• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

I agree with H.P

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Another World Member
Legend Member
Avatars are definately considered polite here.....but seiously that ONE was wasted


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Which one Bepp?
Give us a sigh, hit the report button, show us what you mean

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
The second wiggle bum one don't worry Bepp its not as nice as yours


Another World Member
Legend Member
Miss M u can tie to 4poster bed n do as you please with me every inch of my deeliteful bod is urs

Relax HP I'M having a dig at sumone hoping i can ruffle HER feathers which no doubt i will just stay tuned in


Another World Member
Legend Member
Relax H.P I'm trying someones hair which no doubt i will just stayed tuned in n we'll see ;) ;)
all in jest my dear


Another World Member
Legend Member
please accept my humble appology for the double post ....dont no wat cum over me
where r u ...still in bed???..?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- OK............Keep me out of it, you kids go have a fun time and "Play Nice"


Legend Member
Ummm....ummm...sorry to say I actually like the other bum better from that angle.

Tania Admin

please accept my humble appology for the double post ....dont no wat cum over me
where r u ...still in bed???..?
Sorry,,I was doing the Clairol thing......

Ha ha ha ha ha ha,,,well don't pick on newbies and I won't give them avatars that may rival yours, it took me ages to find that Hoolala (like my wording there?) butt :)

That'll teach you. I have a few tucked away on my computer for any future newbies that you may insult..

And it is pretty damn cute isn't it? :)

avatar 1.gif

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
In all fairness the original post that has been removed warranted the response IMO
A new poster asking why young Asian girls don't know how to please men or along those lines
I would have reacted in a similar manner or delete the thread before approving it
In general here runs very smoothly and people are very accepting of each other and welcoming.
At the time I felt Bepp reacted to the post the same way many others would have some are more straight to the point others may use big worlds to come across less offensive. Forgive me if I seam out of line in saying something I call a spade a spade not harm intended.

Tania Admin

In all fairness the original post that has been removed warranted the response IMO
A new poster asking why young Asian girls don't know how to please men or along those lines
I would have reacted in a similar manner or delete the thread before approving it
In general here runs very smoothly and people are very accepting of each other and welcoming.
At the time I felt Bepp reacted to the post the same way many others would have some are more straight to the point others may use big worlds to come across less offensive. Forgive me if I seam out of line in saying something I call a spade a spade not harm intended.
The original post has not been removed, other post was closed. Nothing warrants that kind of behaviour on the Forum.There is no justification. That is what the report prompt is for, if people don't like something then they can Report it. Also we all know of Bepps love of the newbies.
Anyway today is a new day. Onwards and upwards :)

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Thank you Tania please delete my account I have sent a pm requesting this and have a wonderful day :)


Another World Member
Legend Member
dont u dare leave us Miss M
n thank you for being on my side in thus matter
T. love the newbies ....OH YEAH.....with all the newbies that have joined how many have gone on to say sumthin worthwile ohter than saying "hello I'm here for a good time where r the best AMP's"......reckon if u do an audit .it'll b ZILCH NADA...ZERO unless a phantom profile is generated as it can b n you know that as well as everyone else
I'm sposed to b a Legend here n yet I get shitcanned just for having an opinion , compared to a "NEWBIE" WITH 4 posts
no wonder you've lost a lot of good members in the past .n ic ur not careful u'll lose a lot more .n u'll b left wth the "NEWBIES "SAying nothing more than hi hi hi di ho
I see nothing wrong with my response to the thread by a person? who has only just mayb wet his/its teeth in the world
I will continue to greet the Newbies as I see fit ...and if it means im discouraged again W T F.
By the way its not a cute avatar and YOU know it u've only dun that to give me the shitz
I rest my BUM er case
have a wonderful day

Tania Admin

dont u dare leave us Miss M
n thank you for being on my side in thus matter
T. love the newbies ....OH YEAH.....with all the newbies that have joined how many have gone on to say sumthin worthwile ohter than saying "hello I'm here for a good time where r the best AMP's"......reckon if u do an audit .it'll b ZILCH NADA...ZERO unless a phantom profile is generated as it can b n you know that as well as everyone else
I'm sposed to b a Legend here n yet I get shitcanned just for having an opinion , compared to a "NEWBIE" WITH 4 posts
no wonder you've lost a lot of good members in the past .n ic ur not careful u'll lose a lot more .n u'll b left wth the "NEWBIES "SAying nothing more than hi hi hi di ho
I see nothing wrong with my response to the thread by a person? who has only just mayb wet his/its teeth in the world
I will continue to greet the Newbies as I see fit ...and if it means im discouraged again W T F.
By the way its not a cute avatar and YOU know it u've only dun that to give me the shitz
I rest my BUM er case
have a wonderful day
Come on Bepp, calling someone a paedophile is not on. If you thought something wrong with the post you could hit REPORT. That's what it's there for.
I was a newbie once. We all were.
You were discouraged by Mary-Anne's decision. Not mine. But be nicer to the newbies, otherwise they won't stay.
It's that simple.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- You Lot,
everyone take a beep breath and relax.
Miss Monique and Tania, very good valid points, now breath.
Bepp, "Play Nice"
There nothing worse than a "grumpy Old Pirate", so you lot..............."chill-out"

Tania Admin

I have no understanding as to why she is upset, nor why Bepp had to "stick"up for Miss Monique. There was no attack "as such". My reply to her post was purely based on Bepp's behaviour and an explanation.
The newbie was only 34,,hardly an old man, and he was looking for young asian girls. He didn't say he wanted underage. I refer to our ladies, all as the girls, even the one's in their 50's. I believe Jason2721's post wasn't dark in anyway and was misconstrued and twisted.
I enjoy reading Miss Monique's posts and replies and believe that my reply was taken out of context.

So with that, Bepp (you are a pain at times but we love you and your character) please restrain yourself from name calling and Miss Monique I along with many others are glad you have chosen to stay :) You are a highly valued member on our Forum :)

Have an awesome day everyone,,,and I mean everyone :)
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