• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Partialy Deaf



Being partially deaf is a problem sometimes, can't always
use any phone and mobile is difficult, rely on sms, msn etc
for communication....
Get all or ost of my info via my eyes, so couple or women
who want to play... need to accomodate this factor..
ANY other deaf folk out there??

P & C

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Hi Mr Junkie, couldn't spell the other title.Welcome to the forum.
Whan I get Talking sex back up and going would love to tackle some sex with disabilities subjects.
I would imagine that you use your other senses more to make up for the lack of verbal comminication.
I once had a long relationship with someone that didn't speak english and i never spoke their language and found the spoken word wasn't that neccesary if you tuned in together.
Love to hear your thoughts on the problems having sex with someone that can hear clearly.

Miranda Fox


Hi Mr Junkie,

I have recently seen two deaf men, sep of course.

The best thing to do is to use your TTY with Telstra.

( I do Not like sms, can lead to too many texts)

TTY is very good for the deaf impaired.

Good luck


hehe i am a part deaf WL! I wear an aid which i hide pretty well and with it i can hear pretty good


Foundation Member
Yep, this problem is more common than you may think.

Also,like me, you don't have to be "deaf" to miss out on a lot of conversation. My problem is typical industrial deafness brought on by a lot of shooting in my youth and working around noisy machinery in the times before ear protection was mandatory.

My upper register hearing is shot and I can barely hear a smoke alarm if I am standing under it. (Why do those damn things make a high-pitched yip anyway??) I wear hearing aids which compensate quite well and would recommend them to anyone with the same problem. They are nearly invisible and very easy to live with.

Just make sure you see a competent audiologist who will test you and calibrate them correctly. There are a few outfits which advertise heavily who do not even employ audiologists - they are just smooth salespeople. Best ask your G.P. for advice.


Hello there!

Hi,my name's Summer I'm not partially deaf,
but like you said communication through message's on phone and paper do help,and if someone's cleaver they can tell a lot about body language which I'm sure you have learn't to do!
So try and think of the prositive's!
I do feel for you through as it maybe very frustratrating at time's!but feeling and touch can be a way of bypassing all those doubtful thought's of being deaf,and reaching a sensual height can help you feeling good!Summer.xx:angel12: