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Important Notice - someone here or there may catch Coronavirus from WG in Perth now

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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
It is if said person is with their partner all the time, doesn't pay cash, no-one else at their work place has it and they need to declare who else they may have been in contact with (if they are honest and don't want to risk people's lives).

Hmmmm He wont see that either, maybe he needs pictures.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Latest state government update and still no confirmed evidence of community spread.

Unsubstantiated reports should be consigned to the rubbish bin. Same destination of stuff from Twitter or Facebook. Creates over reaction and panic.

All levels of Australian government say to exercise common sense. COMMON SENSE. There, now say it again slowly then act on it.

Night Owl Ciao

It is if said person is with their partner all the time, doesn't pay cash, no-one else at their work place has it and they need to declare who else they may have been in contact with (if they are honest and don't want to risk people's lives).
If he or perhaps she is "with their partner all the time" how would he or she be able to fly the coop & slip off to a knock shop in the first place tho?
In all seriousness & all jokes aside it is not uncommon to be infected with CV & it lays dormant in the host for up to 8 weeks with no symptons whatsoever all the while the host is blindly going about his or her business unknowingly infecting pretty much everyone he or she comes into contact with.
So the point I am making which got lost amongst Phoebe's feeble attempts at humour is that it would be virtually impossible to identify who infected who or when & how you were infected. A good example of this is the private escort I mentioned earlier in this thread who tested positive earlier today will be of very little help identifying the person's she has interacted with in the last 24 hours let alone the last 8 weeks. Furthermore the onus is on the infected person to identify those he or she has had contact with this is not a task for the health department or anyone else.
I really hope this has answered any questions anyone had because to be honest I have had enough of this discussion & I am going to return to posting funny memes & toilet paper jokes. 😀
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Legend Member
If this WG caught the virus 5 days after she had been working in Perth, the only people that should be concerned would be the people she had contact with 24 hours prior to her being diagnosed. This is the advice that was given to the people who were alarmed that Peter Dutton had spread CONVID-19 to the cabinet when they were meeting in Sydney last week. According to the Chief Medical Officer then, the only people that should be susceptible to being infected were ones who had close contact with him in those 24 hours. This is why the Prime Minister etc did not need to be tested.

For all guys.

Just received a info. One of Chinese WGs from Sydney came to Perth for work. This WG was found caught the virus 5 days after she had been working in Perth. I am afraid she passed it to all girls around already. They did ask for the area or address but couldn't get it.

Some guys from this web or out there have already got it from those girls but not know yet. Suggest all guys do not go for any WGs till everything clear. All the best! Good luck!!!

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
If he or perhaps she is "with their partner all the time" how would he or she be able to fly the coop & slip off to a knock shop in the first place tho?
In all seriousness & all jokes aside it is not uncommon to be infected with whatsoever all the while the host is blindly going about his or her business unknowingly infecting pretty much everyone he or she comes into contact with.
So the point I am making which got lost amongst Phoebe's feeble attempts at humour is that it would be virtually impossible to identify who infected who or when & how you were infected. A good example of this is the private escort I mentioned earlier in this thread who tested positive earlier today will be of very little help identifying the person's she has interacted with in the last 24 hours let alone the last 8 weeks. Furthermore the onus is on the infected person to identify those he or she has had contact with this is not a task for the health department or anyone else.
I really hope this has answered any questions anyone had because to be honest I have had enough of this discussion & I am going to return to posting funny memes & toilet paper jokes. 😀

CV & it lays dormant in the host for up to 8 weeks with no symptons

Do you think that is correct Night Owl

Rosie Nuru

Nuru Guru
Legend Member
You seriously think that makes you and punters safe?
Why yes indeed. Safer at least! Panic causes unnecessary stress . Who in their right mind would want to even leave their house when ill? I've seen what Man flu does to blokes and my Lord, you have got to be crazy to even leave if that is the case! I am safe for I have an immune system that is a force to be reckoned with. I am not panicking, are you ? If I contract the virus, I am a goner, diabetic smoker. Nothing has got me down for too long and from the looks of it, nothing will yet
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Night Owl Ciao

Why yes indeed. Safer at least! Panic causes unnecessary stress . Who in their right mind would want to even leave their house when ill? I've seen what Man flu does to blokes and my Lord, you have got to be crazy to even leave if that is the case! I am safe for I have an immune system that is a force to be reckoned with. I am not panicking, are you ? If I contract the virus, I am a goner, diabetic smoker. Nothing has got me down for too long and from the looks of it, nothing will yet
Under normal circumstances this procedure would be quite adequate however due to the characteristics of CV - the main one being symptons can lay dormant in a host for up to 8 weeks but the host will still be highly contagious & very likely infect anyone they come within 10 feet of. This is the very reason we now have travel bans, no crowds at the footy, entire nation's enforcing mandatory lockdown etc etc etc.
It is all very well not to panic but it is far better to know the actual facts & base decisions on fact not fiction.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
I wanted to go and have a massage today but after reading this I’m not so sure it’s a good idea
Why so? You could walk past a person who does not know they are infected in a shop just as easily. Common sense is best used in all cases. However that being said you do what YOU think is comfortable for YOU.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Under normal circumstances this procedure would be quite adequate however due to the characteristics of CV - the main one being symptons can lay dormant in a host for up to 8 weeks but the host will still be highly contagious & very likely infect anyone they come within 10 feet of. This is the very reason we now have travel bans, no crowds at the footy, entire nation's enforcing mandatory lockdown etc etc etc.
It is all very well not to panic but it is far better to know the actual facts & base decisions on fact not fiction.
You keep spruiking that Night Owl but there is no evidence on any official websites (including WHO) that COVID-19 remains dormant in the human body for eight weeks. If this was the case it would be widely known, the information readily available and the restrictions we have now much different. Certainly sounds like Google University degree holder social media (Twitter, Facebook et al) posters misinformation.

The incubation period for COVID-19 is five days on average and during that time while symptoms might be manifesting themselves, the carrier is unaware they are infected.

Further, in WA there are no recorded cases of community spread. This will probably change in the future but currently is not the case.

Rosie Nuru

Nuru Guru
Legend Member
You keep spruiking that Night Owl but there is no evidence on any official websites (including WHO) that COVID-19 remains dormant in the human body for eight weeks. If this was the case it would be widely known, the information readily available and the restrictions we have now much different. Certainly sounds like Google University degree holder social media (Twitter, Facebook et al) posters misinformation.

The incubation period for COVID-19 is five days on average and during that time while symptoms might be manifesting themselves, the carrier is unaware they are infected.

Further, in WA there are no recorded cases of community spread. This will probably change in the future but currently is not the case.
Misinformation, fake news and the like, adds to the misconceptions about a great many of things

Night Owl Ciao

You keep spruiking that Night Owl but there is no evidence that COVID-19 on any official websites (including WHO) remains dormant in the human body for eight weeks. If this was the case it would be widely known, the information readily available and the restrictions we have know much different. Certainly sounds like Google University degree holder social media (Twitter, Facebook et al) posters misinformation.

The incubation period for COVID-19 is five days on average and during that time while symptoms might be manifesting themselves, the carrier is unaware they are infected.

Further, in WA there are no recorded cases of community spread. This will probably change in the future but currently is not the case.
I am not spruiking anything mate I don't know where you are getting your information from but I think it best you conduct adequate research before attempting to discredit those who have 😮
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