• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Since the states of Colorado and Washington legalized the possession and sale of marijuana, the eyes of the world have been upon the United States, as other governments sit in judgement to see the outcome of this experiment.

Do you believe that marijuana is harmless and that its decriminalization and increased availability should be supported by citizens of forward-thinking nations, or decriminalization and increased availability is just another step towards the erosion of society ?????

Your thought??


Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Since the states of Colorado and Washington legalized the possession and sale of marijuana, the eyes of the world have been upon the United States, as other governments sit in judgement to see the outcome of this experiment.

Do you believe that marijuana is harmless and that its decriminalization and increased availability should be supported by citizens of forward-thinking nations, or decriminalization and increased availability is just another step towards the erosion of society ?????

Your thought??

View attachment 32588
Well i think that the people that want it have to have more than a POT to pee in


Legend Member
Nothing is totally harmless and people should avoid inhaling smoke on a regular basis although this should be a personal choice, but having it decriminalised is a good thing because it's use doesn't harm others unless someone's driving or operating machinery under it's influence etc.. By comparison, alcohol is legal and it has a huge negative effect on road accidents, domestic violence and random attacks in public etc.


Foundation Member
It should be full decriminalized no ifs butts and maybes, the illegality of it causes to many problems most of which are quite pointless,
So far as smoking it, vapeing is moving ahead quickly since the U.S states went legal.

All drugs should be handled as a health problem not a criminal one,


Foundation Member
Well. it would save a lot of Police and Court time if it was legalised but will that solve anything? Sooner or later you would have zonked drivers adding to the carnage already caused by drunks and let no-one tell you this stuff doesn't have long-term health implications - both of the physical and mental type. It surely does.

O.K., so prohibition "hasn't worked so we should legalise it". You could also apply that logic to murder, theft and the whole spectrum of criminal activity. What sort of society would that be?


Legend Member
Murder and theft aren't victimless crimes so I'm not how that logic could be applied there.


Legend Member
I must be the only one I know who doesn't grow or smoke the shit. I'm no angel, but they call it dope for a reason.


Foundation Member
Certainly not. Ok I accept that some people can handle it without affecting their lives but some of the most vulnerable in society cant and their lives implode. Getting high might seem cool but it isn't. It shows a weakness in character in regular users who need some sort of stimulation to help them get through their daily life as does high alcohol consumption. Relationships suffer, their work suffers and its destroys their lives. I've seen it several times first hand and its not nice.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Certainly not. Ok I accept that some people can handle it without affecting their lives but some of the most vulnerable in society cant and their lives implode. Getting high might seem cool but it isn't. It shows a weakness in character in regular users who need some sort of stimulation to help them get through their daily life as does high alcohol consumption. Relationships suffer, their work suffers and its destroys their lives. I've seen it several times first hand and its not nice.
I have to agree in all seriousness. I know a young guy who has since turned his life around but was smoking with his friends. He buggered his brain and hearing up. Although he is not the quickest thinker he is getting better but his hearing somehow was affected and he has his media up so loud he does not hear anything else.


Foundation Member
I have worked with lots young people over the years and many have been on the marijuana and other heavier stuff. As an old bloke I try and mentor them but most don't listen. About 10 years ago I sat down with one guy to tell him that if he didn't get his act together he was putting himself at risk of damage and worse. Anyway about a month after that talk he was dead from a combination of alcohol, marijuana and some other stuff he had put in his system. Its not easy going to a funeral looking at his family knowing it didn't have to happen.

The guys often talk about the effects of the drugs and alcohol they are taking. The term "drug fucked" is often used for those who's faculties have been permanently damaged. We all have vices but some are more dangerous than others. Marijuana destroys lives and it should not be legalised.


Foundation Member


Foundation Member
A stoned driver and a drunk driver are two entirely different things,


Drunk people have bravado which makes you do stupid things
stoned people have paranoia which makes you too scared to do anything, so will be more cautious, neither is good as an ideal but not at all similar

That is an interesting article but on reading it it mainly only points out the difficulty in assessing the degree of impairment of a stoner. This is because THC can be detected in tests long after the "high" has worn off which in no way can be taken to mean that people who have just smoked weed are safe enough to drive. The effects of marijuana vary wildly from person to person according to both the individual and the potency and quantity of the weed they have smoked.

I agree that alcohol is worse than almost anything else but that cannot be used as an argument for legalising another toxic product. If marijuana were legalised and made readily available I am sure the road accident stats would soon be showing that this was a big mistake.

Roxy Rabbit

Silver Member
Marijuana being illegal is a huge mistake and if the government where to legalize it it would be one of the very few luxury items that i would be happy to pay tax on cause at least then the sick kids and adults would have it as an option for medication and we could stop logging so many bloody trees for paper!!! The benefits are amazing and ignoring them is depriving people of a natural substance that can help enhance life and support medicine. The government needs to know when to admit that they were wrong!!!!


Foundation Member
Marijuana being illegal is a huge mistake and if the government

The big problem to legalization is and as always been good old fashioned profit,
Booze companies loose out
Pharmaceutical companies loose out
Oil companies can loose out
cotton industry looses out
plastics industry looses out, yes you can make awesome plastics from Hemp instead of crude oil products.
The Government might loose out as people will just grow their own.

further proof that the world is run and controlled by greedy self serving idiots.


Bronze Member
Cannabis was deemed illegal in the first place because of some bs to do with the papermills not wanting to have to compete with hemp-made products or something.
There was definitely no harm to humans they were worried about. Just their pockets.

There's a bunch of information on it, but I can't really find it atm, on the work computers... Don't want it to look bad!


Bronze Member
Here we go, watch this if you like. This guy is fabulous to listen to and has fantastic podcasts. Massive weed and brain-expansion activist.

Hemp Became an Economic Threat to Various Industries
William Randolph Hearst who owned all these newspapers and paper mills, it was going to cost him millions of dollars to convert over to hemp. So instead he started printing stories in his paper about some new drug called “marijuana”. Marijuana wasn’t even a slang term for cannabis yet, it was used to describe a Mexican wild tobacco, completely unrelated. They got it illegal by saying people are smoking it, blacks and Mexicans are raping white women. Congress outlawed this new drug “Marijuana”, with no idea that they were outlawing hemp, which had been in use for thousands of years.

DMT, Psychedelics Isolates the Mind From Cultural Conditioning

It’s not about something that kills you. You won’t be able to absorb propaganda the way you do now. You won’t be able to look at the news the way you do now. You won’t be able to look at common cultural conditioning and predetermined patterns of behavior. None of that no longer makes sense after you’ve gone through a psychedelic experience. Any psychedelic experience is like pressing CTRL ALT DELETE on your brain.

This is from the doco DMT - The Spirit Molecule
link not working so taken down

And this is Joe Rogans podcast; super super cool to listen to, and it's filmed too, which I like :)
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Max Cherry

At your service
Gold Member
I have worked with lots young people over the years and many have been on the marijuana and other heavier stuff. As an old bloke I try and mentor them but most don't listen. About 10 years ago I sat down with one guy to tell him that if he didn't get his act together he was putting himself at risk of damage and worse. Anyway about a month after that talk he was dead from a combination of alcohol, marijuana and some other stuff he had put in his system. Its not easy going to a funeral looking at his family knowing it didn't have to happen.

The guys often talk about the effects of the drugs and alcohol they are taking. The term "drug fucked" is often used for those who's faculties have been permanently damaged. We all have vices but some are more dangerous than others. Marijuana destroys lives and it should not be legalised.

I couldn't disagree more with this statement.

It's horrible this young bloke was killed - but it wasn't Marijuana that caused that. Marijuana has never killed anyone, you can't overdose on it, and the latest peer reviewed scientific studies I've read on the matter state that "stoned drivers" are safer than not only drunk drivers, but also show more caution and on average drive 5km/h slower than even Completely sober drivers.

As for the "marijuana destroys lives" statement - that's something someone would say who has little to no knowledge of recreational marijuana use, or its medicinal benefits. Marijuana is basically a wonder-plant, with so many benefits it seems ridiculous that it still remains illegal. It is not a "gateway" drug - I'll tell you what the gateway drug is: Dexamphetimines, prescribed to millions of children all over the world for ADHD. Recently science has also disproved the link between schizophrenia and marijuana use.

Do you drink? If so, you're doing more damage to your internal organs than marijuana could ever do. You're also unknowingly contributing to all the social problems alcohol causes.

Got any back pain? Cancer? Epilepsy? Parkinson's? Terminal illness of any description? If nothing more, Marijuana helps ease the suffering of millions of people who are in pain. Why should we deny people the right to choose to medicate naturally?

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Max Cherry

At your service
Gold Member
Another thought on the whole "gateway drug" thing -

All heroin addicts started their lives drinking milk. But not all heroin addicts smoke marijuana. Does this mean that breast milk is a gateway drug?

Max Cherry

At your service
Gold Member
Well. it would save a lot of Police and Court time if it was legalised but will that solve anything? Sooner or later you would have zonked drivers adding to the carnage already caused by drunks and let no-one tell you this stuff doesn't have long-term health implications - both of the physical and mental type. It surely does.

O.K., so prohibition "hasn't worked so we should legalise it". You could also apply that logic to murder, theft and the whole spectrum of criminal activity. What sort of society would that be?

The world is filled with people who have been scared into thinking that Marijuana is a bad drug, by a 70 year hate campaign against it - as Caitlin mentioned it all started when J.P Morgan was losing money to hemp farmers who could grow their hemp quicker than forests of trees, make paper cheaper, make fuel, food, rope, textiles, and be sustainable than his forestry companies.

The fact you've compared smoking marijuana to theft and murder is completely crazy... And tells me that the hate campaign against marijuana has worked so well that people won't think logically about it. :banghead:
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Legalize it. Alcohol and nicotine are by far worse and far more expensive for the health system long term. Plus marijuana has a lot of health benefits. Plus I don't believe the story that smoking marijuana is the first step towards a full on drug career. Plus as shown so many times in different countries where politician actually had the guts to legalize certain drugs it has an positive impact on society.

Max Cherry

At your service
Gold Member
Legalize it. Alcohol and nicotine are by far worse and far more expensive for the health system long term. Plus marijuana has a lot of health benefits. Plus I don't believe the story that smoking marijuana is the first step towards a full on drug career. Plus as shown so many times in different countries where politician actually had the guts to legalize certain drugs it has an positive impact on society.

Case and point: Bolivia. Legalised marijuana, now reaping the benefits from taxing it. Not to mention all the people in prison for marijuana offences - which the taxpayer pays for to keep them locked up.