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Pick Up Chicks Strategies.


Diamond Member
Online pick up artists use various techniques to pick up chicks.
What lines will work to pick up chicks?
Where and when do you pick up chicks?
What clothes will help to pick up chicks?

Pick up is a mass numbers game and more approaches = more chances of picking up chicks!
Approach anxiety must be reduced by lowering inhibition so you can approach more often to pick up chicks.
It is high inhibition that creates approach anxiety, lower inhibition reduces approach anxiety.
Never be scared of rejection and be fearless and reduce your approach anxiety to pick up chicks!

What are your Strategies or Pick Up lines that may work?


Bronze Member
Confidence and a good mind set. Think about meeting people and making friends and not so much about 'i remembered this pick up line to pull chicks and get more numbers".


Diamond Member
I like the dating advice I hear from Gym Bro culture as follows:
Don't waste time or money on worthless education to end up in a white collar job that attracts Beta Male provider losers.
Instead spend 5 or 6 days per week at the gym lifting weights in addition to working blue collar job like manual labour.
You must become a strong, tough, masculine Alpha male and stand up against jealous weak Beta males.
They are Beta male losers and you must call them out when they challenge you.
Become a true Alpha male and never retreat and never surrender.
Women are attracted to strong muscular Alpha male guys that work out a lot at the gym not the weak lazy Beta males.
Develop pick up lines and game that works, pass her shit tests and hold frame and maintain strong Alpha male persona.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Yes exercise is important I ride my bike to the gym and swim laps of the pool several times a week do a light circuit and have never met anyone nice yet