• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Life is good


Diamond Member
Ahh life.
It is a miracle of miracles. Humans and animals. Plant life. Ocean life.
What a amazing and beautiful situation we all have in common. Life. With out it we would be a barren dead planet like those around us are.
We are gifted . Water , air , food. We have each other. As humans we need each other. To talk to. To even just to see each other is a wonderful experience. The miracle of life let alone the pleasure of two human,s together.
I am so happy to be alive.
To smell the fresh air in the morning as the sun comes up when the air is still fresh from the night.
To taste the rain water in the desert after a thunderstorm.
This is how I reflect the way I feel ATM when I knock on the door of this wonderful woman who is making me happy.
As tomorrow I will be gone for a few weeks away and sadly knowing that some of you dirty bastards are all so going to get what I have been getting. Ahh life. Oh well. You enjoy her as I have. Keep it clean. And she will give you her love. Am I going to tell you where to find her NO. But as a punter some of you are there without even knowing it. So good on you for punting and keeping it clean. Ahh life.


Legend Member
Who else wants some of whatever '1steelrod' is having ??? ... overflowing with positivity, enjoy it all !