• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Thats why we all use condoms!!

DATY and you are silly might require some rethink!


Paul Oconnor

Whoa!!! Not to mention that guy that goes around doing bareback for big tips. Now he's gonna go around depositing Super Gono-syrup.

Good luck to DATY and you are silly enthusiasts!!!!


Can you ask the w/l for proof that she is sti free?

do you think that every virus/infection will build up resistance in the long term? that is evolution, the survival of the fittest!


I'm not sure if you could ask..it depends on which clinic I go to I will get a certificate with my working name declaring I am fit for work. Working in a parlour we are required to present our certificates every 3 months so I wouldn't be worried there depending on where you go.


waouuu it doesn't sound good at all ,we should definatly be moor careful these days


I'm not sure if you could ask..it depends on which clinic I go to I will get a certificate with my working name declaring I am fit for work. Working in a parlour we are required to present our certificates every 3 months so I wouldn't be worried there depending on where you go.

Would w/l like the punters to get certificates? I was recently tested and not afraid to show it around :p

Perth boy

Working in a parlour we are required to present our certificates every 3 months so I wouldn't be worried there depending on where you go.

So if you get a health check and all is good you could catch someting the next day and not know it until you get a check 3 months later???


I get mine at my own GP and the result is usually out within 2 or 3 days
I, myself do it every 2 months if my workload is moderate. If i get busier, I'd do it every month

But unfortunately yes, tho as long as you're being safe, it is highly unlikely that you catch something
I am a bit wary with those who frequent the dodgy places tho( if you can see where I'm coming from)


Bronze Member
Further sobering information available at:

Scientists Discover Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea ‘Superbug’ – TIME Healthland

With global travel so prevalent one can expect this strain to move relatively quickly around the globe.

Research on other sites suggest that using condoms and dental dams should be extremely effective in preventing transmission of gonorrhea during oral sex.

Apparently even without this "super strain", throat infections from gonorrhea are difficult to treat. There appears to be some evidence that one can become infected via deep kissing. See following website:


It would appear that (dry kissing) lips to lips (without mutual tongue penetration) would have a low probability of infection transmission.

Looks like the market for Roxxxy the US$7,000 companion/sex robot will possibly grow as an outcome of more virulent strains of STIs enter the population.

So if you are looking for a hassle free partner that obeys your every whim (i.e. no drama, headaches, entitlement princess, draining your wallet/bank account/assets) then check this out:


If the $7,000US is a little steep then one could go for the "Virtual Sex" device.


In an attempt to be light hearted I'm in no way detracting from the serious nature of spreading/contracting STI's.

Are we live in interesting times.
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Mary Anne PA

Just make sure you use protection guys.

That's why I visit places like Equires, keeps you safe.


This seasons edition of Scoop magazine actually discusses the risks of all sexual groups; sex workers, married couples, singles etc.
It stated the rate of STI's in sex workers is actually very low in WA due to the rigorous testing. However, they were comparing our testing with the overseas Asian brothels.

The article then went on to state the STI incidence is greater in the average guy/girl who frequents the "bar scene".


This seasons edition of Scoop magazine actually discusses the risks of all sexual groups; sex workers, married couples, singles etc.
It stated the rate of STI's in sex workers is actually very low in WA due to the rigorous testing. However, they were comparing our testing with the overseas Asian brothels.

The article then went on to state the STI incidence is greater in the average guy/girl who frequents the "bar scene".

I totally agree! I know girls (who are not sex workers) who have picked up Chlamydia from one night stands. People do not seem to care about the use of condoms when drunk or under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Further, if they go out every weekend and have unprotected sex with new people all the time and NEVER get tested. Seriously, I know of some guys like this!


Bronze Member
Related to this topic is the "Sex Degrees of Separation". This is the indirect number of different sexual partners a person most likely has had to date from their first sexual encounter.

For those who are interested in numbers (mind boggling if your direct number of different sexual partners is over the average).

Check it out for yourself at the following website:

Please note: Page layout is poor and you will need to scroll down to reach the calculator.

Lloyds Pharmacy - Sex Degrees of Separation Calculator <=== Click here.

I would imagine if you have gone "bareback" with more than 10 different partners who were also most likely active and have escaped an STI then you may be in line to win the BIG ONE in Lotto.

Are we live in interesting and exciting times.

Perth boy

Related to this topic is the "Sex Degrees of Separation". This is the indirect number of different sexual partners a person most likely has had to date from their first sexual encounter.

For those who are interested in numbers (mind boggling if your direct number of different sexual partners is over the average).

Check it out for yourself at the following website:

Please note: Page layout is poor and you will need to scroll down to reach the calculator.

Lloyds Pharmacy - Sex Degrees of Separation Calculator <=== Click here.

I would imagine if you have gone "bareback" with more than 10 different partners who were also most likely active and have escaped an STI then you may be in line to win the BIG ONE in Lotto.

Are we live in interesting and exciting times.


You have had 3,449,708 indirect and direct sexual partners.

Based on information entered into this calculator, people in your age group have had 3,373,481 indirect sexual partners

Now thats the result I got back and I only have had less than 20 partners.
Could not remember all the ages so had to guest a bit

Alecia the Foxx

It is good to be informed.

However, remember the predictions about bird flu? It was going to wipe out the human race. And what about swine flu, a couple of years ago? Same deal. Not to mention the HIV virus in the '80's. That was definitely going to wipe out the human race, homosexuals and junkies first!!! Yeah, right. They also said back then, that HIV/AIDS was spread by saliva. Well, it aint. The HIV virus is present in saliva, but needs so much saliva to transfer, that it can't be done. So, I only have this to say; take the precautions that you feel you need to take, but, there may be some hype to it, same as there was for AIDS, swine flu, bird flu ...

Remember - the medical profession and the drug companies make money out of what "might" happen, immunisations, etc. So, don't necessarily believe everything you see, read, or hear, in the media.


Foundation Member
Hats off to Alecia!

This may well not be half the problem that the press is making it out to be. Anything to do with sex or (shock horror) the sex industry is guaranteed to be hot copy.

Anne Hathaway

O.k., people,

We can all relax the whole S.T.D. problem has been solved and the solution is right here.

‪Naked Gun Love Scene‬‏ - YouTube

Ah that scene is so funny.

The answer is use protection. Flavoured dams are a good option, but don't forget aside from the erogenous zone there is the rest of her whole naked body you can caress, kiss and play with...and it's completely safe too.


thats y you gotta make sure ur using condoms and dams 24/7 u can never be too safe.