• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Indian telemarketers on your mobile


Legend Member
Where the hell do these Indian sods get our mobile phone numbers from I mean I have always been careful
who I give it out to But they have found me. Even the Heart Foundation are doing it Did not realise it was them as they called with a blocked number so I did not answer Until after 1 wk of calling at the same time curiosity won out.
The Indian fella at least showed his number Which was forwarded to the Do not call register


Legend Member
The best thing to do is to try to speak Indian back to them...or put them on hold 4ever...lol...or in an Indian accent, "Thank you, come again." then hang up.


Maybe some Indian telemarketers giving out stupid offers..I usually hang up on them...a total waste of time


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
A common misunderstanding is when using public access web page`s, for example gumtree, cracker, and there are so many more. If you look at gumtree, a misunderstanding is that it is a national web page, it is not it is an international web page, just like craiglist. One of the ways these web page`s makes money is through advertising, another is allowing you to place different types of adds, for example I wish to sell my bike. Normaly what ocurrs when you place your add is there is a little box saying;- mobile phone number, some people do not place a number but a lot of people do and these numbers go up with the add that you have placed. Here the catch;- you now have placed information on a public web page, hence,- these organisation harvest up the data (been current mobile phone numbers and other forms of data)and sell off the data to other organisation, including telemarketers, then one day;- you get a ring on your mobile, guess where they got the number from!
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Yap, when you register in a web-site which ask for your number, then they can give the number to other companies..@!


One time I asked the Indian for his credit card number then he hung up.

Happy2 I gave gave them your number. They could give you travel advice if you ever decide to go to India.


Legend Member
INDIA!! If I want the dehli belly The runs or even a good dose of the S***s I would rather eat a packet of Laxettes But thankyou for consideration Gentleman


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Leave me alone!!! They drive me up the wall. I'm too kind to hang up or tell them straight off that I'm not interested so I end up listening to them for a zillion minutes about nothing! Damn you kind nature!

Tania Admin

Hmmm telemarketers...
I must confess. Sometimes, if I'm bored, I will take the time to "pull the piss" as such,I know, me bad, but sometimes a little giggle can certainly improve the day, seriously they rang me, not the other way around, it would be impolite of me to waste their time..... (evil laughter :evil1: )

Naughty Thoughts

When I was younger and had more spare time I'd keep them on the line for as long as possible and keep stringing them along. These days I just hang up...


Diamond Member
The reason why these Índian'telemarketers call you, is that they are employed by Australian/American companies who outsource this work, which I'm sure alot of us would hate to do, especially when getting abused or hung up on all day.

Telemarketing works, otherwise companies wouldn't bother with it. Don't give out your number/email addresses, when entering competitions or as a contact number where you can avoid it, as this information is harvested to build a large database, which can be onsold to other companies to 'market'to you. Even social media websites such as Facebook, provide valuable information, which can be used for marketing purposes.