Shebah – For women, by women

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Dea VIP Darwin

Gold Member
I was happy when Tania VIP Darwin told us today about Shebah, a taxi service that provides safe female transports in Darwin now as well. Just recently a friend of mine got sexually attacked at night time in Darwin. Till that day I always felt quite safe walking home alone in this town. Even now I’m more aware of that risk, I sometimes feel uneasy taking a taxi, driven by a man I don’t know. Questions like “Are you traveling alone or is someone waiting for you?”, “Why has a beautiful girl like you no boyfriend?” “Where do you go afterward, maybe we can catch up?” can already be enough to give you a weird feeling about a situation.

Our ladies at Langtrees Darwin often have had intolerable experiences with male taxi drivers like that and worse. Especially in this business women are facing regularly uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situations. That makes it even more important to have this opportunity of more safety and protection!

The concept of Shebah is pretty much the same as the concept of Uber – but female only! Shebah as the app is available for Apple and Android phones and of course free to download.

This link provides all the necessary information about Sheba.

Stay safe to stay the beautiful souls you are ladies ♥
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