• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Every day we have new clients calling up for Natural Sex....after 35years it still amazes me that some people are so stupid.....

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Yes it's completely insane sadly not sure how we can change it and more alarming the amount of ladies offering such services


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
Not sure you'll ever change it

Think about it this way
Married man wants a bit of fun... he's married so never uses condoms with wife... probably hasn't bought any for years. Doesn't think its an issue.
Single guy... always uses condoms... figures if he's paying he'd like to try skin on skin
Single guy... never uses condoms.. runs the risk whenever he hooks up... plenty of girls never ask... so he expects it that way
Any guy... working girls always use protection , checked regularly... surely they are clean right... so why do I need to protect ?

There's flipsides to each of these stories
And protection I believe in my mind would be mandatory with a working girl... due to multiple partner risks. But not everyone see's it this way
So I think people will always ask... and not receive from properly run legal establishments.


Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
I cant believe some silly working ladies actually offer a natural service:spitoutdummy:

And good to see the forum back :D


Another World Member
Legend Member
young girl i met thru wechat offered you are silly FOR xtra $50 ontop of her basic $150 service sorry hunney only got $150 so got covered b/j


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Boy don't I know the calls - you just want to slap them if you could through the phone!!! :banghead:

and even more so, you want to double slap the ladies who provide that service willy nilly! :dead::(:bigtears:


Silver Member
You are so right Maryanne. It fascinates me the way the general joe things he is immune.
Medicals is something I take very seriously. My life is important and I value myself rather highly.
I find it insulting that working ladies are treated like they are filth on legs. The normal working women or even stay at home mums are more of a risk than me.
Unprotected sex not for me yet the blood banks won't accept my blood. So when did we start getting treated with respect. LOL


Foundation Member
That's why I go for longer term gfs rather than escort. I don't know how anyone can enjoy sex wrapped up in a plastic rain coat.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
You can have fun safe sex funflyer its the attitude and the respect for each other. Just recently a famous celebrity that passed on had to have an autopsy, they found scar tissue from many sti in her body. It was probably passed to here from her husband and she had probably self cured, but the children found that three of the four had one or two virus passed to them in the womb. Is it worth the risk....


Foundation Member
You can have fun safe sex funflyer its the attitude and the respect for each other. Just recently a famous celebrity that passed on had to have an autopsy, they found scar tissue from many sti in her body. It was probably passed to here from her husband and she had probably self cured, but the children found that three of the four had one or two virus passed to them in the womb. Is it worth the risk....

I never ask for unsafe natural sex but these days I don't see escorts much because as soon as I put a condom on my erection disappears even if I've taken viagra. If I do partake in a casual encounter when it comes to the condom stage I ask to be finished by hand relief. I respect everyone's right to be safe and understand the reasons why. Doesn't mean I enjoy it though!


Gold Member
You can have fun safe sex funflyer its the attitude and the respect for each other. Just recently a famous celebrity that passed on had to have an autopsy, they found scar tissue from many sti in her body. It was probably passed to here from her husband and she had probably self cured, but the children found that three of the four had one or two virus passed to them in the womb. Is it worth the risk....
Hi MAK great to see you and the site back----I have read the above comments and agree no one is immune and have to be very careful when having casual sex either with a working girl or not but backing up what funflyer said I am a bit the same and have trouble maintaining an erection with the glove on so I will get a massage with a happy ending which I enjoy ---- but at my age I think back to the 60s and 70s what we used to get up to without protection I was one of the lucky ones never had any problems I don't believe you could do it now so any one thinking it wont be me is like playing Russian roulette one day it will and you can never change or go back so be safe as the old saying goes if it is not on it is not on---have fun cya

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
The best little sex aid is a cock ring, tighten it around your willy in a condom and that erection will stretch and tighten, the sex will be awesome.

John The John

Silver Member
This is a perennial subject here and on other forums. Honestly now, we shouldn't be so surprised. Both men and women appear to agree that bareback provides the most pleasure - some girls I've known tell me that they can't feel or perceive a difference but most, at the very least, say that condoms 'get in the way', in one form or another.

So, thats our starting base. Yes, need some thought on the issue, not just animal 'feel good' instinct of course, but starting from this base, its not a difficult stretch to see how we end up where we are, with lots of customers asking and, frankly now, lots of WG's accepting.

Experiences in China, Philippines and Taiwan suggest that as the customer you have to actually ask to use protection, its not taken as a given. This is true to a lesser extent in Thailand and Hong Kong, but is pretty much this way in Malaysia. Of course, YMMV, but this is my observation.

If you look at the population of WG's in Australia, certainly in Perth anyway, theres a strong contingent from the above countries.

So, risk tolerant customers ask and the girls, a fair percentage anyway, given norms at 'home' accept. The practise then normalises across the population and bingo bango, large percentages of customers will specifically ask for this style of service.

Hard as it might be to accept, for all the really good reasons always stated in these types of threads, the reality is that its just pure market forces at work. If it offends people I'd suggest that the only sensible way forward, given reality, is to specifically state 'no nat sex', 'safe sex only', etc, etc in advertising. One would think it wouldn't be necessary, given the dangers and assumed public knowledge of the same, but ... it is what it is.


Another World Member
Legend Member
wat about these visiting LB's wat they offer you are silly BBS???


Diamond Member
I had a recent scare which turned out to be not a STI, but it scared the sh*t out of me. The 5-day anxiety till tests came back was not nice. Bottom line is I would stay away from even protected sex with any WL who advertises BB anything. Plus always take protection just in case I get lucky. That includes a dam for oral as well. They're cheap at the AIDS Council shop in town. Just to protect meself. In any case,a good connection with a woman makes that sex just as great even with a dam/dom. Without it 'natural' counts for nothing - you may as blow in solitude (Woody Allen said, masturbation is making love to someone you really respect :))


Diamond Member
BTW the Aids council shop at 664 Murray St has a good range of good value condoms in big range of quantities. Any size from 49mm to 60mm and these and dams in various colours and flavours. Will set up an online shop soon. No doubt this is telling most of you how to suck eggs.


Legend Member
BTW the Aids council shop at 664 Murray St has a good range of good value condoms in big range of quantities. Any size from 49mm to 60mm and these and dams in various colours and flavours. Will set up an online shop soon. No doubt this is telling most of you how to suck eggs.
In my opinion any post that keeps safe sex in the forefront of peoples minds Is a good post Alfred


Legend Member
Maybe they need to put a label on the W/L like they do on cigarette packs. :D...just a thought.


Legend Member
And be like night clubs and have a "cover" charge ?

Yeah...not so much a cover charge but for the govt slap on more taxes because they warned people of the danger of unprotected sex. Just like they did with cigarette, smoke and your lung will look like a lump of crap kinda message.


Legend Member
Imagine walking around with a human sized condom on you...that would definitely get you laid...in a cell.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member

Padded cells ....


Gold Member
Its back!!!! The forum and good sensible discussion /promotion of safe sex ,,.... Yay !!!

Fees like I'm wrapped up in a nice warm blanket at home again or to keep with the tbeme of the post a funny coloured well fitted flavoured condom inside a nice warm........ahhem ...well ......uuumnm ...how do u say ...without being .....ummm......stuff it ,. u get the picture --- I think !!!

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
[/QUOT I agree Homer , maybe the Natural Sex providers should be branded HogSlapper00.jpg A quick wack on the bum with the old Hog slapper should do the trick .