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Indian call centres

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Mary Anne PA

Hi Guys , how many people out there get calls from indian call centres all day long , I mean , if I want a different phone plan , a new roller door , a really good deal on a trip to Fiji or what ever the F--Kers are trying to sell me , I'll call them ! Its so bad I just ignore the phone now and let the answering machine talk to them , and one day one of the F--kers even left a message telling me all about there fantastic deal on a new rollerdoor or was that a house alarm , no it was a good deal to Fiji , whatever , am I the only victim they call 9 times a day even on my mobile the little F--kers , I didnt buy it so they could sell me a good deal whilst I am driving as well . What are your views on the little #*@>$&# ....T.B...... P.S. its not cos there indians I hate them , if the Russians , chinese , japs , americans or whoever start ringing me , I hate them to !! :violent5:


Gold Member
When we get calls about roller doors,shutters alarms etc
we always say before you go any further i need to give you the landlords number hehehe and the reply is sorry to waste your time.

Love the phone companies who ring up trying to sell their product,,generally we are at the computer look up another phone company and try selling it to them with their plans etc.

Only last week someone rang us saying they had a good holiday package hehehe,,we put them on to our daughter (who is 12) it was so funny, all she did was listen to them selling their holiday package, all our daughter would say was ah uh,,, then at the end of the conversation (5 mins) later our daughter said mum and dad wont let me go on a holiday by my self as im only a 12yr old.

Our youngest daughter (9yr old) answers the phone all the time,, when she knows its marketing sellers she says not interested and hangs up on them (takes after her mother )

To that last comment must add Stacey had a call from a telly marketer as shes says not interested and hangs up then 5 mins later phone rings again, Stacey answers with abrupt not interested and hangs up thinking it was the same telly marketer. it was an agent for a job position...


ahh i love using the landlord line.
Recently it has been people wanting email addresses and needing 5 otherwise their manager wont promote them or something. I am listed to do random radio surveys from time to time which is good.
The holiday one has been most annoying and even to the point of harassing. Calling back 5 times a day So now i have the laptop i go get that and explain to them as a note that the phone conversation for training and coaching purposes and even to record the amount of times the same person calls. One had the cheek to call back to explain to me i shouldnt have hung up on him. It was good to read to him over the phone what it is considered harassment. I have since not let it bother me and find if they are rude i take as ouch information down as possible and if they become arrogant. I must say i love stacey and daves response of handing it over to the daughter hehe


My son loves to toy with the harrassing calls letting them go through their spiel before telling them that he is already on holiday and doesn't need another one or that he has a new mobile phone or that he doesn't live at the number that they are calling (depending on what the call is about). I had a call this afternoon. Upon answering I received an automated "You have been chosen as the lucky winner of a 3 weeks Carribean cruise" I promptly hung up - who has time to listen to this rubbish..


I like to say "hang on, I'll just go and get her/him" Then I leave the phone on the table and walk away. They eventually get the picture that nobody's coming to talk to them...
and here's a little funny for you too!

Link is broken, so taken down.
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Naughty Thoughts

I used to have fun with them by asking difficult technical questions.

Then the pricks started charging our phone for the call!

Now we just hang up. If they insist, I just leave the phone off the hook. No way am I paying them for the privilege of being harassed...


my family doesn't have a landline phone.. so we don't get these calls!
this looks like it'll be a popular thread though... AND a popular forum!


Have any of you registered for the government's register to prevent unwanted advertising calls? I know most of these calls are coming from overseas which might not help, but we've been registered for a while now and get about 1 call every fortnight, not several a day as some of you are getting.


Mary Anne PA

Hi Guys , great response to this thread , Yeah I heard that gov site dont stop the F--kers ringing from Calcutta , is this true or what , also if you havnt a landline , no probs , the F--kers ring my work mobile , I will pass your number on if you like !! I use to play with there little game once , then I started to tell them to F--k off , now I just ignore the phone , I dont need there shit , wish I had a shit load of money and the Calcutta phone book , Jeez I could have a shit load of fun !!! ..... keep responding ....T.B.


One other alternative, with Caller ID, is to ignore any calls that come through from overseas. Of course this can be a problem if you have relatives overseas like I do....or perhaps that's not such a problem!


You could always blow a whistle down the phone when they begin their sell...


One of my friends partners work for a roller shutter company. Hehe i was quite impressed to learn there were people out there who were hated more that the government agency i used to work for.....i didn't think that was possible hehe

Dear Mia

Silver Member
I know they're annoying in a way that nothing else is, but it is just a job, and a high-pressure one, at that. Stresses you til you're ready to snap.

Still bloody annoying, though.


As far as I know any call on behalf of an Australian company can result in that company being held liable.

There is some kind of scam about where they call offering cheap holidays and give you a website, as well as asking for your CC number.

They deliberately call around 6pm because they expect you to be preparing dinner.

They are not meant to call private numbers either, but I still got plenty. I stopped answering the land line. I never received many personal calls anyway and anyone who wants to call me knows my mobile number.

Sometimes you may get a call where there is nobody on the other end. This is to verify that the number is connected and someone will be around to answer the phone, (logged by the caller for later use).

Any time you fill out a survey or enter a competition to win "6 months free gym membership", or similar, your number will go into a database somewhere for marketing purposes.

I did sign up to the do not call register and the calls seem to have almost stopped.

If it wasn't for ADSL I wouldn't maintain a land line at all.
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Foundation Member
I must try the whistle Macnophi!! I find them bl..dy annoying. When they ask to speak to me, I tell them that I'm just housesitting and that I'm not actually there and they hang up.

Like many of you I've taken to not answering the landline at all, but luckily these days most people talk mobile to mobile or through the net and so not many of my friends or family ring the landline.

This has been a great thread started by TheBoss, it just goes to show how annoying these people can be. I realise they have a job to do, but wish there was some way of them only annoying the people that wanted to be annoyed. NOT ME!!!

Miranda Fox

Try this next time they Ring you.

"Hi Lost Dogs Home"

or "Johnny's Massage Parlour"

get the message f... o oh and dont ring this number again !!!!

I have often rang my Dad and he has answered the phone,
"Lost Dogs Home" very funny ha ha Dad.


Foundation Member
One of my friends is Vietnamese and actually speaks English at least as well as I do but he "forgets" his English and yaps away to them in "tieng Viet" until they give up.


i heard there is supposed to be a nmb you can call and get your nmb registered,once on there its illeagal for them to call,only thing they didnt give out the f...nmb,probably just another scam but does anybody know or heard of it.supposed to have something to do with our so caled privacy laws..any goverment body feel free to fill us in...


Foundation Member
Well, I'd just like to say that they've totally pissed me off this week. These callers start ringing our phone at 5.30pm - 7.00pm with around 10 - 15 calls within that time range. This is really getting ridiculous!! Does anyone else get this much annoyance??


We seem to experience runs of calls..We may not get any for several weeks then we will get them consistently for a week at any time of the day.. My son gets a kick out of letting them 'rabbit' on then asks a few dumb questions and tells them he is only 12 and doesn't have any idea what they are talking about.. I used to have a chat to him about wasting peoples time but not anymore - I let him amuse himself...


Silver Member
Lead them on as much as you can, they cannot make another call until you hang up your phone

Mary Anne PA

We have VOIP on our home phone (no physical landline) and dont get any telemarketing calls, but I think hubbie has set it up to go straight to the message for unlisted or private numbers

Funny how its more acceptable to be a sex worker than a telemarketer :)


hah yes celeste they always come up as overseas calls if you have caler i.d which most people have and its always when you are usually sitting down for dinner around 6,30ish.so if your like me and dont really have anyone from overseas that doesnt show there nmb,you can just about bet its someone trying to do some sort of scam....

Kama Sutra Couple

Calling three's customer service is an event unto itself. You never know what conflicting information you'll get, or what "westernized" name you'll hear on the other end. My partner's had some blasphemous arguments with them and even been hung up on.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
We get them all day long during usiness hours and they all ask to speak to the business owner.... i tell my people to just put them thru to me....

Then I just tell then the truth.... nothing suttle, i go strait to the heart of the problem, with the intent of offending them, by saying....

"Fuk off, get a life and stop annoying me... you low life parasitic asshole".

From my point of view Life is too short to waste breath on the bastards!

But hey... I like the whistle trick.... I must try that one.... would be much less time consumming than the above quote!


Since registering with the "no call" number, calls stopped but then they started again and I was amazed to find out you have to re-register your numbers periodically or they fall off the list.

My bigger problem is spam faxes. i have tried registering with the similar deal for faxes, but it doesn't seem to work


Foundation Member
Try this dialogue for laughs.

Caller (Indian Accent) "Hello Sir, may I speaking to the owner of the business"

Me "Yes: but what is this regarding?"

Caller: "Sir we are offering you the opportunity blah blah blah...."

Me: (Said in a stern and authorative tone)
"I am sorry but I think you have dialled the wrong number. This telephone service is part of a National Security emergency network and access by unauthorised persons is an offence under The Australian Telecommunications Act. Please terminate this call and do not call his number again."

Then hang up smartly.

Mary Anne PA

Try this dialogue for laughs.

Caller (Indian Accent) "Hello Sir, may I speaking to the owner of the business"

Me "Yes: but what is this regarding?"

Caller: "Sir we are offering you the opportunity blah blah blah...."

Me: (Said in a stern and authorative tone)
"I am sorry but I think you have dialled the wrong number. This telephone service is part of a National Security emergency network and access by unauthorised persons is an offence under The Australian Telecommunications Act. Please terminate this call and do not call his number again."

Then hang up smartly.

Great idea!
its not the employees fault that they had to get that job, plus blowing a whistle is just cruel. Usually its an automatic computer dialler, so they have no control over who they are calling, nor can they remove numbers from the list. Also some telemarketers have been known to record the numbers of abusive 'callees' and post them in various places, so they get nuisance calls 24/7....


Foundation Member
apart from the annoying tele marketers trying to flog me better local call rates, new phone deals ink printer cartridges. blah blah blah .. there is an increasing number of callers who ask to confirm the business details for a fax or other directory. Since i have started giving them someone elses number and address the number of tele market calls have reduced. Pitty the poor bugger who has the number i made up. and the address. Well anyone who has pissed you off lately !
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