• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

It’s been a bit Vanilla on here recently.........perhaps the shitstirrers should be invited back🤣😬?

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Well when you remove, drama, conflict and the active speakers of the group. Things will become vanilla like watching Tv, no one is willing to talk unless they have to. Hence we have alot more lurkers, im starting to become one of them myself. Most of these old posts and ads are really for the new forum members to contribute if they need the points to become members. LoL.

Even our worldly affairs are banned cause it's depressing, i say it's ignorance and is what caused Victoria to become the trouble state it is. In this pandemic, ignorance isn't bliss. LoL. Price will always be paid in full.

Floor is all yours @Numpty, going to kick back to lurker mode and see how off vanilla it can go. LoL.
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Tania Admin

Well when you remove, drama, conflict and the active speakers of the group. Things will become vanilla like watching Tv, no one is willing to talk unless they have to. Hence we have alot more lurkers, im starting to become one of them myself. Most of these old posts and ads are really for the new forum members to contribute if they need the points to become members. LoL.

Even our worldly affairs are banned cause it's depressing, i say it's ignorance and is what caused Victoria to become the trouble state it is. In this pandemic, ignorance isn't bliss. LoL. Price will always be paid in full.

Floor is all yours @Numpty, going to kick back to lurker mode and see how off vanilla it can go. LoL.
Firstly no active speakers were removed unless they were trouble makers,,abusing people, belittling them etc is not what our Forum is about. As for the non discussion of one world topic, if it affects people that bad I'm sure they can read about it literally everywhere else. We actually have a lot more active members who are posting. Not everything will be to everyone's taste. That's life..


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Well the internet was the last bastion of free speech and guess what... Silly human beings couldn't have that, so they killed it off too.. Human beings are the most fundamentally f-ed up creatures to grace planet Earth. Always and constantly making rules and laws to hinder its progress and freedoms.... but hey can't have that I work in IT and believe me I would love to turn it all off and go back to the 1950's... but we call all of this Progress bullshit we all have been f-ed up the ass, and duped by those arseholes in suits that we elect every few years under the guise of democracy.... which in itself in Australia is nothing but as its compulsory voting... NOT even China has that... or the Sister ship, The UK... but spreading the love far and wide 2020 and forward will be always just duping masses of people.... to subdue them... and well we all love being dictated to and controlled.... but hey...... We are and apex creature right, like a shark but with Thumbs... BS....

Tania Admin

Well the internet was the last bastion of free speech and guess what... Silly human beings couldn't have that, so they killed it off too.. Human beings are the most fundamentally f-ed up creatures to grace planet Earth. Always and constantly making rules and laws to hinder its progress and freedoms.... but hey can't have that I work in IT and believe me I would love to turn it all off and go back to the 1950's... but we call all of this Progress bullshit we all have been f-ed up the ass, and duped by those arseholes in suits that we elect every few years under the guise of democracy.... which in itself in Australia is nothing but as its compulsory voting... NOT even China has that... or the Sister ship, The UK... but spreading the love far and wide 2020 and forward will be always just duping masses of people.... to subdue them... and well we all love being dictated to and controlled.... but hey...... We are and apex creature right, like a shark but with Thumbs... BS....
Blah blah blah,,I'm sure you get your period.

How about some interesting posts from you then?

Like how this thread was turned around with vanilla desserts.

Stop whinging and make a good contribution instead 🤔

images (3).jpeg


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Stop whinging and make a good contribution instead

Go back a few years on the threads and see it.. but people got banned, posts removed etc etc. so others see that, and guess what they don't comment or even start threads because one wrong word and its deleted or removed etc etc.. so the vanila thing is like ice cream "man made" .. but it will only go the same online it's not unique to talkinsex either..

Tania Admin

Go back a few years on the threads and see it.. but people got banned, posts removed etc etc. so others see that, and guess what they don't comment or even start threads because one wrong word and its deleted or removed etc etc.. so the vanila thing is like ice cream "man made" .. but it will only go the same online it's not unique to talkinsex either..
I've been on the Forum for a lot of years Phoebe. More than 8 years on this profile and prior to that I was on with a different profile for 3 years. It's a wheel it turns. Keep contributing and move onwards :)



Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I've been on the Forum for a lot of years Phoebe. More than 8 years on this profile and prior to that I was on with a different profile for 3 years. It's a wheel it turns. Keep contributing and move onwards :)

Where is the male oyster eating compassion show ...


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Perfect thread for you to start babe xo

Oh.... He/She whom puts her/his above a trench line may get it blown off by combatant either friendly or otherwise however if said individual out flanks his/her opponent and gets cut down goes down as a hero / heroine well I would rather go down in a way to be remembered not forgotten .., hence I will wait mr moment but thanks honey buns ❤️

Tania Admin

Oh.... He/She whom puts her/his above a trench line may get it blown off by combatant either friendly or otherwise however if said individual out flanks his/her opponent and gets cut down goes down as a hero / heroine well I would rather go down in a way to be remembered not forgotten .., hence I will wait mr moment but thanks honey buns ❤


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I don't know what Phoebe said as he is permanently on my Ignoring list but Kick his arse Tania .

Oh if you have me on that why care what I say ??? This is why online forums are all now crap even when people choose to ignore they really can’t ignore it now can they or more over comment on it ...


Legend Member
If the shitstirrers ( and I'm not convinced they weren't one and the same person all along) were to return, I'd pack up and go for good versus lurk.

We need better vetting of new members, a proper probationary period and basic information about whether they are punters, workers or just some dickhead joining up to cause trouble.
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