• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Return of the Jedi.......


Legend Member
I've not heard about a group intro anywhere? Do you mean you have to meet all the ladies in one room together?


Foundation Member
My recommendation would be the lovely Tia from Casey's who I reviewed recently on here.


I've not heard about a group intro anywhere? Do you mean you have to meet all the ladies in one room together?

Sure do D you all sit there like stunned mullets until you choose a lovely or... you leave. Probably with "Aren't we good enough for you" ringing in your ears.


The group intro at Casey's is a deal breaker for me.

Group intro.. damn that's me stuffed going there.. I'd have to book and just see who I meant to see... I'm bad enough going somewhere and doing the whole meet and greet anyway!...


Foundation Member
Yep, rocking up blind with crossed fingers is the hardest part of a punt.

It doesn't matter whether it is a lounge setup like Langtrees or 316 or one by one intro as per City West you still have to reject someone and if you have any empathy for people that is the hard part. A group intro just multiplies the feeling by however many ladies are in the group. Nothing worse than feeling those eyes boring into your back as you leave and you can almost hear the thoughts "well you are no oil painting yourself mate." That may be true but I am not trying to make a living from my looks (just as well:rolleyes:)

Far easier to use the websites or talk to the receptionists to get a few clues as to who may float your boat then arrange to meet that lady only. You can still get it wrong, of course. I met the legendary Jade at 316 that way and wasn't impressed on first meeting her. A few weeks later the girl I had booked made it clear she didn't want to see me and I took Jade as my second pick and she became an addiction which lasted until she retired.


The City West intro system is by far the best.

Years back the receptionist there once referred to me as a gentleman...
Funny thing is though I'm definitely no gentleman.


Legend Member
Interesting info you guys, I find the idea of sitting in a room with a group of ladies and having to choose just awful, not because I'm uncomfortable surrounded by a group of gorgeous women but mainly because they are people with feelings and I know they are just doing their job but I have feelings too. My ideal would be to talk to them all and choose nobody, then book someone in advance at a later time ;-)

The best intro system that I've ever encountered was the Langtrees forum members "meet and greet". We were having a drink and chat in the pleasure lounge and any ladies that wanted to could come out and say hi - I felt it was a fun and relaxed way to get to know them with no pressure and as they were working next door they were free to come and go as they wanted.


Well D you walk in the door and you say "Hi I want some lov'n" and the receptionists rings/calls for intro and the girls come out one by one for the meet and greet.

Mandy used to refer to me as "Trouble"


As soon as you walk in there's a counter and next to it a couple of lounges.
Less meeting area more rooms. It would be one of Perth's biggest brothels.

I've met some great girls there over the years.


Punting is easy. "Yes you'll do" hand over the do$h and see what happens.


Legend Member
Good punters and lovely ladies......

Contemplation has taken its toll........

Maybe about time to just leave the nasty in the past and see a WL again. It has been a while. I'm a newbie again.

Anyone got any great recommendations for a first punt?
Yoda you are, a ewok you want
Surely you or one of your Jedi mates can find you a little erotic ball of Fluffy Ewok Muff

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Why not, she is new to the industry, she is young and has a charming personality, I think she will give a nice blend of sweet and spicy, good luck in your future endeavours

Here's a rum on me bro Pirate. Went into Langrees and had my first punt. And everything is nice about Ginger Spice. Well....most things .... ;)

It will be a first review if I write a full account.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy well done Bro Yoda, we both know there really is no one on this earth who is perfect, but, Ginger personality seems lovely and I suspect she would be great fun, I am sure it was a really good experience.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Here's a rum on me bro Pirate. Went into Langrees and had my first punt. And everything is nice about Ginger Spice. Well....most things .... ;)

It will be a first review if I write a full account.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
It was nice Bro Pirate. She was a lot of fun.

And thank you Vivienne. Now I understand how Langtrees is really great for experience in the rooms and in the lounge.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy LOL, Sorry Bro Col, You are correct I should not make mass assumptions, I should of said, there are a few perfect persons in this world,
Have a good day Bro Yoda and CoL
Hmmmmm I May need to get some of that Ginger spice

Ahoy! Speak for yourself captain.


What's a boof headed rugger bugger got to do with it?

I now bestow upon me Emperor Zilla.