yet so many people rely on it resulting is mixed and wrong messages causing misunderstandings. Not to mention the diminishing of communication EQ.

I myself tend to SMS to pass on or collect details and make a phone call if a conversation was required.

Tania Admin

A final note, this forum is great currently; there are many funny people, who use this forum and no abuse from anyone??????????? Talk about a surprise, a friendly group of people;- Just WOW

I am glad you feel that way about the forum and it's members, it gives me warm fuzzies :)


pirate, I would have "sold" it to him and told him to meet you at an office block address i.e. not your residence. And when (if?) he turns up - abuse the living daylight out of him.


Legend Member
Yes contrarian The happy pirate could of made him walk the plank from the good ship ,Twenty Floors Up,
Splat/Splash theres not much difference


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ohhh Eye;- Thanks for the support guys, Happy2,Contrarian,Tania, in summary guys what I was trying to illustrate was, what looks so innocent such as a SMS communication or Facebook page;- can be used to abuse anyone at anytime. Eyyyyyye Happy2, let`s lash the lad to the main sail and raise it high, and see what the wind blows;- me Rum glass needs refilling Arrrrr always work to be done;- Ohhh Eye