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Question for the WL's - Need your opinion

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Hi All, I have a bit of a dilema which I'm hoping some of the WL's who frequent this forum might be able to help me with.

Sorry to change this post people, but I got some great advice and I think it best to remove the details to protect the guilty!

Thanks, Hawkeye.


There are soooo many viariables that could exist with this situation Hawks and its really hard to comment when you don't know the people involved. It's one thing to ask other W/Ls for advice but you have to remember whilst we all go through very simular emotions and experiences with our work as W/Ls we are still individuals as women and people too so can deal with things in very different ways. If I can be of any help to you at all I am happy to do so but remember one thing - She may be rather offended at you sharing this pesonal info with 'anyone' let alone another W/L. But as mentioned if I can help then I am happy to best to email me on doyourselfafavour@hotmail.com xXx


Got it and thanku:)

Just a little busy today hopefull have time for a lenghthy reply this evening, hang in there xXx

Toon Hoon Flasher

Hey Hawkeye,

If you need a second opinion for cross-referencing purposes (without seeing your original post and therefore not knowing exactly the situation, but having enough experience to have an opinion on most things and enough ego to consider it worth sharing lol) feel free to PM me...
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