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Mushroom Hunting


Easy going πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Diamond Member
This video reminds me of living in Moscow - Russia, hunting for mushrooms in the forest in summer. It's fun and annoying too, getting stuck in quicksand and forgetting the way out of the forest. Wasting a couple hours looking for where we had parked the car. Lucky it was in summer, for your information in Russian when it summer almost whole day is sunny maybe just 3 - 4 hours dark early morning. However it was still incredible fun time, wish can travel back to Russia again soon πŸ˜πŸ‘


Tania Admin

mushrooms eh?
lucky the gang of unicorns were passing by to show you the way out.
"just follow the flying pink elephants" they said.
good job you grew an extra set of legs to get back to the car before dark.:)
Not those sorts of mushrooms. Makes me wonder what you have been up to?????? πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Many people in many countries and of many cultures forage for mushrooms. We used to go looking for mushrooms when I was a kid. with the family. There are so many edible mushrooms that are so good for you.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
mushrooms eh?
lucky the gang of unicorns were passing by to show you the way out.
"just follow the flying pink elephants" they said.
good job you grew an extra set of legs to get back to the car before dark.:)

Pink Elephants.... I think I was on the wrong shrooms I was following 7 legged fluro Tigers.

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
This video reminds me of living in Moscow - Russia, hunting for mushrooms in the forest in summer. It's fun and annoying too, getting stuck in quicksand and forgetting the way out of the forest. Wasting a couple hours looking for where we had parked the car. Lucky it was in summer, for your information in Russian when it summer almost whole day is sunny maybe just 3 - 4 hours dark early morning. However it was still incredible fun time, wish can travel back to Russia again soon πŸ˜πŸ‘

Its so satisfying to see how they are doing the hunting of the mushrooms. ☺️☺️