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Lets Talk Tattoos.......


Classy sassy and a little bit Assy
Gold Member
I designed my entire back piece over three years absolutely love it and just waiting for the colour to get finished once I have worked out all the colour kinks in my design (it has meaning like all my deigns). I believe if you have a unique design tattoo it is much more easier to appreciate then the generic pic a tattoo off the internet types.

Just my opinion


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
The only thing I hate is when people either a) ask me what they mean or b) assume I'm some tough hard looking chickette...

I don't like explaining things to people I don't know, some things while I may wear on my sleeve...or my chest...are not other people's business. And most of the time they don't 'get it' anyways... Other than that I'm just too young to regret ink...ask me when I'm older feeling haggard and sorry for myself...and if I really regret them then I hear fire works great as a problem solver....:rolleyes:

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
The only thing I hate is when people either a) ask me what they mean or b) assume I'm some tough hard looking chickette...

I don't like explaining things to people I don't know, some things while I may wear on my sleeve...or my chest...are not other people's business. And most of the time they don't 'get it' anyways... Other than that I'm just too young to regret ink...ask me when I'm older feeling haggard and sorry for myself...and if I really regret them then I hear fire works great as a problem solver....:rolleyes:
So Tell ME ;)

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
I designed my entire back piece over three years absolutely love it and just waiting for the colour to get finished once I have worked out all the colour kinks in my design (it has meaning like all my deigns). I believe if you have a unique design tattoo it is much more easier to appreciate then the generic pic a tattoo off the internet types.

Just my opinion
I, Like a few others, love your tat, it is very beautiful


Diamond Member
I regret absolutely all of mine...:oops:
I suspect the majority of women will be saying this in a few years from now, especially those who have tattoos that are visible in everyday clothes. There is a real future business opportunity for a process that removes them fairly painlessly and doesn't leave scarring.


Legend Member
My Cousin has a tatt and he does like it But ..
Theres always a but Now he is in his late 50's His muscle tone is not quite what it was His tattoo has lost its definition it no nonger looks as it was meant If he does a few reps with the barbells all of a sudden you see it change to what it was
I remember a comedian saying
Girls when you are considering a stamp of a beautiful sunset over a tropical lagoon It is beautiful at 25 at 55-60 it will look like a octopus diving into a crevass after a brown starfish


Foundation Member
I think some tattoos have special meaning and that's okay and a tattoo somewhere that you can conceal it if you want to is also ok.
Recently I saw a very attractive young woman with a fairly large tattoo of Mickey Mouse on her forearm! I wonder if she'll regret that in the future?

Pandar. B. Ear

Gold Member
I have 2 at the moment. Working on the design for my next one.

As for regrets, 1 I love. The other I need to fix as it was done poorly

Gina Ling

Gold Member


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
What I really hate is how complete random f#@king strangers seem to think that they can just start pulling up my t-shirt sleeve to get a better look. ( always women )
When you refrain from punching them in the face for touching your person without so much as a by your leave and calmly explain to them that your not okay with them trying to look at you like that, I have honest to God had several, I repeat, several people reply with, "why did you get them then?"

Oh that's because of NONE OF YOUR F#@KING BUISNESS!!!

Edit - I might be just a little bit touchy on this subject.......But not without reason, I don't like people touching me without my consent.
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Dominatrix Paige Pope

Silver Member
I don't regret any of my tattoos. i just cant wait to finish them and get more started. i dont feel i ever will regret them they mean something to me and i made sure i was 100% on the design before committing.


Gold Member
Love mine and have no regrets at all. My first was a small symbol I designed on the inside of my arm. In troubled times I look at it to remember my direction in life and what matters to me most.
The band on my wrist is symbolic of life and growth and the bands on my thighs are there because they look fucking awesome.

Taslyn Pierce

♥Exotic Dancer of Langtrees♥
Diamond Member
I love my tattoos and am only planning to cover one because my mother has been begging me to ever since I got it, I don't regret it but it is a very vulgar word :p
Can't wait to finish my sleeve so I can start on other parts of my body :D


Legend Member
3 I wouldn't change they mean to much to me 1 I'm going to get a cover up done !


Gold Member
My ink is truly unique, all designed by myself, then elaborated on by the artist to make them one of a kind. Yes I’ve seen people with similar’ concepts, but not close enough to ever get any I’ve seen that before comments.

I have a sleeve of antique artifact like nautical compasses, which have been done individually by others, but my entire arm is an ode to yesteryears. Also in that sleeve I have “My pinup girl” like other people only my girl is Victorian era.

regrrets never. Every single brush stroke holds special meaning. It may not be 100% obvious and the storyis a long one, but it’s mine.
I compare the story of their creation to choosing a name for your newborn child.
Some people go direct, ie I call her angel cause she is my angel, others come about a name through a long convoluted journey where they start with one name, that leads to another, that gets modified a little, and brings forth another name. Eventually settling on a name you never would have even considered at the start.