• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Its taken me 17 years to get this job finished

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
17 years ago my decorator and I discussed how I would like the Langtrees Room decorated, at the time I did not have the funds to have the complete look I envisaged. Two months ago the furniture I ordered from Vietnam arrived and today the decorator has hung the curtains, and it looks fab. I am not capable of taking a photo and putting it on the forum, as soon a Joel gets in he will do this as all the ladies will read this thread and tell him, if not finished by the end of shift, I may get cranky.
Until the photos go up you will have to trust me its a lovely room.

Tania Admin

Mary-Anne ran down the stairs so excited (like a little kid), "Tania and Nicole, come quick",,following behind her, her face exactly like a kid at Christmas,,with a "tahdah look,,,The Langtrees Room"......WOW!!!! Soooo beautiful, breath taking to be exact...Mary-Anne well done and congratulations on achieving ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR DREAMS.. :notworthy


Wow ....
The room is Awesome its totally exquisite so very inviting.
You lucky guys to have such an indulgence...
Well done and congratulations to you Maryanne to have the vision and bringing to fruition xxxxx A

that guy28

For those of you at home scratching your eyes out in fury, bashing your head against the wall yelling furiously "why oh why can't i see it!"
Settle down its just a room. That is a massive over reaction.

HOWEVER! it looks absolutely wonderful, I couldn't capture it properly as my lenses aren't so appropriate for rooms, but I did my best.

langtreesrm01.jpg langtreesrm02.jpg langtreesrm03.jpg langtreesrm04.jpg langtreesrm05.jpg

that guy28

langtresrm08.jpg langtreesrm06.jpg langtreesrm07.jpg

Love the infinite effect the mirrors have, as well as the bed base, such beautiful carvings. It is all just really exquisite!
Great job MA

It really is a lovely room.

that guy28

as it turns out lone road had the good lens, so here's some even better ones!

ltrm01.jpg ltrm02.jpg ltrm03.jpg

Before anyone gets excited, I put the flash in the tub. It doesnt actually glow like that.
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