• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

I keep being advised to take ageing gracefully, but WTF!!!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Last Friday I was in a position when I had to help someone out of a physical altercation. Being extremely busy I have neglected cardio, resistance, bag work, sparring, conditioning, drills, and ALMOST (still banging like a teenager) everything. And at my age not training for a short time really takes it’s toll.

But WTF... I reacted and moved as a mental reflex but my muscle memory was not quite there. No one touched me, but moving or trying to move like that without warming up caused my own neck muscles to hurt my neck and left me almost bed ridden for a weekend... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note to self... need to train...

Anyone else having experiences like this? Sigh... lol...
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Legend Member
Found a dozen stragglers that had gone Bush and missed being shorn just before we had a 43 degree day a couple of weeks back
Well I sheared them not a twinge ache cut or torn muscle
What's wrong with you Yoda
Granted the following morning I couldn't get out of bed But that's besides the point

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Found a dozen stragglers that had gone Bush and missed being shorn just before we had a 43 degree day a couple of weeks back
Well I sheared them not a twinge ache cut or torn muscle
What's wrong with you Yoda
Granted the following morning I couldn't get out of bed But that's besides the point

Hahahahaha exactly, I still felt like a Kryptonian straight after I sorted out my lot of sheep. But hours after that the pain set in and the next day I couldn’t get out of bed either...
