• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

OK.. Time to Share some Happy Therapy Techniques ;)


Silver Member

Some days can seem IMPOSSIBLE, and some days can certainly leave me feeling PARALYTIC!
Whenever my mind is racing 2000kms an hour or whenever I feel trapped, I always try my best to pull myself out of this terrible maze with a few coping strategies. My fave thing is to cool myself off or warm up in the shower/bath with some incense burning throughout.. Sometimes dealing with issues can be tough, but in the end all I know is I can get through anything with the determination and turn those Impossibilities into POSSIBILITIES and that Paralytic feeling into a more POWERFUL feeling! With loving and caring people surrounding me, I can get through it all! Never allow yourself to go through anything alone. There is always someone willing and wanting to help you through whatever it is that is holding you back! Would like to know a few more coping strategies people do to chug through depression, stress and anxiety and if anyone wants to chat, pm me :D

"Grass gets greener with the right amount of water!"

Much Loves,


Gender Dyslexic
Foundation Member
I tend to suffer bouts of anxiety or depression.
For me depression can be triggered by outside stimulus, i won't say what exactly but it changes now an then.
Anxiety i deal with by being with people i know, or if i can't do that i tend to look at my phone alot as a means to re-focus on something I'm familiar with. Laughter is also magical cure all for me. If i can find funny while anxious or depressed it helps greatly bringing balance back.
The last time i felt really bad i ended up talking to someone i know for a few hours about other things and ok a little about what triggered the episode. It helped greatly
So i guess my suggestion is don't ride things out alone, find someone to talk with or spend time with.


Rachael Canberra
Gold Member
I don't think i suffer from anxiety or depression but my mind does constantly go 1000km an hour and my stress management isn't that great... The past few weeks ive started going to the gym every morning, putting my headphones in and just walking away, i'm also having my very first session with a spiritual healer this coming Tuesday, this is something ive wanted to try for years so i'm really excited to see how this goes, we will be trying Reiki, Hypnosis and spiritual healing. Hypnosis scares me a bit but i'm assured its all very safe..... i just dont want to walk out clucking like a chicken every time someone says a certain word lo :)

Tania Admin

On a bad day, pausing in front of a mirror and making stupid faces can really help. Honestly I've done it on numerous occasions and it really works. Laughing at yourself can really change your mood :)


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
On a bad day, pausing in front of a mirror and making stupid faces can really help. Honestly I've done it on numerous occasions and it really works. Laughing at yourself can really change your mood :)

Red Lipstick :) wear red lipstick and life just seems to be so much happier...


well, for me it is anxiety.
You only get out what you put in and for me it was coffee, the stronger it was the more I drank, so I stopped and replaced it with a more natural alternative...(chamomile and spearmint tea) my heart doesnt need to beat like a maniac and its important to take time to smell the roses!
Second I made a 5yr plan, sometimes when life is jumbled pressures come from everywhere,...everything needs to be done in a sudden and expectations become high resulting in my anxiety going up. once the plan is rolling, it becomes enjoyable, and the pressure and expectations I put on myself slowly fade away....and finally, just trying to look after myself, don't drink too much/dont drink on weekdays, eat food that makes me feel good (home cooked)...and lots of contact with family and friends...working for me....and the crown in all of this...taking time to dream about all and everything that makes me feel happy..

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Perfect timing reading this thread as I'm feeling very rushed overwhelmed all to please others. Just want life to slow down. My next few days was shopping 80km round trip then coffee with friend then hour drive quilting retreat there for 3 hours drive home tomorrow church then soccer canteen duty followed by escort job 2 pm clean house for inspection Monday then back quilting retreat till Wednesday morning. I'm tired grumpy and feel I have to do it all to keep others happy. Will just smile pretend I'm fine and lots of coffee to keep me going


Gold Member
Perfect timing reading this thread as I'm feeling very rushed overwhelmed all to please others. Just want life to slow down. My next few days was shopping 80km round trip then coffee with friend then hour drive quilting retreat there for 3 hours drive home tomorrow church then soccer canteen duty followed by escort job 2 pm clean house for inspection Monday then back quilting retreat till Wednesday morning. I'm tired grumpy and feel I have to do it all to keep others happy. Will just smile pretend I'm fine and lots of coffee to keep me going

I resemble that remark Miss M. We're human be-ings not human do-Ings.

It can be hard to prioritise self care when our inner drive to connect, feel significant, contribute etc seeks to please others. I'm seeing my GP today about this issue and to take some time out of the workplace.
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