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Is it too easy these days???


Legend Member
Who thinks our younger generation have it a lot easier these days?

When I was little we had to work around the house for some pocket money but most parents I know these days give their kids money just to get them out of their hair.
Mum or dad cooks, cleans and is forever picking up after them.
Then once they become teenagers and join the work force all they seem to do is use it as a place to socialize. Maybe my childhood was different but for me I was told to work hard. If I wanted to chat then do it after work.
Back in my day we were expected to lift heavy things, work until it is all done and to never question our boss.
Nowdays the teenager seems to believe they have the right to refuse to do anything.
Ask them to lift something and they complain it`s too heavy, ask them to clean something and they worry they will get their hands dirty, ask them to finish the job and they reply... Why, it can wait.

What happened to taking pride in their work the same way we did as youngsters?


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Yes and no...

I'm probably in the middle of this generation gap. I started working when I was 11yo, for the family business, had to do chores for my pocket money, usually $5/week! But, I do see a lot of my friends who got anything they asked for, whether they deserved it or not! I moved outta home when I was 15, started fulltime work not long after that, ran my own business and am now planning to go to university next year, only 7years older than most other first years.

I get irritated with my friends who expect everything for nothing!!! Who, as you said, use work as a method of socialising! I work minimum 45hour weeks plus 2hours driving per day, and rarely socialise with workmates, outside of work hours!

On the flip side...

Young people these days have to work more to afford the things they need to live up to current expectations. So many start working fulltime because they have to, to afford to purchase that new iphone, or laptop, or music, or festival tickets, etc etc etc, that all their friends have.... People move out of home younger, or at least start living independently at a young age. Travelling around the world by the age of 20 is almost normal and expected.

So, i guess yes, at a very young age, ie throughout schooling, kids are given everything way too easily, having money, toys etc pretty much thrown at them by their parents. But, when the time comes to leave home, it is very much a wake up call for these kids having NO real world experience to back them up and show them how to survive alone. It is harder to buy a house, harder to make it work on your own than it used to be (according to my parents anyway) hmmmmm anyway. Nice topic :)


I bet your parents used to whinge that your gen. had it easy as well Billy??

It's just the way the world is! Agreed that young people have some things easy (travel, technology etc) but the "aussie dream" of owning a house in 10 years time will be hugely difficult regardless. Even now you need to spend a minimum of 500k to get something half decent so goodness knows how much property will cost in 2020. Hopefully it's lots so I can retire early ;)

For shits and giggles I ask the teenagers at work basic general knowledge questions and they have no idea sometimes. Today's question were on the tallest mountain in the world and about the Concorde. Couldn't even tell me what a Concorde was lol
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Foundation Member
Young people these days have to work more to afford the things they need to live up to current expectations. So many start working fulltime because they have to, to afford to purchase that new iphone, or laptop, or music, or festival tickets, etc etc etc, that all their friends have.... People move out of home younger, or at least start living independently at a young age. Travelling around the world by the age of 20 is almost normal and expected.


all too true

then these same soft cocks complain that housing is too expensive to get into the market

no shit sherlock - youveblown your mone on crap

im no old fart being 40

but to affod a house

I lived in a caravan
had mobile phone on a $10 plan (couldnt use it just get calls for work)
travelled interstate away from freinds and family to go where the work is
had no computer
had no internet
drove vehcles over 10 years old
no overseas holidays

when i got the house

I worked 2 jobs
kitted it out fully verything second hand

any way I could go on but you get the picture

next soft cock gen Y hat complains about housing costs will get donged over the head by me with a big dose of reality in the form of their I phone and 10,0000 useless apps they play with instead of getting into it and earning cash


There are shit people everywhere it has nothing to do with age, it has to do with respect, intelligence & determination.
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While i at times despair for my generation, there are bad apples in every bunch and it is unfair to categorise everyone under 25 as lazy and ignorant. I am only 18 and i have been moved out of home for several years (only recently i have joined the industry) & am going to university SUPPORTING MYSELF. I was never given pocket money without earning it. (and by earning i mean things like helping pave the backyard or cleaning gutters etc not just washing the car and making my bed) I have been in the work force since i was 13, have never been fired, have never had a bad reference and worked my ass off last year to move to Perth. I dont have the luxury of a student allowance or mummy putting money in my bank account. Some of my days are 20 hours but im getting there :)

AND not a single friend of mine is unemployed, NOT ONE


I know just as many idiotic 40 year olds as i do people my age.


Legend Member
I admit Jade18yo Many of us "oldies" generalise about the new generations coming through
But sometimes I think the reason is These TV shows that are now called current
affairs programs only show the worst of a generation just to get a reaction

So good on you for having the initiative to show them their wrong


Legend Member
Thats what my parents used to tell me, you guys have it easy. For those who have been through WWII, yes you've been through hardship and the poor was indeed living in poverty. So hard that people work few jobs just to make ends meet. Both parents working just to feed the family. Time was tough. For us, we only had chicken on special occasions. I did not get pocket money, only ask when I needed it for school, etc. Only on occasions that I ask for some pocket money. Value of money was higher back then. 10 cents used to buy 5 pieces of candy, now you can get squat for 10 cents.

Time has changed and is constantly changing. Technology has advanced, money has shrunk and become more available. These days, those who claim to be poor have a mobile phone, owns a car and even a house. Sure there are people who are worse off.

It is unfair to compare lives between generations to start with. Every generation has its hardship. I won't be doing that to my kids but if they ask I would tell them how we lived.


Legend Member
Homer I could imagine your name sake back in antiquity saying to his kids
"you young people of today have it to easy"

One thing that does get to me is when people use the line "But houses were only
$30 000 when you were buying in to the market True but you getting $100 dollars a week if in a good job
So it was probably just as expensive. And as Homer kind of said money was far harder to get from the financial institutions back then too.


Actually Happy, that housing thing is a bit of a myth. There's a fair amount of research going around to show that in our parent's time - anything between 10% to 20% of a person's income could buy a house.

Two things have happened these days. Housing prices have gone up astronomically in proportion to average incomes. To buy a house these days can take almost 30% to 40% of a person's income compared to a past era. Add to that the cost of living compared to previous times and it's tough - hence the reason why many couples work instead of depending on a single income.

Sure - people may paint themselves into corners by buying a landed property as opposed to a flat but it's still not easy.


Foundation Member
Actually Happy, that housing thing is a bit of a myth. There's a fair amount of research going around to show that in our parent's time - anything between 10% to 20% of a person's income could buy a house.

Two things have happened these days. Housing prices have gone up astronomically in proportion to average incomes. To buy a house these days can take almost 30% to 40% of a person's income compared to a past era. Add to that the cost of living compared to previous times and it's tough - hence the reason why many couples work instead of depending on a single income.

Sure - people may paint themselves into corners by buying a landed property as opposed to a flat but it's still not easy.

my parent disagree with you - the say try sucking on 12-18% intrest rates for size

like I said if the kids dump the I phones, computers, internet, play stations, overseas holidays , 50 inch tvs , new cars etc etc

they might find getting a place is achievabe

theres more money to be made now than ever before with the boom

I work with kids on 6 figures

that wasnt around in my day - not that easily

yea no question things are easy street

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I totally agree with you billybones and many others too! I think that kids do have it way too easy nowadays and it's not of any use to them in their future's. They are generally spoilt rotten and have no work ethic at all. I have a 15 y.o. son that I didn't realize until relatively recently, is actually a lazy little shit! As he gets older, he seems to want to do less and less. This, I believe, does have a lot to do with his friends circle and the fact many of them come from wealthy families and are spoilt to the point of ridiculous! Their parents won't allow them to work part time jobs! They have the latest of everything, $2000+ laptops, iphone 4's, designer clothes etc, etc. It's bloody crazy! What kind of message is it sending any child to have everything given to them for nothing? It's actually quite cruel really to give them such poor preparation for life in the real world!

Lisa xxx


Legend Member
A friend of a friends son was just telling me he`s going on yet another holiday that will cost him... sorry his mum about $5000.
All he does is study so I know that there is no way he is funding his trip.
I suggested to him that maybe he could help his mum at her work as a way of thanking her... His reply,

But I have homework...