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How would you communicate you aren't satisfied sexually?

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
Because this is one moment when you should not keep your thoughts to yourself.


share your thoughts?


Gold Member
About not having enough sex or feeling unsatisfied with their current sex lives is a very common relationship complaint, and one that is typically voiced many times in one form or another (some subtle, some more overt). When the other partner makes only minor and short-lived efforts or, more commonly, responds with excuses, dismissiveness, or minimizing, it can cause a real emotional wound, because of the nature and frequency of the rejection it causes. Every night going to bed and nothing happens will feel like a stinging rejection, one that impacts mood and self-esteem, as well as other aspects of emotional health.


Gold Member
It's a tricky one because if you share your thoughts and your partner does not understand where you're coming from they can pass you off as horny and selfish. If you crack the code I will be all ears.


Legend Member
It's a tricky one because if you share your thoughts and your partner does not understand where you're coming from they can pass you off as horny and selfish. If you crack the code I will be all ears.

Therein lies my problem ... I'm horny ... and, I'm selfish ! 🤩


Legend Member
Broach your partner with things like i want to try this or that. Lead them to do what you want without making them feel like they are failing.

Your partner wants to pleasure you so let them know how. If it all fails than talk to them directly.


Well. Here my case. My wife hasn't ever been great at sex. However I stayed with her 8 years because her personality was great, kind and caring. Now. Since 16month ago, we have had a baby and in the delivery process she torn some ligaments in her pelvic floor... so... she's now with chronical hip pain. her other times bubbly personality has become bitter and resentful. Even getting to blaming me for her pain (due pregnacy). Intimacy virtually not existing anymore. She hardly talks to me other than to ask for stuff and sex is a mere memory. After 18 months of seeing things going downhill with no perspective of improvement i am seriously thinking to divorce. She has voiced out of anger that she may be better of alone but the Truth is that I support 90% of the house and part of her own expenses. I have not left the place because of my child which is pretty much the only and biggest happiness of my life. But I am not willing to put up with her shit any longer. I paid councellig which she cancelled because she's alrigth and i am the one that needs it (because I had a episode of clinical depression some 9 years ago). Although I understand that clearly her phisical pain is taking a heavy toll on her i dont think Is healthy to continue like this. Any thoughts?
feel for you mate big time but jesus thats prob something you should talk about to a professional not on here n im goin through a psych for depression meself go the pro help it takes time but helps best wish to you


Legend Member
Hey there Bigdy ... have you figured out how (or whether) you might manage a trial separation, and if so, have you discussed with your wife the possibility of a trial separation ?

Counselling would be a good idea and if you can't convince the wife to partake, then go see your GP and arrange a GP Mental Health Care Plan for yourself, which should produce for you ten subsidised (perhaps free) treatment / advice sessions with a psychologist.

Quite separate to any sexual issues is your wife's physical wellbeing ... is there anything that can be done to manage her hip pain, or is it to be a permanent condition ? ... I would suggest she needs some form of ongoing medical pain management, at the very least. If you can tone down the pain and anger aspects, maybe you'll have a better chance at communication.

Good luck ... divorce is an ugly thing ... recovery often takes some lengthy time, and for sure it is life changing ... but, it's not all bad when you come out the other side !


Well. Here my case. My wife hasn't ever been great at sex. However I stayed with her 8 years because her personality was great, kind and caring. Now. Since 16month ago, we have had a baby and in the delivery process she torn some ligaments in her pelvic floor... so... she's now with chronical hip pain. her other times bubbly personality has become bitter and resentful. Even getting to blaming me for her pain (due pregnacy). Intimacy virtually not existing anymore. She hardly talks to me other than to ask for stuff and sex is a mere memory. After 18 months of seeing things going downhill with no perspective of improvement i am seriously thinking to divorce. She has voiced out of anger that she may be better of alone but the Truth is that I support 90% of the house and part of her own expenses. I have not left the place because of my child which is pretty much the only and biggest happiness of my life. But I am not willing to put up with her shit any longer. I paid councellig which she cancelled because she's alrigth and i am the one that needs it (because I had a episode of clinical depression some 9 years ago). Although I understand that clearly her phisical pain is taking a heavy toll on her i dont think Is healthy to continue like this. Any thoughts?

Yes. Hide your assets now! Then wait 2 years.
Man you will be sucked dry at family court. Spousal support, child support and 60% of all you own to her. House, furniture, money in bank, shares and your super all put into one pot and get 60% of it.
Hide it now. Suck it up for two years then go for the divorce. Take out any liquidity in your mortgage too. And hide that.
I kid u not. Family court hates dad's.


Gold Member
feel for you mate big time but jesus thats prob something you should talk about to a professional not on here n im goin through a psych for depression meself go the pro help it takes time but helps best wish to you
I second that, both you and your wife have a real problem. Sounds like help on a number of fronts required


Yes. Hide your assets now! Then wait 2 years.
Man you will be sucked dry at family court. Spousal support, child support and 60% of all you own to her. House, furniture, money in bank, shares and your super all put into one pot and get 60% of it.
Hide it now. Suck it up for two years then go for the divorce. Take out any liquidity in your mortgage too. And hide that.
I kid u not. Family court hates dad's.
that's only half the story, say good bye to your kids too


Gold Member
This is a great question, and one that, unfortunately, can happen in even the best of relationships and marriages. “Bad sex” or feeling “sexually unfulfilled” does NOT mean a “bad marriage or relationship”. People go through ruts, they have issues, they have changing and evolving desires, etc., and when you’re dealing with two people, sometimes these changing desires don’t always match up or mesh.