• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

My Transformation Journey

0ld dog

Bronze Member
Hey Caroline. Haven't heard from you in a while how is it all going.
Noticed Bali is pretty well locked down these days. Must be hard. Hope you are Ok


Easy going 💛💛💛
Diamond Member
Hey Caroline. Haven't heard from you in a while how is it all going.
Noticed Bali is pretty well locked down these days. Must be hard. Hope you are Ok

Hi @0ld dog
Yes Bali quiet and not good economy at the moment
As our first income is from western tourists
Now whole world are closed they border
This situations is not good for all of us


Bronze Member
Well done Caroline, big respect and hope you achieve your final objectives. Stay safe in Bali

Brenda Driver VIP Perth

Diamond Member
Hi Caroline, I hope things are settling for you in Bali. You are doing an amazing job with your weight loss and fitness. Keep being positive and most of all be kind to yourself. Keep smiling :)


Silver Member
After a few day boring on lock down situation in India, now i decided to share my healthy life journey on this forum. Nothing much i know about this country before. I left my country and my business in Bali, jump up to another adventure in new country and take @Mrs Langtrees challenge. Many think i learn about this country and about my self. After almost whole my life become BIG GIRL and never notice and take care my own health. Coming to India a few months ago with my BIG heavy weight around 96 Kg with risk high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This all information wake me up and make me thinking, I don't want die young like my father. I wanna have healthy long life and i wanna achieve all my dream. It's never too late to start over and never give up. I know it's always hard to starting, but if you have strong "will" NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Regularly you do, your body will adapt and get use to it NEVER GIVE UP ;)😁😘
Bad diet always affects us in every sense.
I congratulate you for the great decision you made in changing your diet and lifestyle, not everyone manages to make that decision and stick with it, it’s a difficult task but not impossible.


Gold Member
There is some medication you could try called Ozempic. Its used for diabetics, but it can also be used for help with weight loss.