• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.




I went to Sexpo in Christchurch once and they had girls from a strip club doing jelly wrestling. By the time they finished they had no clothes left on.

Excitement back!!!! Perhaps the excessive randiness from this Tan stuff has kicked in hahaha


Judging by the posts you have made recently I think that randiness has well and truly started, the only question is, how bad will it get?

I've always had a crazy high sex drive.. I guess it can't get too much worse. Fingers X'd :p:p will have to take up a sport to take my mind off, perhaps jelly wrestling hahahaha


This substance Melanotan-2 left permanent dark marks on my stomach after injecting it. But i would take it again i had hardons for hours


This substance Melanotan-2 left permanent dark marks on my stomach after injecting it. But i would take it again i had hardons for hours

Thankfully my stomach is normally always hidden for the most part if this were to happen! I'd recommend this to all our ladies as a perk up if they're not in the mood!


Legend Member
Thankfully my stomach is normally always hidden for the most part if this were to happen! I'd recommend this to all our ladies as a perk up if they're not in the mood!

So its made you horny? Gosh I better not go in to langtrees then or I might be jumped by jazzmine! lol On second thought thats a very inviting prospect ;):la:


So its made you horny? Gosh I better not go in to langtrees then or I might be jumped by jazzmine! lol On second thought thats a very inviting prospect ;):la:

Hahaha listen to you! As I've already said, that wasn't a major change. I've always been randy.

One of the girls had mentioned a darkening of freckles which I've noticed. They'll blend in once I get more tan. Lucky I find freckles cute!
I tried this melanotan-2 aswell!!!!

I did the 7 days and then the maintenance shot the week after. I followed every instruction.... and the end result is.... Drum roll please.... No tan and I've darkened my freckles!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously what a waste of money! I didn't even get super horny! Well no more than usual :p


I tried this melanotan-2 aswell!!!!

I did the 7 days and then the maintenance shot the week after. I followed every instruction.... and the end result is.... Drum roll please.... No tan and I've darkened my freckles!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously what a waste of money! I didn't even get super horny! Well no more than usual :p

Aww what! Ripped off!! That sucks, I'm slowly getting darker. Did you go to solarium and get a little sun aswell?


UPDATE-- It's certainly working! YAY I'm loving the new tanned me, thankfully it's not over the top fake looking either. I found a hilarious pic of what I could look like if I get hypo with the injections.



Gold Member
(Manual rewrite from my original post before the forum wide crash)

Glad to see Melanotan II being recognised in this forum.

My experiences so far with MT2 is generally positive, although the rule of timing however, can be tricky and may not be suitable for everyone. Since it takes about three or four hours for it to really kick in; so you may be best in doing a few things in the mean time; preferably not related to sex :). I generally take a dose injection on weekends just before my weight training regimes (whilst I do cardio only within specific day of the week - I would NOT RECOMMEND injecting a dose prior to a fullon rapid/very heavy cardio workout - the mild nausea is there and is real).

Side effects of MT2: Be prepared for at least a mild nausea lingering your way. It doesn't actually made me puke - but unfortunately it also brings a bit of post-nasal drip in form of coughing as well - so the maximum single dose I would ever take is 2mg and absolutely no more. Other things I noticed : lots of yawning and need for stretching.

So did it "work"? Yes, when the dosage & timing is correct. This is in fact the one of the most interesting aphrodisiac there is. It's not like an ordinary PDE-5, but more rather - it gives that natural 'awakening' effect. Hard to explain - but remember those moments when you get out of bed giving you that natural morning wood? (NOT to be mistaken for water retention btw - because to me that's false erection) - well MT2 felt almost exactly like that but right within the moment when you are fully awake.

Did it "tan"? yes I did notice some results. After about six dosages - to me my facial area is where at it's 'best' :).

Different names and labelling of Melanotan 2 - MT2 can be confused with the similar labelling as PT-141 or Bremelanotide however - PT-141 may be most commonly referring to the MT2 itself BUT the Bremelanotide; being famous for the supposedly 'aphrodisiac' component out of the MT2 - are indeed available separately. In other words, the Bremelanotide is the aphrodisiac component, without the tanning side effects.

I have tried the Bremelanotide (from a different supplier) and unfortunately throughout three dosages - there was very little to almost NO erectile improvement whatsoever. Even worse - the side effects (without tanning obviously) are there but A LOT worse :(. So even though it is the most widely recognised and most studied component for its' supposedly aphrodisiac quality - IMO & my experience would be safe to conclude the results may vary. Different / dodgy suppliers perhaps so buyer beware.

Where to get MT2 - I purchased my MT2 from melanotanaustralia.net. For $59 VERY EXPENSIVE I know for one vial (which equals to 10 standard dose, and if refrigerated helps keep it potent for about 1&1/2 to 2 weeks). Be warned that these are classified as "research chemicals" - so different suppliers may have different purities. I simply wouldn't buy from anywhere else.

DO NOT EVER ASK FOR EMPTY VIALS, SYRINGES, BACTERIOSTATIC WATER, etc in front a chemist . Not only you would be frowned upon - you would get yourself in a very sticky situation if the front lady is good looking :). For syringes and bacteriostatic water - you can purchase them at WASUA (wasua.com.au) office in 519 Murray St West Perth.

Last but not least - there's a few online reading materials out there: melanotan.org. Dodgy design forum but REAL insights upon coverage of Melanotan 1, 2, and Bremelanotide. Make yourself informed before venturing.

Hope this helps. :notworthy

- An honest view from the honestman
Great write up Honestman :)

A friend of mine works in a hospital and she said one of the side effects can be the hardening of your corneas- resulting in very poor vision..... Has anyone else heard of this? I could be paranoid but I swear my vison has gotten worse since using the melanotan injections....


Gold Member
Great write up Honestman :)

A friend of mine works in a hospital and she said one of the side effects can be the hardening of your corneas- resulting in very poor vision..... Has anyone else heard of this? I could be paranoid but I swear my vison has gotten worse since using the melanotan injections....


Grazie signorina :). It is rare for me to receive kind thanks to my input of wisdom.

As for the cornea-hardening side effect - I honestly haven't heard that one - nor have I felt it coming myself; I'm very sorry to hear it happens to you though :(.

Do you use it as a regular / daily regime? I only inject MT2 once daily on weekends (three weekends to now) but not daily on weekdays to help revert the immune system back to default (although the side effects would make a great excuse for early work leave:). But right at the moment I'm already confident to say that I'm 'dark' enough (co workers already noticed & asked questions; gotta stay discreet!) hence I'll be going on smaller doses.

.. Assuming that you've injected using fresh new needles, swipes, and check for expiries (had to make second visit/s to WASUA office for non-exp Bacteriostatic Water) in-between - perhaps again it is an issue that you might not be getting the right purities from the seller? That's the only thing I could think of that could be causing the unheard sides.

The Bremelanotide vials I've bought (bloody expensive waste on 8 vials, thinking of ditching them) actually gave me slight to moderate overall tiredness/sleepiness on top of side effects of MT2 - but dozen times more worse; that + too subtle improvement on Libido! The reason why I wanted to try the Bremelanotide was simply because it's cheaper per vial; but I suspect the lack of purities from this seller is enough to make me stop.

PM me if you want me to write you name/URL of the seller; definitely one to avoid. The reason why I won't disclose the name is because I suspect of some 'confusion' going on when I tried to confirm of a possible 'local' distribution centre (as 'unclearly' told by them) whereas their web domain seemed to be from the US.

Sorry to hear about the sides you're having though.


Foundation Member
Jesus H. Christ on a unicycle!!:nono:

Banging needles into yourself and injecting what appear to be dodgy chemicals with unpredictable side-effects for the sake of a minor and dubious cosmetic improvement??

My risk/benefit analysis meter just blew its fuses.
I adhered to the strict guidelines of mixing/quantity/procedure - 1 dose taken daily for 7days until desired shade is reached and then just maintenance shots (2-3 times a week). New syringes every injection/swabs to remove bacteria off vial and myself every time. I ordered it off the site Melanotanaustralia.com

The only side effect I've had is slight nausea which I found I don't get if I inject before going to sleep. My eyesight is already not the greatest as I'm long and short sighted (lucky me!) and I wear contacts and glasses, I can't say if my vision has gotten worse since melanotan as I could just be paranoid! It just scared me that it could be a side affect and with the little research they have in Australia you just never know!

There are 4 Ladies using it here though and have been for years with no side effects apart from the mild nausea occasionally....

Thanks again for the info Honestman I'll pm you for that address!
Jesus H. Christ on a unicycle!!:nono:

Banging needles into yourself and injecting what appear to be dodgy chemicals with unpredictable side-effects for the sake of a minor and dubious cosmetic improvement??

My risk/benefit analysis meter just blew its fuses.

I know naughty naughty but being of albino coloured skin I thought I would give this a shot instead of frying myself in solariums... Yes I heard what I just said and although backwards that was my justification :p


Foundation Member
I know naughty naughty but being of albino coloured skin I thought I would give this a shot instead of frying myself in solariums... Yes I heard what I just said and although backwards that was my justification :p

Well, if you are like me and burn too easily and if you don't like the pale look why not forget u.v. and needles and go the spray-on route? I hear they look pretty good if you can find a "painter" (is that what they are called?) wo knows his/her stuff.


Legend Member
My old man, he had great a tan, now he has skin like old leather and the only soft skin is the big pink areas where all the cancers are cut out
But I am with sven why the hell would we inject lord knows what into our system for a tan Some of us are just not built for tans Be the English peach with the flawless skin instead


Gold Member
I adhered to the strict guidelines of mixing/quantity/procedure - 1 dose taken daily for 7days until desired shade is reached and then just maintenance shots (2-3 times a week). New syringes every injection/swabs to remove bacteria off vial and myself every time. I ordered it off the site Melanotanaustralia.com

The only side effect I've had is slight nausea which I found I don't get if I inject before going to sleep. My eyesight is already not the greatest as I'm long and short sighted (lucky me!) and I wear contacts and glasses, I can't say if my vision has gotten worse since melanotan as I could just be paranoid! It just scared me that it could be a side affect and with the little research they have in Australia you just never know!

There are 4 Ladies using it here though and have been for years with no side effects apart from the mild nausea occasionally....

Thanks again for the info Honestman I'll pm you for that address!

ClaireBear, good evening - just sent you my PM. I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to get back to you earlier today - was at work + gym afterwards - gotta stay discreet..

My apologies that I didn't realise that you did mention here that you ordered from melanotanaustralia.com (or was it .net? - because the .com domain seems to be empty/untaken).

Also one other thing I didn't realise that you do use the injections regularly day after day - so perhaps if I were in your shoes I would make sure your immune system is also strong enough to accomodate each and every injection. Probiotic pills, colloidal silvers, vitamins and antioxidants in regular intake/s to ensure that you feel 'prepared' at the very least throughout your injection day/s. Sorry if I'm being a bore here though :( just trying to chime in as to what I'd do if I'm in your shoes.

The only other thing I may perhaps suggest is that once you've reached your level of tan - perhaps ease off the number of injections required for your maintenance phase? As in instead of three doses per week - take two in total - one dose each followed by one or two days simply allowing your immune system to revert before attempting another maintenance dose.

Unfortunately, I'm not a doctor :( (hell I wish we all are:)!) but at least you point this it out anyway for the forums; so hopefully others will be able to lend more of their thoughts onboard.

At the very least I wish you well though; hope this helps.


Foundation Member
O.K., I have probably said enough on this topic but I would like to add one more piece of advice for Clairebear and anyone else who is taking this stuff or contemplating taking it.

Never mind the helpful advice of fellow forum members; they may mean well but, like me, they are not Doctors or drug manufacturers and do not really know the full story.

Please get yourself to a real Doctor, I can recommend a good one if you like, show him what you are taking and ask for his professional assesment of the risks you are taking.

I am pretty sure any half-competent medico would disapprove in the strongest possible polite terms, confiscate the stuff and kick your butt for being so ******ing reckless with your health.


Legend Member
I am pretty sure any half-competent medico would disapprove in the strongest possible polite terms, confiscate the stuff and kick your butt for being so ******ing reckless with your health.

Very subtle sven But definitely the way to go Get advice from a professional rather that professional perves such as us
Thanks for all the advice guys... albeit some very straight shooting advice :p

I've done the spray on tans and I'd rather be white than look like an oompa loompa. Even the best quality spray tans don't wear well after a couple of days and you either have poo brown patches in all your dry spots or parts where it rubs off all together (behind bra straps/thong marks).

I think I'm just going to have to face facts... I am porcelain skinned and need to start embracing it !

One massive side affect that I haven't mentioned yet is..... It seems to stop mosquito bites!! They love my blood and in summer I'm usually covered in them. I think all in all this summer I had a total of no more than 5-6 bites. Compared to the usual 50-60! I guess that's just proving your point though Sven if the mosquitos are hating on the chemicals what the hell is it doing to my body?