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Save me from the sickness....

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Hello everyone, just thought i would ask if anyone has some good home remedies for the killer cold from hell.....sore throat, coughing, runny nose, temperature etc. I can't take the cold and flu tablets cos my asthma has flared up with this nasty cold and the cold and flu tablets seem to make that worse.

Bed rest is also not happening cos there are no relief teachers out here so missing work isn't an option......ergh.....

Perhaps i should just ask to be put down :)


Full Member
Foundation Member
its a horrible cold spunky, ppl are falling left right and centre. for sore throat best to gargle some disprin which should also help with the fever.watch what u take and how much. it doesn't take much paracetemol to start knocking around the liver.


Foundation Member
hehehhee ummm a bag of cement so you can harden up princess?????

nah.. just sweat it out... keep battling on..



Foundation Member
Yep, sorry to be a wet blanket but there is not much you can do about the dreaded wog. Best bet is to swallow something containing pseudoephedrine like Vicks formula 44. That will dry things up a bit and make the symtoms a bit more bearable and it doesn't taste bad either. Just stay away fom the booze while you are taking it as it roughly trebles the effect - one standard drink = 3. (Good way of getting drunk on the cheap)

Good news is that no-one ever died from a cold although quite a few probably wished they could.

Dear Mia

Silver Member
Drink heaps of warm water to loosen the plegm, and don't drink alcohol...that's common sense I suppose, but I found that the water really helped.

Get well soon!


Hey Spunky

Sorry to hear you are unwell!

I had a crappy cold for ages. I tested the theory that alcohol kills germs and went out three weekends in a row and got smashed... it was freezing cold out and needless to say, my cold lasted for longer than three weeks!

Someone told me once to put vicks vapour rub on the bottom of your feet and put socks on and it helps. Could be old wives tale... who knows.

I crush up disprin and mash it with honey on a tablespoon to help with the fever part. I dont think anything can be beat good old cold and flu tabs to dry you up (dont forget your ID at the pharmacy!)

Drink plenty of water and rest babe...


I had a cold coming on early in the week and a little angel directed me to "olive leaf syrup" available at health food shops. Very good to boost the immune system, I had a day's worth and feel much better, so maybe give that a go? I was also conscious of eating good for me foods, fruit/fibre/vegies/yoghurt. Hope u get better soon babe xxx


Sorry to hear your feeling unwell, as people have said, its a bad one and its hitting people left and right, i found putting vix on my chest and near my nose just lightly helped (just be careful not to get it too close to your eyes)

My other remedy that i found that helped was, nice warm milky Milo.

Other people have recommended Lem Sip and other things, but i found Milo gave me the energy to help get me through the day. And the Vix helped me sleep during the night.

Hope your feeling better soon.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Hi, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Lots of good advice, but no thought to tell you to have lots of sex, if none around get busy on the board, anything to divert the mind from feeling the effects of the lurgy. Dwelling on it will only make it feel worse.:police:


Hello everyone, just thought i would ask if anyone has some good home remedies for the killer cold from hell.....sore throat, coughing, runny nose, temperature etc. I can't take the cold and flu tablets cos my asthma has flared up with this nasty cold and the cold and flu tablets seem to make that worse.

Bed rest is also not happening cos there are no relief teachers out here so missing work isn't an option......ergh.....

Perhaps i should just ask to be put down :)

For a short while last year, I was taking a retail/pharmacy TAFE class..
(qualification to be a Pharmacy assistant.. the people on the floor - being a pharmacIST is different).
so, by no means am i qualified or anything.. but this is what I learnt.

One of the few things I actually remember is if you feel a cold coming on.. you should take some zinc and it will clear the sore throat.. BUT ..and this is the important bit.. ONLY within the first 48 hours of you feeling the symptoms!!!

Personally, I have found that the only thing I could find with zinc in it was... Vegemite!!! ^-^
so if I feel a cold, i like to have vegemite toast.. and I think it has worked for me - this whole last week I have had a runny nose.. but no throat soreness or anything.. when I felt it coming on, the next morning I had vegemite and since, just the runny nose bothering me. So at least give it a shot! -.^

Another thing.. It's better to let the cold run it's course than it is to take anti-biotics. This is for two reasons (that i remember).. one, it will help build up an immunity if you fight it and two, anti-biotics not only clear out bad bacteria but good bacteria as well.. so unless you are gonna replace it (with say yoghurt), don't worry!

There is a vitamin (or maybe a couple) as well as some minerals and/or herbs that help the immune system and preventing colds.. to be honest, without looking at my notes, I forget what they are.. but do read up a little about it maybe!

So, I dunno how far into your cold you are or anything but it's probably best to let it run it's course!
hope this helps a little! ^-^


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
This tastes awful, but it does seem to work...a wl in brisbane made this for me on one of my early tours when I came down with a horrid cold the day I arrived.

6 lemons cut into slices
grated ginger (1 piece) or 3 teaspoons powdered
2 glasses of coke
2 tablespoons of honey

Put all ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil, then simmer until mix is halved.

Stain and put into a container and refridgerate.

Take 3-4 tablespoons every couple of hours - if you cant stomach it straight mix with a little hot water and sip.

Sounds foul I know, but having made this on a few occasions it seems to help...the ginger helps you sweat, the lemons are good for the vitamin c content, (god knows what the coke is for but I think it harks back to the days in the USA when the drugstores used to sell coke syrup because of the codeine in it - which is dosnt have today)



Silver Member
Rum, and lots of it, may not cure you, but atleast you will know why you feel like shit..:eek:ccasion1


Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions - whilst i am a big fan of the people who suggested alchol i've learnt from experience that just makes me sicker cos i tend to prance around in minimal clothing!
I have been gargling disprin and drinking lots of OJ and water. Woke up feeling a little better today after a really BAD night but could just be fooling myself. It's the asthma that makes it so much worse i think.....difficulty breathing makes everything harder. I'd forgotten how bad it can be! I cant even yell at the kids cos i have a coughing fit. I have resorted to blowing a whistle and wavinga big red "outside" sign at them.

Maryanne - i dont know if sex is the best idea right now. My breathing gets a bit choppy when i cum and i'd probably knock myself out or end up in hospital!


Foundation Member
Sorry you're not well, Spunky....I swear by the Nature's Own triple strength garlic + c, horseradish, fenugreek and marshmallow tablets.
It sounds disgusting, the tablets smell AWFUL, and don't taste much better, but it works wonders. It eases the congestion and clears the cold up in no time.
(Even my other half, who has declared all vitamins/herbal supplements to be "snake oil", took his tablets with no protest after I nagged him into having the first dose. =)
There's also a cough medicine from the chemist called Rikodeine...it's the only one I've taken that's ever worked. And it's got just enough feel-good stuff to make you not mind being sick. =p


Sorry you're not well, Spunky....I swear by the Nature's Own triple strength garlic + c, horseradish, fenugreek and marshmallow tablets.
It sounds disgusting, the tablets smell AWFUL, and don't taste much better, but it works wonders. It eases the congestion and clears the cold up in no time.

(Even my other half, who has declared all vitamins/herbal supplements to be "snake oil", took his tablets with no protest after I nagged him into having the first dose. =)
There's also a cough medicine from the chemist called Rikodeine...it's the only one I've taken that's ever worked. And it's got just enough feel-good stuff to make you not mind being sick. =p

wow.. that's the stuff my mum got for her cold a few days ago.. I'll ask her if it's worked or not.. (but not right now)

Naughty Thoughts

Urgh - sounds like you've got what I'm going through.

I'd offer some of my old home remedies except that none of them are working! Used to be I'd get a cold or flu, spend two days in bed and then I'd be right as rain.

This one though, I'm starting the fourth week with it and it's been miserable. All the staff at work have it so I think we're just passing it back and forth to each other. I've tried everything with it - even took a full week off work and did nothing but lie in bed and it's still there...

So ... um ... I dunno. Smith & Wesson's patented instant flu remedy?


The problem isnt so much the cold (i have managed to give that to everyone at work and half the kids now) its the asthma. I had an asthma attack in class today and it was awful - totally unexpected. Most of the kids were pretty good with the exception of a few who ran off to play football while i couldn't yell at them.

I usually get a bit wheezy when i have a cold but this is totally different, unfortunately my options for a doctor out here are pretty limited. I can pay $85 to see a GP on wednesday arvo (not an option for me - i dont have that money) or i can go to the emergency room. Or leave school early Friday and go ot one in Perth. That looks like the plan and i'm just hoping it doesnt happen in class again before then! I tried the vegemite trick and i'm hoping that helps to hehe.


only within the first 48 hours (of feeling the symptoms), spunky AND that's only to stop the throat soreness etc. ..still leaves the runny nose and not sure about coughing.

Vegemite was the only thing I could find that had zinc in...
SO.. this is from goooood ol' wikipedia..

Food sources

Zinc is found in oysters, and to a far lesser degree in most animal proteins, beans, nuts, almonds, whole grains, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.[13] A turkey's neck and beef's chuck or shank also contain significant amounts of zinc. Phytates, which are found in whole grain breads, cereals, legumes and other products, have been known to decrease zinc absorption. Clinical studies have found that zinc, combined with antioxidants, may delay progression of age-related macular degeneration.[14] Significant dietary intake of zinc has also recently been shown to impede the onset of flu.[15] Soil conservation analyzes the vegetative uptake of naturally occurring zinc in many soil types.

The US recommended dietary allowance of zinc from puberty on is 11mg for males and 8mg for females, with higher amounts recommended during pregnancy and lactation.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Hey Spunky... i have the same problem... get a badcold and my asthma plays up, you wanna gt on top of it coz i know i always end up with a shocking chest infection if i dont!

If you cant get into the doctors, head into the hospital (most hospitals have GPs you can get into?) and ask for a nebulizer (spelling?) get yourself some asthma preventative (seretide etc) and use ventilin every few hours! while mine was really bad i was using 2 puffs every 2 hours all day!

I didnt get to it soon enough this time though :( now on steroids for the asthma and antibiotics for the chest infection (it was going on about 2 months before i finally gave in and went to the doctor!!!)

Must really suck though when you have to be chasing round after little shi... sorry kids... all day :p


The kids are okay - they know if i'm not there they will get put in with the high school kids all day and get picked on mercilessly. So i am a much better alternative. I am going to make a doctors appointment for friday late in the day in Perth and leave early afternoon from here.....although i am hoping i will be better by then!
Ergh i was quite happy with my extremely bad "childhood asthma" i dont want grown up asthma!! Blah.

Mary Anne PA

One lime
One lemon
One teaspoon vineger
One tablespoon honey
One tot pure malt whisky
One clove garlic crushed
One soluble dispirin
Put track suit pants on with socks
Tracksuit top on
One vagina use vigorously for twenty minutes pref half an hour
get good sweat up(blow up doll will suffice}
Repeat if needed.

It works a treat for mee


hey spunky...im a nurse in a country town and i suffer from asthma...you should def get a script for a preventer puffer...seretide is good (its the purple one) also you can buy ventolin (blue puffer) over the counter at any pharmacy, use that every 4-6 hours or as needed if you have an attack...i would also reccommend you use the ventolin with a spacer, it improves the inhalation of the medication by up to 70%...my asthma only flares when i have a cold, so as soon as i think im getting a cold i start the seretide and use regular panadol and ventolin...stay away from cold and flu tablets and ibuprofen (nurofen) as that will exacerbate your asthma! unfortunately with asthmatics its not advisable to use any anticold remedies, just use panadol (its so underrated!) and pleanty of fluids, your puffers and rest (if thats possible)

hope you feel better soon!!

go to your local A&E if you ever think your haivng an asthma attack...ppl underestimate asthma, i have seen 2 ppl die from an acute asthma attack! the asthma foundation (i dunno if there is a website) have excellent information, they are in west perth, they offer free training on how and when to use puffers..

sorry im rambling now!


Thanks WAcowgirl :) i will be asking my doctor about aerotide tomorrow. Best to be prepared out here me thinks....damn i love cold and flu tablets. I am allergic to ibuprofen anyway so avoid that.

Cheers for the messages guys :) i am (slowly) on the mend now
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