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Scrooge McDuck...


Legend Member
Do you keep a garbage bag in your pocket so it can be turned into an instant raincoat?

Do you hang your tea bag out to dry and then use it again?

Do you keep the elastic band your junk mail comes wrapped up in?

Do you keep the shoelaces from a broken pair of shoes?

Share with us some of your tips for saving money, it`s becoming an expensive world out there and we need to save as much as we can, even if it`s just so that we can use the money saved to visit a beautiful Langtrees lady.O0


I Suppose that's a way to save money if your money tight and time rich :p

Imagine doing a Perth to esperance run at 80kms, add 3 hours to the trip but you save $100!

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Oh, I wish I could be a scrooge! I'm more the opposite. I tend to waste money on mindless waste. I frustrate the crap out of myself. So if anyone has any tips for me, please spill? Help!Lol!

Lisa xxx


I'm exactly the same Lisa but we work hard (or at least turn up!) so why not enjoy it.

Lifes to short to worry about saving $5 here and there. If Greece collapses then i'll start to worry!


Full Member
Foundation Member
Oh, I wish I could be a scrooge! I'm more the opposite. I tend to waste money on mindless waste. I frustrate the crap out of myself. So if anyone has any tips for me, please spill? Help!Lol!

Lisa xxx

.....a simple budget would be a start, Lisa. Some can be very simple and others complicated but here is a link to a suggested budget planner that the NAB provides.

Calculators & Financial Tools - NAB

Click on the "Everyday Money" tab and then click on "budget planner". A pop up screen will appear were you can populate a number of fields in order to get a summary.

Fudd :)


Legend Member
all the planners & saving guides go out the window as soon as you walk past the shop window Especially those shop windows in Amsterdam


my awesomness winter tip

>> want 2 cut the electricity bill?? skip the heater and electric blanket. buy 2 hot waterbottles. wear socks and place 1 hot waterbottle on your feet and the other on the tophalf of your body or on your hands. it's Soooo nice and warm. ohhh and if you have a sore back. it's so nice to lie on your front and just put the waterbottle on your back and sleep like that. it'd heat all the sore muscles and knots while u sleep.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi callgirl That reminds me of this politician.....hmmmmm........bugger forgot his name (must be old age sssssssssssigh) who suggested after the last big electicity price rise and as an effective way to save power that aircons are not really necessary in WA......:laughing4



1. I go to Coles just before closing time on Saturday. About an hour or so before, they make an announcement that their seafood is cut by half or more. Buy it, in the freezer and there you are! Salmon, prawns, scallops, yum yum. Sometimes you get 3 or 4 housewives ganging up but the guy behind the counter can be fair about this and is brave enough to say no.

2. Supermarkets offer discount vouchers. You don't have to spend the $40 minimum to get them - just check the trollies outside or the carpark and inevitably some rich litterbug will have done me the favour. And then you only fill up your tank on Wednesdays before the price change cycle on Thursday.

3. Targets - great supermarket for clothing etc.

4. I'm a big fan of opp shops!

5. Your local library for newspapers etc. Keep all junk mail, especially community newspapers. Wrap up your kitchen litter and vegie cutoffs in them and you don't need litter bags when you throw them into the bin.

6. I put all my coins into different jam jars and by the end of the year I've got enough for a trip on SIA to most places.

7. My girlfriend and I put $2 into a jar every morning and by the end of the month we have $120 to have a slap up meal at a swank restaurant with a little top up on the bill from our pocket.

8. Movies on tightarse tuesday.

9. Grow your own vegies.

10. Buy heaps of specials at supermarkets - e.g. $1 packets of soup.

11. Cook instead of buying takeaways.

12. Cycle or take the train unless you REALLY have to drive!

13. I do the hot water bottle thing.

14. Don't buy a brand new car, just buy a good second hand one from a reliable dealer - I find John Hughes good for this.

Some of my colleagues laugh at these but I'm already on my way to owning my second house and they're complaining about paying off credit card bills and their first mortgage.


15. Now that supermarkets in the inner city suburbs close at night - it's worth your while going to them about half an your before closing time. Their roast chickens are usually reduced to half price. I've bought them and put them in the freezer and reheated them later in the oven. Taste just as good.

16. Discipline as in no takeaway meals except on weekends. And if you learn to cook many of those takeaway meals you can still save a packet - fish and chips for example. Nasi goreng etc. Why buy takeaway coffee when many work pantries provide them for free?

17. Cook two or 3 dishes en masse. Freeze them and you've work and after work meals to eat as a variety. Invest in a cheap microwave oven if you have to so save reheating time.


18. There's saving money and then there's GENERATING money. It has its pros and cons but you might consider renting a room out in your house. There are always workers who want to live near their workplace etc.


19. You'll be surprised how many people waste money on the indulgence of having lights on uneccesarily in different rooms when there's no one there.


alittle advice I was one given that has helped me save ,if your interested.

1.)Set up an hight interest savings account St George is good but look at the current rates (one without a card attacted to the account and no account keeping fees and preferably intrest paid weekly)
2.)Pay yourself first! set up an automatic direct debit of a small amout a week (10% of weekly wage is a good figure) straight out of your pay, we will always will have bills etc but always put this money away no matter what the bills will wait! and the only time you are allowed spend it is on investments like shares or property.
we tend to spend what ever we earn so if you make $ 500 a week your send it but if you get a raise and start making $800 a week you soon find all that money is spent too! So taking it out before its in your account its like you never had the money and a liitle bit each week with compound intrest quickly becomes a good savings portfolio.
3.) If your still tempted to touch the money set up a term deposit, link it to your high interst savings account and every time you hit a certian figure say $500 tranfer it over.
most fixed term deposits have a min start amount and you can choose your term to invest so talk to the bank as to which one suit you best.

anywho im blabbing but this advice has served me well over the last 10 years I hope it can help u too



Lisa, do you have a mortgage with redraw facility?

If so forget savings accounts with high interest as you can easily have your money working far smarter for you bringing you much greater gains


15. Now that supermarkets in the inner city suburbs close at night - it's worth your while going to them about half an your before closing time. Their roast chickens are usually reduced to half price. I've bought them and put them in the freezer and reheated them later in the oven. Taste just as good.

Haha.. i do that every once in awhile too. Whole roast chickens normally $10.50 are $5 at around an hr before closing. :) bargain! whole roast chicken would normally last me 2 days worth of meals for Single person. Just stick it in the fridge and i normally make grilled chicken & cheese sandwiches with them!


Gold Member
Recycle your toilet paper.

Hang it over a line till it dries out.
Get a broom handle and beat the shit out of it.


Rochelle, it's WA's premier - Colin Barnett who lives in Cottesloe or Claremont. One of those Western suburbs. Interestingly, I had to go to his office recently and it's airconditioned as is his car (chauffeur driven government car at that - wonder why he doesn't take public transport into the city).


Gold Member
Share with us some of your tips for saving money, it`s becoming an expensive world out there and we need to save as much as we can, even if it`s just so that we can use the money saved to visit a beautiful Langtrees lady.O0

This is for the over 65's that are still working.
Sacrifice all of your salary (over the tax free threshold) to Superannuation (well as much as the current government will allow).
Draw on your Superannuation for living expenses.

The sacrifice money gets taxed at 15%.
The drawings are tax free.



2.)Pay yourself first! set up an automatic direct debit of a small amout a week (10% of weekly wage is a good figure) straight out of your pay, we will always will have bills etc but always put this money away no matter what the bills will wait! and the only time you are allowed spend it is on investments like shares or property.

This is what I do Suzie.:laughing4 10% into a never to touch account. Then another 10% into a medium term savings account.


Gold Member
Hi callgirl That reminds me of this politician.....hmmmmm........bugger forgot his name (must be old age sssssssssssigh) who suggested after the last big electicity price rise and as an effective way to save power that aircons are not really necessary in WA......:laughing4


Rochelle, it's WA's premier - Colin Barnett who lives in Cottesloe or Claremont. One of those Western suburbs. Interestingly, I had to go to his office recently and it's airconditioned as is his car (chauffeur driven government car at that - wonder why he doesn't take public transport into the city).

Yeah, beach side house with big tall ceilings. Nice and breezy, no doubt he doesn't need AC, but retarded of him to make that comment, if he lived 5km East in a normal house with 7-8 foot ceilings he'd be singing another tune.

On the other side of the political spectrum, I'll be voting for anyone not linked to the greens or ALP, thus saving myself from a retarded carbon tax, there is a money saver.


So... Billy, as the starter of this thread - which of these have you tried or going to try so far?


Legend Member
Recycle the toilet paper as long as work lets me do it there as well, and switch off my home air con...

I`m thinking about doing the 2 saving account transfer but I`ll get a friend to go joint on the 2nd account so that it can be even harder for me to try and withdraw from.

I also tend to stock up on good specials as well. A bit more of an initail outlay but worth the savings in the end.


18. How could I have forgotten this one? Many (not all) of supermarket home brand labels are made from the same factories as the branded ones e.g. Coles home brand bread is made by Tip Top bakeries and is the actual product, they just do an extra run at the end of the day.

So, don't be surprised if your home brand products are just as good. If they're not of course, don't continue with them.

19. When I was a student, many households, even non-student ones were members of a neighbourhood vegie co-op. Everyone would put in $4 and at the end of the week - would go to the central wholesalers markets and buy the vegies that'd be going. Four $4, you'd get HEAPS of vegies and fruit. Of course, this was before all these farmer's markets sprung up but still worth considering.


Legend Member
Bought some dishwasher tablets today at Woolworths. A savings of $14.50 a packet, so I got 4 giving me a total saving of close to $50...
Nearly enough for a good massage. :love10:


I buy home brand food hahaha I am the ULTIMATE cheapo EXCEPT when it comes to shoes... they do not have a price limit for me.
I also turn the lights off when im not using them...
ummmm... just dont spend it?? lol


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Thanks BBC......so it really was him.......wow that is rather embarrassing. I "love" it when rich people tell "poor" people how to save money.......:laughing4 They have NO idea. Would love to see how Mr. Barnett could survive on an average income.

Thinking of it I am definitely Scrooge McRoch when it comes to turning of lights, TVs, radios and other electronic equipment and water. Short showers, no running tap whil brushing teeth and no dribbling taps.:nono:



20. Surprised no one suggested it earlier and yet I practice it myself. Bring in cut lunches to work. You'll save heaps that way. I vary it sometimes - I bring in cut lunches every 2 days and on the third day, eat whatever take away is going.

I think Billy sometimes the important thing is to have actual GOALS to save for and picture them in your mind and perhaps have a target to work towards - help if it's a monetary sum I guess.
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