• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Rochelle's Political Thread


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

To the moderator of this board, I suggest that you remove the above post by Farmboy who's now becoming quite an abusive poster.

If you think he should be banned, please do so.

As Marcus Aurelius once said, "The object in life is not to be on the side of the Majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the Insane."

....that's a bit of a call BBC, given that some of your posts of late (to some threads) have, in my opinion, been somewhat arrogant & aloof. Accordingly, the elicited responses did not surprise me. I suggest you cool your jets before making such a request to moderators.



Re: Abbott is not giving up

Arrogant and aloof? As long as my opinion doesn't insult anyone with personal swipes - then whose business is it?

Do you expect the world to conform to your expectations only and no one else's? Or is that question too arrogant for you by your standards? Or are my views just too different from yours?

I've had one poster make a mildly racist remark about my complexion, this one calling me a tiny dick bastard, a third allege that I wouldn't fight for my country and know little if nothing about Australia's war history. As I've said - the posts are there.
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Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Arrogant and aloof? As long as my opinion doesn't insult anyone with personal swipes - then whose business is it?

Do you expect the world to conform to your expectations only and no one else's? Or is that question too arrogant for you by your standards?

...if you didnt write that post to the moderators, I would have agreed with you. But your last 2 points just echo what I'm saying.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

I wrote that to the moderators as the attacks were getting more and more personal. I'd already made it clear that I wouldn't respond to the personal attacks but the last one made was just beyond the pale. If anything, my last two points show that we're allowed to agree to disagree.

Before I made those last two points however, pray explain your arriving at "arrogant and aloof" then.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I think the moderators do a pretty good job I guess it would be improbable that they can keep track of all posts. But again I think they do a pretty good job
But I dont think they need prompting from peoples who get their feelings hurt.
I think you are more than capable of defending yourself BBC
We dont really need to go back to the classroom Sir Please sir Timmy's being naughty.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Well if one chooses to suffer fools, so be it. As you say, the moderators can make a decision. If they choose to ignore it, so be it. It would take a lot more than that to hurt my feelings. But to put up with childishness, a line has to be drawn.

Then again, I could just choose to ignore Farmboy which I've begun to do.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

I have to clarify my responses here as you have misunderstood. I have sat and listened to what these guys have to say about their overseas postings, which most dont want to go and risk their lives, obviously. They have no choice in what they are fighting for, they are just doing their best and that is all. You had made it clear that it is a war not worth fighting for and that it was a setup, in reference to that I believed you were saying you would not fight for your natural born country. It is very sad.. what these boys go through, but hearing them tell you in person, they are heroes, not to be condemned for what they are fighting for, they See what they are fighting for everyday, you would be shocked it! and your responses ignited 'emotions' in me but as you would see I don't respond to crap I know nothing about. The anzac service I don't even need to go into, it was never an inference to your intelligence or what your beliefs are.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I`m not going to try and take sides but can I just ask...
When you join the defense force then perhaps you should understand that you may have to fight and possibly kill one in order to save many.
Does that make you a hero or are you just doing the job you signed up to do???
If I work as cook then I am expected to cook, if I work as a builder then I am expected to build.
For myself personally I think it is somebody elses fight and we shouldn`t be there.

Those that were conscripted and forced to go to war. They are heroes.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Taking away the dole would only cause an increase in crime.


Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Is he not a human being like you, albeit suffering from an addiction and the terrible facts of crime that are associated with it?


not a human like me

Im not a criminal junkie fuck who blows up tax payer funded houses - he doesnt "suffer" from an addiction he chooses to be a drug addict

I hope he breaks into your house and steals your kids xmas presents to sel and shoot up his arm so maybe you can get an attitude adjustment


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I agree with most of your statement bushseeker apart from the bit
where he chooses to be an addict. Addiction is genuine. I was only hooked on tobacco but that was real enough. Making and probably
selling to others, Well that IS a personal choice.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

Always amazes me how personal people get. Is no one entitled to different
views without getting personal?

Happy, doesn't the addiction enslave you into making and selling as well? Isn't that why e.g. some women and men go into prosititution - to feed their habits?

Shouldn't the focus then be on the Mr. Bigs who fund and run hire people to run labs?
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Alecia the Foxx

Re: Abbott is not giving up

"As Marcus Aurelius once said, "The object in life is not to be on the side of the Majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the Insane."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ...... :thumbsup:


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Yes BBC people unfortunately steal or as you say get into prostitution due to
their addiction. I just find it difficult to get my head around a person being a victim
of a dealer Then to start ruining other peoples lives, the exact same way.Making
and selling there vile crap to sell to other addicts and worse still starting their own generation of addicts.

Alecia the Foxx

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Aren't there many ways of being an addict?

I would say that there are a fair few on here who are sex addicts. To say that one addiction is the same, or as negative as another in terms of judging people for it, is not being realistic.

Yeah, sure methamphetamine users steal, go into prostitution, deal, etc, but what do gambling addicts do to feed their habits? Steal, go into prostitution, and do they help their fellow addicts with gambling tips? Yeah, they do. Which, it could be argued is a type of "dealing."

What do sex addicts do to feed their habits? They sometimes steal, lie to their spouses and girlfriends about where the money is going and where they are going, and do they help their fellow addicts with tips on which WL is the best? Yeah, sure they do.

So drug addicts dealing drugs is not really surprising is it?

And remember, ladies can go into prostitution very easily, if they want to go into it for that reason, men going into prostitution is far more of a complex process, in my opinion. So guys who have to pay for a habit, whatever it is, tend to steal more often, while girls go into prostitution. So, I don't think we should judge people.

Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

I`m not going to try and take sides but can I just ask...
When you join the defense force then perhaps you should understand that you may have to fight and possibly kill one in order to save many.
Does that make you a hero or are you just doing the job you signed up to do???
If I work as cook then I am expected to cook, if I work as a builder then I am expected to build.
For myself personally I think it is somebody elses fight and we shouldn`t be there.

Those that were conscripted and forced to go to war. They are heroes.

I can remember getting a card in the mail It stated
Your conscription for National serves with the Australian Armed Services has been INDEFINITELY DEFERRED
it also said Keep this card (I lost it along time ago )
Conscription ended as one of the first acts of the newly elected Whitlam Labor Government in late December 1972. About 63,735 National Servicemen served in the military from 1964-1972. Of that number, 19,450 'Nashos' served in Vietnam, all with the Army.

Conscription in Australia is long gone Billybones
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Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

I agree with most of your statement bushseeker apart from the bit
where he chooses to be an addict. Addiction is genuine. I was only hooked on tobacco but that was real enough. Making and probably
selling to others, Well that IS a personal choice.

it was always your choice to smoke or not to Ive had as much chance to be adicted to smoking as you

but adictions not really the issue

do you steal mug and blow up houses to feed your adiction?

I dont care what peoples vices are - ive got my own but its when you start making it societys problem not just your own
I get an issue

and YES I WILL judge these people

I have no intrest in getting my place done over to satisfy some some poor didums who its not their fault adiction

if you cant aford it you become my problem and I will judge you

Alecia the Foxx

Re: Abbott is not giving up

"I have no intrest in getting my place done over to satisfy some some poor didums who its not their fault adiction" Quote from bushseeker

Ok, if you wanna do the right-wing bullshit, I can do that too, but it doesen't come naturally because I am a lefty, but not a thin-skinned one.

You should, as a responsible right wing fascist, be making sure that you are paying for a good security system so that all your precious property (your house) doesen't get "done over" and you should have insurance so that if it does, society's problems don't become yours. Because that is what it is all about, eh? Making sure that society's problems are not known to you, and then you can pretend that since you are throwing money at the problem, it won't affect you, cos, you don't have anything to do with it, eh?:boxing:

I know nothing about Australian politics, but I know a lot about people with this attitude.


Re: Abbott is not giving up

It's seems a pretty contentious issue.


Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

"I have no intrest in getting my place done over to satisfy some some poor didums who its not their fault adiction" Quote from bushseeker

Ok, if you wanna do the right-wing bullshit, I can do that too, but it doesen't come naturally because I am a lefty, but not a thin-skinned one.

You should, as a responsible right wing fascist, be making sure that you are paying for a good security system so that all your precious property (your house) doesen't get "done over" and you should have insurance so that if it does, society's problems don't become yours. Because that is what it is all about, eh? Making sure that society's problems are not known to you, and then you can pretend that since you are throwing money at the problem, it won't affect you, cos, you don't have anything to do with it, eh?:boxing:

I know nothing about Australian politics, but I know a lot about people with this attitude.

so what are you saying? scumbag theives have rights? such as the right do do my place over?

thats friggen ridiculous

most people get by just fine without having to rip people off

the last thing scumbag thieves need is people like you making excuses for their behavior

no one gets forced to become a drug addict and definitly no one gets forced to steal to fuel the habit

the "they cant help it" crap doesnt wash

apparantly paedophiles cant help it either but noone gos giving them any understanding - and neither should they

Alecia the Foxx

Re: Abbott is not giving up

so what are you saying? scumbag theives have rights? such as the right do do my place over?

thats friggen ridiculous

most people get by just fine without having to rip people off

the last thing scumbag thieves need is people like you making excuses for their behavior

no one gets forced to become a drug addict and definitly no one gets forced to steal to fuel the habit

the "they cant help it" crap doesnt wash

apparantly paedophiles cant help it either but noone gos giving them any understanding - and neither should they

Yeah, scum bag thieves do have rights. Everyone has rights, even you.


Foundation Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Yeah, scum bag thieves do have rights. Everyone has rights, even you.

the difference is wit my rights I accept the responsabilities that go with rights

- I accept the responsabilty of behaving in a manor befitting a human being in a civilsed society

not a stuff you ill take and trash what i want becauseits not my fault mentality

- thats the difference

a crack head junkie has no more rights to my property than some pedo has to your kids ass

hows that for seeing things black/white


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Hi bushseeker,
I can see where you are coming from because a lot of people share your approach to society's problems. Unfortunately it is not as easy as just black and white......especially when it comes to addictions.

You obviously have never been addicted to whatever substance that is on the market.
Addiction is not something people choose like........'oh yeah......I want to be an addict now'......addiciton is unfortunately a psychological problem and some even think addiction can be a result of a genetical pre-disposition.
Now.......I just want to point out that I am not trying to justify addictions and the nasties connected with it but I think it is very important to understand what it is and where it is coming from if society wants to deal with the problem efficiently and progressively.
Giving druggies the hard out red-neck treatment will only push them further into the criminal world and further into the arms of the real bastards......the syndicates....the big shots who manufacture and distribute the substances all over the place.

I just want to point out a government initiative in Swizerland many moons ago. They used to have a huge heroin problem in Zurich......high crime rate.....and all other nasties related to drug addiction. The government decided to take a different approach and offered the addicts the heroin supplement drug methadon for free. The addicts could collect their 'shots' at certain places with clean equipment and under medical supervision.
And guess what happened..........the crime rate dropped.......the health bill dropped.......the drug dealing and selling nearly stopped and people on the methadon program where able to establish a so called 'normal' life again.
So here we go.
Food for thought.


Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Julia must be on line I will check the members list.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard says it is time for those who are able to work to pull their weight and stop being a drag on taxpayers.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

making the few unemployed who bludge work is good.
The only problem is governments (of both persuasion) use a
axe instead of a scalpel. And people who are genuine often get caught up in the latest Make the voters think were hard sheme

I know If I need a hand for a while I would want someone who was working with
me who wanted to be there not forced to

Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

I don't think Julia is going to be too tough.


Legend Member
Re: Abbott is not giving up

Farmboy it's not Julia or Tony who get really tough. Its the little hitlers
in the Public Service who get a whiff of power and whammo

Farm Boy

Re: Abbott is not giving up

Farmboy it's not Julia or Tony who get really tough. Its the little hitlers
in the Public Service who get a whiff of power and whammo

Yes I have to say there something in that H2.